2009 GHHYSLER Sel 1eathpr ti i o iýv , warranty 24,000 kms. StUeP3837 - Mu 'l i7,99514S12: 2M09CHRYSL!fl Sebring Lather trim m rer , Bnentf 181, annr cy4 pOmn nrdr locis, 23,000 ens. 2M0 DODO! Dakota Quad ato f i Factory Warrunty 3,7L, 4-1 brinq 200 DODO! Avenger SXT Berlaj 30 Stk# P3W3 i uuuum Charger race infinIs, air . peinr windows B or edal ,m ý ceof Factory nt,. i lics. 3850 E L Ril 1 1a 2009 DODGE Cltmrqêr StMP3880 ý tti ï 2009 CHRYSLER PT Cruîser &YI, auto, air candftionîng, "1 ý m paower Windows& nocks, 27,000 ks Stlc#P3891 2005 DODO! Gran ý,,aùan .edo entry Bal o f fuctorywrait 2009 CHRYSLER %o-h I baance of Otk # 3 9 0 i O P d' 9511h123 , ltBBEfm »008 CHRYSL!R Pacifica Sport FWD 3.8L V6, auto, alum inieels, p.fronrt seat, Batanrce ot factory' warraoty. Stk#P3709 ilbm àbvîrs i iu 16w1 en 4800ks a.or rucbory inarrarilsi 2007 DODO! Caliber SXT 2006 CHRYSLER 300 2006 CNRYSL!R 300 whleels, fog lamps, but Aideair pinplaum wwo sAuto, ar itpalum wheeik o tor o a ,blof fay nmanyk st y lro lumps. bul ot actary nmy'ttP312wa low ks.Lo lce Auto ai, pw pl alu 2"1 "Sth#p'3815 i WSEÇCUSTOMERS OEAD THEFNE PRiNT Pevard odels ae ricepus STPSTadm tem&lice e P3837,P3038P398 P3880,P3891 P388dandP3900a itc2 eil':% e- ý2 DODO! Magnum SXTr 2004 CHRYSLER Sebring Powner driver seat,4I a fao lumps,412tomatic. air sunsceen lassConditioning, power Sa<#38s~~ >"windows & Ioces. Balance 'of Powertrain P I l E ! . ~ , 9 9 1 1 0 7 E E I C Y S R L L Y S A F BF lE o i f 0 r S 1 a1- J7l MH PICEt ,4 n ' LOW KMISIIIltil Idetails sAdi 1'1 fAi "IRSE BIANIS OF Tict 'TEH 41FBEE*!II aup to and including 17" tires: stoppini fstance 1 d contrai and response SDeeper treads channel away snow, slush antiwater for optimal traction. 0 Cgears ont bentamni tat can he o aiu te th efein enures «1mtha t D is elatwlIs q q net freeze oir Iese ls lntefrity mMBf*B nunolng shape 0.lmprovw fuel Mile p*ROStores lest Power and *pMRIvns break dewflms n i * nuspro pe war0 tre FO - lest longer *Reduced Wear and tsar on Isteerlng sud suspension Icomponents 1 a Improved fuel mileage d tntil' Nov 30/091 1 * iI & filter change 1 Tire rotation Inspection Of cooling systum 5 li suad fluid levels, hrakes, suspension and battery test- 15 . 9 U ILeatnBt tdm, powenr tariront, Power drver teat 40000 kmo. S*MIP7g6 m -W a JL U Ir ýl- mmomm Ir ,ras h 1 Mals t Pavmêntý Arp h',