COMMUN\ITY TFoster voIun < More families needed 0 for dog guide program By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF With a one-month-old who wouldnt sleep through the night, Milton residents Lynda and Ignatio Aguero developed a system famdîiar to many new parents. "My husband and 1 took turns getîing up in the night, Lynda said. But it wasnt easy, especiallv wben one of Sthem was travelling. "Wben lin alone. is like heinig a single parenit.- sh -aiL[ .Even now, sx-month-old Saumson requires constant attention, altbougb Lsnda's thankful she can at Ieast get a good nighk sle1ep. Nobody ever said taking care of a dlog would bc easy - particiilarlv the bouse training part. Its like having kids," sbe said, laugbing. The Agueros are foster parents vw itb the Lions Foundation of Canadas Dog Guides program. Puppies spend their irst vear wviib a foster farnily' to learn basic irainrnig andI socialization wbile tbey grow,. At the end of ibat ie, tues o.L giveni bac k to the Lions F-oundaton arnd tiîderg r rigor- ous training - tbe pa)2ss rate îs about î75 pur cent - to becoine cornpanfiomus for ptoplc svho are blînd, deal. bhase inedlical or ph\lis oai disabilities, have seizures anid. miositets bave autism. Up until reeently, the Agueros bad twvo foster puppies - Samson, wbo's a s ellow Iab. and a half-lab, baif-golden retriever nained Waylen, wbose time witb tbe AgueriosA as uip a few weeks ago. He was returnied to tbe Lions Foundation ai just over a vear old. "(Samson) misses bis buddy" Li vuda said. Before Samson and Waylcn, tbe Agueros had Nemo, wbo was plaeed with a man ii îî vision loss. As foster parents, the Agueros bave been iteers n e REWARDING RELATIONSHIP: Fotier pruqrari r rnery)iuers LyncraatiNi(cho AguIerO enjoy Urne witr qu!de ciogs intraining WVaylen dleft) andi Samson raking Saisoir - ai.\and cri o Irirl 1L, bati brin 1- tisiabout eess îi is-< heriiiii udtiri dii lererit lîlat es and jjLjrua itri W\lit'i il 1CNgor tria uis te. <r dot -,aoc-rî ['11(-\ itsgo to a lte-tIiautatît or 1 le bia,,,t ilve lîke lie wottld il lie w asrin sesr 1,- Ivida satd. Sbe arîd lgnatio also attenid îuîp\ lase wvitli Satisor abotiotice a tiontb anid eat b littri the bttstc s sucli as lioss Io ssu and sts. Dog iood andl set bills arc cosered. 1 lie (!Xkvile-based lorgatiizatio i s alssays seekiîîg iess soluinters for its l'ostt-r putppy prrgrrrn, as s l as tetuporary hotmies wbere itie ptilipies cari stay if, for exaîîîîle, îlîeir [otsir parents are gting avvas ' or itie weekeîîd anîd catit take îbeîîî altîng. rire .\îrrsri sl'lit 1 irrDg I rrrri tri \0bicli kois, aget Iil r r12 aie rmarc'liedc l)rg itids(arracLu Thlesecltrgs arit ttlit-Cd i oIliet c btld atîd îratied tir sorirclls plant tlier-nsels'es if tict c bild tl aiterîtstir hoit - ont- oil tht safcty c r rrC ri-ls toi aut îsîrc kîis Il \\a'erislirit uittabl[ie lîAgrcros ss iii blas t-' srcralc k ai p- iaittsatliotig lit. Petrîîlt- t lirkiliig abttitoitsc-ririg aiti(lg shlil itrst coirrstci il tleltsirast'the it' t ut' I lies bhas-e tri it-able- to tlediic aiea ignitf- icaltiperitîtof tri ine- ont- star - tir train- îrng and raisiîîg ibe drîg,-sue saici. I lit-s ai-rrlbase ro hc- able tri sas griridîs i nicd Iia s ls - arîc tuais tue liarde-ot \M litn\ i 1t- is e rlîeîcili. seehs i OUtIt- cs <<ti tri aissas slike cLat oi t knoss if Sca1i (tIotis agatrt, îtît 1 aissas s do. n tirendcuti swttliit. kîîrîssingth les 'se t(fotie trrictlitig tri lielIpiiak'e srîîîîeoîîe ese's ife easier. Andt ieres rîrîîliîîg etier ibati tht aiiec- to tit fi a ittrrs'iricl. i l' irr oi-a s cxr. lis'ea pis tri hase aioctrici" Ls ricla saitl. Fortrirarrapllicationi ici lecdîtie a [tîster iatîiitls cali 1-800-768- 3030 or visit S//irlh(ir' I-Iriinsel/ Ulfl be ICdt/Wr/ tiI st/h-r csscn ita' ht/a/i,'r,/,or(i sep-Asins i nrstred br: Canadian Md>= need is Lvi Show Dates & Mours: Admission at the Door Over 180 unique retailers, fabulous features and celebritg presentations that are ail sure to put Wou in the holidaý spirit! Save $. thestahornm rý