BREAKFAST TELE VISION "6LIVE99 Troy's @ Best Western Milton Inn Oeui 161 Chisholm Drive Milton DECEIMBER 22-6am-9amn Corne and meet Jenniter Valentyne & have your picture taken with: Walter Gretzky "anada's Most Famous Hockey Dad" STORE HOURS: "Wrestling Legend"Tiger Jeet Singh Mna-hrdy..... a r Tiger Ail Sîngh "Former WWE Superstar" Stra .... ..... ..1a p "The Big Guy Himself"'Santa ClausSaudylm6m U + ~~No better way to start your day! lSSAG Bring a New Unwrapped Toy * Brighten a ChiId's Christmas No chld should ,wake up sad on Chrstnas morfflng..e have an opportunilty to make sure that doesn't happen forne 1