High school completion pushed back 1By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Haltons public sehool board has pushed back the planned opening of its new public high school in Milton until sometime in 2011. "We havent ascertained a date in 2011 yet," said the Halton District School Board Milton Trustee Donna Danielli. She said the opening could be in January or September of 2011, depending on how construction is progressing. The board had previ- ously hoped to open the school hy September, 2010. Duc to the dclay. students and programs currenuly accommodatcd at E.C. Drury High School will con- tinuceu ostay open until the c fC hîgh ',t hoon )p1' In May, thc Tow~n ou' Mitonis couincil approvcd rczoniing of a 1i-7 acre sitc ai the south-wc-st corner of Fourth Linc and Louis St. Lurcnt Avenue, in what is callcd thc l0cný,cs ncighbourhood, to allouw fovr thc high school. A widening ut the twý,o-lanc Louis5 St. Laurent isn't planncd to coincidc with the opening of the school, A traffic impact study recceeved bx' planning staff concluded thc road- way could handie the extra tralfic generated by the school, though future improvements are expcctcd to include traffic lights ai Loues St. baurent and Fuurth Linc and ptvssi- bly Louis St. baurent and Ferguson Drive. .Danielli said the design of the school includes a zone for drivcrs to drop off or pick up passcngcrs. She said she couldn't prcdict if parcnts would ignore the zone in favour of simply stopping on Louis St. baurent, a situation that bas hap- pened in front of the Catholic school board's Bishop Reding Higfo School on Main Street East, accord- ing to Town staff. While boundaries for the new high school haven't yet been dctcr- mined, Danielli said she cxpccts many of the students will walk Eu school as they would bc incligiblc for busing due Eu living within four km of the school. She didn't have statisticil immediatel>' availablc lu state what percentage of students ineligible for husing walk, to school rather than bcing driven by parents. Tien 'Fi ue tc) ibe ecatlicd al Tour valud csàomet We apologize for flYe date& MNvember 6 - Nlovmber 12 Produt HP 173 Pavillon Laptop (OV7-2278ca) Please note thaO the incorrect oodoct description wao afached tv this poduct advertioed on page 21 of file Novemben 6 ftyer. Thisllapop DOES MOT have a Blu'nay drive, an Previausly adventioed.SKU: 10132170 MILTON KIA Answers the Followinq Question: How can I drive a K N NW KMA for only $99/MONTH?1 To get the answer fo this question please cail or visit the Sales Team at Pi ina MILTON KIA 905-878-7700, 65 Ontario St. North, Milton! GENERAL SALES MANAGER oJP1 CaiorUNT r 5yrCIlOOO k CI S O MP EH NSVE& OW RTk ROASIE ASITAN E. [h INTEGRITY -JSteeles Ave 65 Untarin St. NJorth Ma n StJUST NORTH d 0 F THE KIA MG!ORS MieMrsail MILTON MAIL The Power to surprseW -Certai rebtritions pbly. Sb prbm financ pStgrorb isboir appicable$99 payent baed 011hollet nd terI belnee 610 1emoOACV amoMtAS SKIIASt M Spze aVPbt~ & Pt Att pnb n~ e r o ts Payint tt tfn ane ppovlM ayrqung o wiO a ASnt 0tSAeC tSt tStus lbMlton afrnhete dt. M K .I1S n Ya