centfe Educator The Oakvilie Parent-Chiid Centre has an excellent opporfunify for a part time feacher working with chitdren ages newborn bo 5 years. Requirements: *ECE dipiooma, registered with OECE *Minimum of 5 years posf-graduate exp. *Training/experience with speciat needs is preferred *Commencing Jan 2010 Forward resume by Tuesday December sfta.o 461 North Service Rd W, Unit 17 Oakville, ON LM MV Email: info@op-cc.ca Fax: 905 849-6377 L OnYtlhose cansidered wl/Ibe contacted' Monkeynastix is Growing! INSTRUCTORS Required fcr unique children's movement education program. Educafion or fitness back- ground an asset. Ftexible hours required inctuding evenings & weekends. Vehicle required. Positions in Oakville, Burlington, Georgetown and Milton. Must be available for training December 15-20. Email resume f0: canada@monke~nastix.ca www.monkeynastix.ca Te hiuVIdIe TOW TRUCK OPERATOR Experience Mandatory Hamilton/Waterdown Area Cali 905-689-23866 After hours cail 905-961-2014 email: ,wcfhrd@gmail.com HOME RENOVATIONS- Tiiiraluminaior, laminate fiauro, appiarce hookurs, paintng, piumbre, ktchen and balhroom renovaions. caît 905-703-6781, 647-2695605. FRENCH TUTOR, mature, fiendia, sersitive, MA, for begiorer, intermediate and arguage pracice suderits of ait ages. Coul Joei 41667127 CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grev Power cooid aae vou on to $400 or voar car iri s ur arnc e . C ail t-_8664739817 for roob- igaton axole. apen week- ends Rea tons GRANITE, MOST stardard ktcheros, $2150.Proies- siorai installation wth free under mooot sinik. Lmted ime offer. 905-4123300. www.agranitoworid.com 1l i jj mow -il- drippy faucets? 58wa - homes? fences? or __ &M.0nfews.ca Jordy, Heafher (Woodley) and big brother Ty are thriied fo anneunce the safe arrivai et Cole Jordan Macp herson weighing 8ibs. 9cz. Bob & rancie Woodiey, Bob & Maryane Cormack and Bob and Lyn Macpherson are fhe preud grandparente. Cale arrived at 4:35 p.m. on Seplember lest, 2009 af MDH wîfh help tram Nuree Cernie and Dr Nadcarni. Many thanke la Dr. Cvetîc and ail ber staff for ail their cure betore Cles arrivai. Stag & Doe Stag and Doe -J "4 Mouissa Robert and Scott Neelands Saturday November 28, 2009 at the Milton Sports Center, 605 Santa Maria BIvd. Milton, frorn 8PM ta 1 AM. Food, Fun Prizes. $10.00 at the door. Corne loin the fun. Eýngagement 1Obituaries VObituaries [ Births ELI JACOB DOUGLAS Lorrette and Pefe Shermet are happy te an- nounce the arrivai of their f irst grandchiid,' Eli born te their daughter Nadia and son-in-Iaw Adam on Sunday November 22nd 2009 at 3:14 pm. weighîng in at 8 Ibs. t oz. at Trlllîum Hospi-« tai. Firsf time Great Grandmofher Mary Sher- met and Aunfie Diana are ecstatic. Thanking the Lord our Saviour for this litle miracle. IDeug and Cheryl igour of Reckweed I are thrilied te anneunce The Milton Canadian Champion t he engagementf heir chiîdren would like to express sincere and j Kristen and Shane heart-felt condolences to those [ Cangratulations who have Iost their Ioved ones. BROOKES, Peter le his 62nd year, peacetuiiy at the Milton District Hospital on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 with his famiy ai his side. Son cf the late Harry and Ruth Brookes. Beioved husband and beetftriend cf Carol. Loving tather et David (Lee-Ann). Peter miii be missed by hie grandeen Nathan. Dear brother cf Terri Bures (Ron). Peter wii be missed by his dear triends and tamiy. Famiiy and friende are invifed te vieil ai the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNER- AL HOME, 114 Main St. Milaon 905-878-4452 tram 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm an Frîday. The fanerai service will he fîeld in the fanerai home chapel on Saturday Novýmrbpr 28 2009 dt il:0O am. ln lieu ut flawers, memerial donations te the Canadian Liver Feun- dation or the Hearf and Stroke Foun- dation would he appreciated. Letters et condeleece may be lefi for the tami- y at wwwmckersîe-kocher.ca MCLURE, Malcolm 1922-2009 On Nevember 25th at the Milton District Hospital. Devoted husband ef Lois McLure and her famiiy Lînda & David Hîrsl, J a ck Ha gg e r tay & son Christepher & Donnie Haggerfay (de- ceased) Father et Mary Paterson & her tamiiy in Scafiand partner Bebby, granddaughters Lynn Dicksen & Maxîne Paterson )deceased). greaf grandchidree Lynette and hushand James Scuilion, Robert and mite Jane Sutherland and Amy Paterson. Great Grand Chidren Caiium, Luke & Rebbie Sculiion & Sophie Sutherland. Father et Elizabeth (eee MoLure) Mcaii le Australia & graeddaughters Jacqueline Starpeli & husband Nick, Jane Gaiiomay & husband Breet (deceased). Great Grand oilidren Alexander & Olîvia Starpeli & Leli Gaiieway. Father et Alexis (nee McLure) le Scarharaugh & husband David Marchetti, great grand chiidren Alysa Marchetti & Carrigan Natalie, Father et Lesiey (eee McLure> et Bolton and hushand Brant Waddeli, graeddaughters Alisen, Laura & Sheiby Waddeil. Thanke te ail the staff ai the Milton Cemplex Care Unit fer the mondertul care Malcolm received. Private fanerai and cremation ta take place in Boton As a/ways Beaner JuIy2V Rosa Kowal !5, 1933 -November 30, 1999 ln Ioving mernory John, Liz, Lisa, Katharine and Emma commnehïnu Obituaries Winners of The John Milton IODE Raffle Ticket #182E Vicky Mallon- Midhurst Ticket #212 Bev McEachern - Milton Ticket #1 08o Margaret Clough - Milton Z HALSTEAD, Neal Ernest Jane 1, 1929 - November 24, 2009. Peacetuliy at Gueiph Generai Hospi- tai. Beloved husband ot Joan Wingrove). Dear tather et Karen Chris Bell) and Henry (Valorie) Haistead. Brother et Mary Beattie. The tamiiy wiii receive visîters at the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME. 21 James Street, Milton (905) 878-2669 en Thursday trom 2- 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. A tunerai service miii take place on Friday Nevember 27, 2009 at il :0O a.m tram the tunerai home chapel. n S i e u oet flow e rs deon a ti ons teo St.Jeseph's Hospitaline Guelph, The Lung Association or the War Amps meuid he greatiy apprecîated. Cendo- lences and donations enlîne at ww. earyt une ral home. cem JSCOTTEARLY Cards of Thanks Thank yeu very mach te everyene whe genereusiy donated their tîme. efforts and meney/ prîzes te thé tundraîser tor the memeriai bench for Dave McCCIay. Chasers Bar M&Ms Meat Shep Gorrud's Auto Moftats The Nude Buddha Wîngenback Manheîm Tarante and Statt Ruftin's Pet Center Troys Dîner TO Canada Trust 810 Main St. E I? kia.s greiillb apfeciâeu Thar7ýs again tthe S(eecey aund McC/ay /amlies Betty. Diana and Murray Reyce wauid lîke te thank their famiiy, trîends. neighheurs and business ceileagues fer their support, tiemers, cards. e-mails. gifts and ether cendaiences n memory et Craig ROYCe et Hernby, wheo passed away on Nevember 11 ,2009. Sîncere appreciatien aise te Reverend Dr. Margaret Murray et St. Stephen s Church, the St. Stephens Ladies Cuid and McKersîe-Kecher Funeral Home tor their support and assistance. In Memoriam Bernadette Serafini Aprif 13, 1938 - Ilecember 1, 2003 Six Years have camne and gene. And agaîn 1 wander i can go on. But wth the breakîng et each duwn, Once more i want lo be etreng. Then in the brîghtl ighi ef day AIl my double and teuro seem fa fade away. il es then that i hope and pray thaf the geed Lard Wii brîng us back tegether came fine day. Saturday November 281fr 10:00 am - 4:00 prnr at our SHOWROOM localed ut 11998 WINSTON CHIURCHILL BOULEVARD 2kms nerth ot Maytîeld Road/River Drve Georgetown New Ready te Fnieh Handcrahted Furnîture Gueen miesion bed. dreesere, nîght table, wardrabee, armoire, deor cheet. blanket boxee, cerner cabinets, china cabinet, harveet tables. dry sînk, deeke, deacon benche hall tree. hall throne, fiai panel cemponeet etands, ceftee and end tablee, sofa tables, baakcasee. jelly cabinets, plant stands, îam cupheard, qulif racke, magazine racke, magazine table, and and mach much mare, B ring a truck take il wîth yeui Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers wtith a noce for bargains head straîghf for the Classitieds. le the Classîfieds, you can track dern deals on everyfhing tram cars te canine cempanions. Ite easy te place an ad or tind the items you mant, and its used by hundrede et area sheppers every day. Fînd a great deal, use the Classîfieds today. C LA S S1 Fi ED S 905-878-2341 Special Event Ii-Habitat for Humanlty, ReStr,)re l LIGHTING SALE SHOP & SAVE 250cl until Dec. 4th only Halton Restore 1800 Appleby Une, Burlingion 905-637-4446, Ext. 229 habitathalton.ca Upcoming Event CHEMICAL ENTRY LEVEL Oakvilie based Chemical distribution company has an enfry levei new producf/ supplier developmenf lob available. Leoking for a presentabie, brighf, personabie, crganîzed, honesf individual wifh common sense and desire te buifd a career but start aI the beginning. Job requires soiid computer skilis. Biingualism is an assef. Priorify given te individuals wîfh Univ. Degree le Commerce, Business or Science. Emails only f0: jen2@camhrianchem.com Rick and Mary Mitchell ef Campbeliviiie toarether raith m