Completing swim particularly rewarding for Hutt from MISSION on p.-iqe 3 >one that buoye liher c ontfidfence. zAter ail, this trne last y'ear thc idea of -swimming necarly two-and-a-half miles was way out of reach, even [or somecone witb Sexceptionat conditioning. -1" feit if I could just get out of the water 1 2could do this (coonptete lronman), so when 1 Sfinished the swim it feit great." M While it wasn't entirely smooth sailing z rom that point on, Hutt overcame some mi- Stial stomacb cramps to complete the 112- Smite bike in an even seven hours and then finished the 26.2-mile (marathon) run in just over ive hours. Her overaîl time of 14.-06.01 iÔP I .îlîoong tr D nsoIn ici e\\ oirieri- 5 bo-39 y'e.r-oldi age group. Spending the lasi îhree of the run in pitch dark ssas soinoe\hat concerning, but wiîh enougb lefi bn the proverbial tank and loads of ime before the 1 7-hour cut-off, Hu simply kepi a conservatîve pace and closed oust the grueling day' on a raîher 511 ong noIe. "The sseatber was fine buî il was quite flai and windy, much dilferent ihan the c ondi- lions l'ci irarncd cnder arountlbee expliined Iluît. "In a race ibis long there's going torbc siretches that s uci ldavAul, but you ive jf.ust gol 0(0 usit hrougl t heiandl keep goîng. Il wasn'titt01e .as iotgh'i IR CSTMER T here are sa many reasons ta switch to SATSFATIO TD Canada Trust. You can switcb for branches that are open eariier, open later, and open longer. You can switch for convenient brancb tocations-over 1, 100 of them. You can switch ta the bank that's been ranked Highest in Customer Satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates among the Big Five Retail Banks.' You can also switch to a bank that has Small Business Banking Specialists ta give you the advice you need. And right now, you can switch for up ta $250 cash-just a little heip f rom TD Canada Trust. It ail adds up ta one thing: getting your banking going in the right direction. Visit a branch, or cail 1-800-281-6562 today. ECanada Trust Banking cao be thîs comfortable ittthan uiIt iIng l'i d to cfore.- Seveial v cars on îte dventUrc Racing cir- Ci bave îaughi ber bow lu stay' mentally sharp ihrougli sucb lengthy races, and a fair- ly strict ref'ueling scbeduîe kept ber energy at an optimum level. "You ean realfy lose track of lime in a race like this so 1 bad my vvatcb set go off every 20 need to keep powering up Also part of thne retent Ironmian loricla was [fellow Miltonian John Bannoek, \vbo cfocked in at an impressive 10:35.04. That placed bim 299th out of more than 2,300 finishers and lSoh among 187 compesi- tors in bis mens 50-to-54-year-old age divi- Macdonald Iighting it up in IHI Il's certainîx been a niernorable faîl for ( îaig Macdlonaldl. [or the second uie in jusî ihrec weeks tihe 27 s'ear-eold Milton forwar libas been naîncd layer of the \\eek n ibe Inn artionmal Hockey I cague (1111 ), earning bis I îîtsî nodtlMondas. I clîng Ille swas f r thtic p )scasimd MMIXId Fl II I Pi 1" Bloomîington PrarieThunder, the six-foot. 200-pounder amassed nine points osci a hectic obree-gamies-iin-thre days weekend - bighlighting Ibis sîretch with Iwtî goals and it\î assists in a 5-2 \vin oser QuadCiî SatUorday fi(e suts îed for second in league sctmring sst rb ime goals and Il assists in 1 3 gaines. SIGN IN THURSDAY, NOV 19TH 5-8 P.M. ONLY OIIy I Io*7 y£7f ci,îr iccy OCYy£7 guicwd5 e rsoferae - e Reu- are s area 11 Plusbrnn-our Sis 44;dSnowbord rCRBT10-6MBRTUE SPEtcIA wlay 1-5 m M li 1 - 41 M WUNTRlà ci " Brake Service " Steering & Suspension " MOT Safety Inspection " Computer Diagnostics " Tires " Air Conditioning Service 0 Auto Electric and Charging Systems *General Repairs DRIVE _!Lte Air WUNe lUNE PS*SE~PRVul~ ICE: Coodiioos opply. See us for Meails. Offer ends Dcembor 31, 2009 bot moy le chooîed, extended or withdrowo at ony ime witlrout notice. 'ID (cod Troot receoed lire higheol oumerîcol score omoog lthe big fioe reloil books inlire proprietory I.D. Powor ood Asoocioteo 2006 - 2009 Cooadien Reoil Bookiog Coolomer Sotifocion Slodym. 2009 oledy baoed os 12,555 total reposer meooorîeg S5irooks. Proprietory olrîdy resolts ore bosed oo eeperieoceo ood perceptiono of cooromers orveyed in Morch - Iooî 2009. Yor eoperieîce o miveory. Viil Customers. Switch your chequing account to TD Canada Trust and experience the comfort of up to $250 cash.1 WINTR'ýTIÏNË US IS PC IIV]\IÏ.q rý HIGHEST gagNa mi Mal Afft6