"Historic Christmas Feast at Halton Région Museum Sat. -~tury fashion at a meniorablc event this Christinases past beci with gravy, butter roastcd îurkey with '> Saturday. "The miuseum's historie location, the stulling, sweeî wîne Victorian syllabub and z The third annual Historic Christmas authentie menu and the lîx'elv entertainmient more. Plumn pudding flambe will complete «R Feast wilI be held at Haiton Region Museum, mnake for a very special evening to renmm the dinner, which xiii he served -family' QrIocated inside Kelso Conservation Area. ber," said Regional Chair Gary' (arr. style"i the cozy 1iclarth Roomi. SCatered by Allisons Gourmet Catering, The festivities \viII run [romn 6 to 11i p.mn., Guestx wviII bc entertained throughout the zthe evening wiiI offer a modemn take on tra- beginning with scotch tasting bv the lire- mecal with a traditional Saturday' night 0 ditional cuisine from the 1800s, as well as plaeei the Loft Room, loliIowed byi an elab- C eilidh performed by' Celtie muîsic group MINISTRY 0F TRANSPORTATION ONTARIO (MTO) 0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND GLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) STUDY HIGHWAY 401 IMPROVEMENTS (G.W.R. 8-00-00) SFrom 1.0 km west of Hespeler Road easterly ta the Wellington CountyI NOTICEHalton Region boundary, 25.8 km T NOTICEYOF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE S The Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) has retained McCormick Rankin Corporation (MRC) ta conduct a Preliminary Design H'nd Class Environmental Assessment (Clasa EA) Study 10 îidenhty capacity, geometric and operational improvements along the-EJ Region of Waterloo and the County of Wellington, as ahown in the Key Plan. The study will identify operational and capacity needs U C evaluate alternatives and recommend a plan 10 address the short. medium and tong-term needs of fhe Highway 401 corridorU T R O icuigthe addition o new tantes, rehabîlitation/replacemnent o structuresan interchange improvementsA section of h WlE S approved Environmental Assessment for Hghway 6, Freelton ta Guelphtailis within the limnits of this study. THE PROCESS The study as following the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilites (2000) process for a Group 'B' proiect. Externat agency and public consultation is taking place throughout the aI udy. including two rounds of Public Information Centres (PICs). The firat round of PICs has been arranged té provide the public and interest groupa an opportunity to review the study proceas, the study need and justification, the alternatives for the addition of new lanes and interchange improvements. The PICs will be informai drop-in centres and representatives trom MTO and their consultant will be in attendance to answer questions and receive commenta. You are encouraged 10 attend one of the PICs and bo provide us with your views and commenta so they can be considered as the study progresses. Dsplay material presented et the tiraI round of PICs witl be posted on the proect website <www.highway4Ol-hespeier-haiton.ca) ahter the PICs. The PICs will be held as folows: PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1 Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Date: Thuraday, December 3, 2009 Time: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Ttme: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Location: Speed River Community Hall (Knighta of Columbus) Location: Puaiinch Community Centre 333 Speedaville Road, Cambridge, Ontarlo 29 Brock Road South, Aberfoyle, Ontario A second round of PICs, planned for later in the study, will present the detailed analysis / evaluation of the alternatives. and the identification of the preferred improvement plan. Notices providing the time and location 0f the second round of PICs will be posted on the proect website (www.highway4Ol.heapeîer-haiton.ca), published in local newspapers and sent ta persons on the proect mailing liaI. Upon completion of the study, a Transportation Environmfintal Study Report (TESR) will be prepared and made available for public review. Notices witl be posted and published at that ime to explain the review proceas and identify the locations where the TESR is availabte for the 30-day public review period. COMMENTS To obtain additional information, provide commenta or 10 be placed on the mailing liat, please contact: Mr. Jim Doweil, P. Eng. Conaultant Project Manager McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Miasiaaauga, ON LSK 2P8 Tel.: 905-823-8500 Toli-free: 1-877-562-7947 Fax: 905-823-8503 E-mail: jdowell@mrc.ca Mr. Dan Leake, P. Eng. Senior Projedlt Engineer Ministry of Tranaportation, West Region Planning & Design Section 659 Exeter Road, 3'd Floor London, ON N6E 1 L3 Tel.: 519-873-4592 Tol-free.: 1-800-265-6072 Fax: 519-873-4600 E-mail: Daniel.Leake@ontaro.ca Mr. Greg Moore, B.E.S. Environmental Planner Ecoplana Limited 2655 Northi Sheridan Way, Suite 280 Misiaaauga, ON L5K 2P8 Tel.: 905-823-4988 Tol-fre.: 1-877-562-7947 Fax: 905-82-2669 E-mail: gmoore@ecoplana.com At any time during the study, intereated persona can contact the Ministrys consultant regarding outatanding issues. Information will be coltected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personat information, ait commenta wilt become part of the public record. 'fiait usa t www.hîghway4Ol -hespeler-halton.ca IiL 1Ui. 0 1. iThe event is being held by' the [laiton Museum Foundation, which raises l-unds to support capital projeets at the museum. Tickets cost $11 5 eacb and must bc pur- chased in advance by calling (905) 875- 2200, ext. 21. Tax receipts will be îssued. For more informiation, ww.halton .ca/in useum. \. isit FNANCE tý :oM B TERSCOM Canada's #1 Lease Take Over Marketplace is also Canada's #1 Private Vehicle Exchange \\ hî n more prix ateix oWi d and lea.sed xehk les are bought. sold and o>r blesditan throuigh any other xvcbsite ii Canada. BUYING?. ..SELLING? ..LEASING? ..FINANCING? ..PAYING CASH? . Getth&g la? No mmter how you prer to pay for your na tcaa flnd it qukcUy and eaily Fi"4 kOit 0"«To4ay -GettiagOut? No matter ho.w y ou originally paid for your current car, seil it quickly and eaily G«'& Fre Evelgadoui OVR .,00. ILS T Chageisalay s. i ostat Ontario