SPORT SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail Impressive sta for D-1l rookie Alexwider makes immediate impact with Syracuse Orange By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Quentin Hilîsman knew he'd recruited a "special Qplayer" in Kayla Alexander, but figured it might take a while for the rest of the NCAAs Big East Conférence to realize that as weii. So much for that notion. As much an opponent 10 be concemned about now as a player to watch for in the future, Sracuse Universitts blue-cbip freshman centre is paying immediate divi- dends - and is a key reason wby the Rochester, New York-based Orange is off to its best start (9-0) in more than 30 years and just recentiy cracked the USA Today/ESPN Top 25. Counîing il points and four rebounds toward Sunday's 56-42 victory over Dartmîouth, Alexander has double-digits in six of nine games and - despite not having a distinct size and strengtb advantagc over ber average rival like she did in bigh sehool- remains a consistent rebounding force. "We expected Kayla to be a special player here. But shes been doing it since day one and thats the surpris- ing thing," Hilisman told the Clhampion late Iast weck. 0f course the six-fooî-four-inch cagers track record strongly suggcstcd shc'd become an impact player in tbe NCAA sooner or later Along with being part of the National Flite Development Academy in Hamilton and lcading Milton District to the Halton AA titie last faîl, Alexander already bas a fair amount oft intcrnational experience under ber beit - most reccntly as a two- way standout for Team Canada at this past suinnmers FIBA U19 World Cbampionsbips in Tbailand. Tbat kind of elite-level competition, shes con- vinced, bas beiped pave tbe way for a smootb transition to university bail. "The international experience I've bad over tbe past couple of years bas definitely been great preparat ion esee NCAA on page A21 PHOTO COURTFSY OF SYRACUSE UNIVERS17Y ATHLE-TIC OCMIviNIt ATIONý HOLDING COURT: Syracuse Orange freshrnarî Kayld Alexarnder (40) competes against Presbyerian College. AE novices workj overtime for titIe, Wînterhawks clinch tournment championship in 5th round of OT J usi one word cornes to mind wben it cornes to recent cbarnpionsbip appearances by the additional entry' novice Winterhawks. Wow! Determined to exorcise the demons of a sixtb-round overtime loss at last months EnergizerI Fait Face-Off Tournament in Flamborough, Milton carne out on the more epic efliitinter last XX id. hn a Stoney Crcek Ace Bailey NMemorial rourtwlment run that scas equal pa'rts. drarnate and dominant. the \\VintcrIiaXvks eclipscd the host jr. \\varriors 4-3 in the fîfth round of sudden death. Justin I ozer provicded the beroics, rnctting bis tourth of the .%-ecncid alter takting a great pass froint ,iait Anderson wheIin the teamns, wcrc dlow n to tî%o Skatcrs ýapiece. Also scoring i the thrilltng finale XXere tout- namecnt standout .\drian ( hanneli - \\11ho lin- i,,hed xsth six goals - antdlien MIarshall nid (avtn Sniowl. w ho had three each on the w eek-- end. J oshl( \as rock soid beî the lt.tattpionshIilt to Cap an eNa. ecptiotlt toto ut 11Itunt111n[in \\ hicIlh he alloxscd jus t fi\eCgoalnin as ttu gaintes luenI othe IXX o othet goals agati ut it ciaillein an initial Clash XX tith Stonex reek that Nhitilon îtl2-1i tanlss to goals bS-ttov\ and Randaîl Sanîtusý, Ille \\*initerlilaX\ ks kckdoff the weekend aXilhla1-I1 \ic tr\oser \\ elland and Xent on t(t Iilast I ort IUre 1'l-0 and cismnantle\\ecland 1i- (1ti a lopsided seitînal. Besîides a hlat-ic k1w ( hannell in îth eis Mtltîtn's production wsas cjuite halattecd iin S-'totues (teck. XX th alIa.lîs sscoring at ieast onle. -Wt «-;I t fel n. (Z, g& ý ï 14 e Golf Balis Umbrellas Balil Retrievers Divot tbols Animal Tees Putting cups Gloves NHL Golf Caps headcovers Towels Hats and much more m«O afflui ls«§.. Unit 74kis. voloton 5,7-teci4t Golf OTrjkrM&&ý FOOTjOY 905m8748m Ila Il Rb,> et -- a