NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING (Under Section 17 of the Planning Act) Proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 38 (ROPA 38) "An Amendment to Incorporate the Results of Sustainable Halton and a Comprehensive Review of the Regional Official Plan" Applicant: Halton Region The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton, through its Planning and Public Works Committee, has scheduled a Statutory Public Meeting on the Halton Regional Official Plan Review. This Statutory Public Meeting will be held to provide the public with an opportunity to make representations to the Planning and Public Works Committee with respect to the proposed amendments to the Halton Regional Official Plan, 2006, as set out in proposed ROPA 38, pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act. Date: Time: Location: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Those wishing to address the Planning and Public Works Committee at this December Statutory Public Meeting must register with the Regional Clerk's office at 905-825- 6000, ext. 7200, before 4:30 p.m., on the day before the meeting in order to be listed as a delegation at the meeting. Or, they may register with the Clerk prior to the meeting. Purpose and Effect: Proposed ROPA 38 would incorporate the results of the Sustainable Halton process and a comprehensive review of the current Halton Regional Official Plan. It is also intended to meet the statutory requirements of the five-year review of the Plan under Section 26 of the Planning Act. The implications of the proposed ROPA 38 are region-wide. Following consideration by the Planning and Public Works Committee on December 2, 2009, a recommendation for the adoption of ROPA 38 will be presented ta Regional Council on December 16, 2009. For More Information on Proposed ROPA 38: For questions regarding the Statutory Public Meeting or proposed ROPA 38, contact Perry Vagnini, Senior Planner at 905-825-6000, ext. 7987, or toll free at 1-866-442-5866 or by email to To submit comments, send them in writing to Perry Vagnini, Senior Planner, Legislative & Planning Services, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1. All information may be viewed at the Office of the Regional Clerk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by contacting Perry Vagnini, or by visiting the website Note: If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to The Regional Municipality of Halton before the proposed ROPA 38 is adopted by Regional Council, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding ROPA 38 to the Ontario Municipal Board. If a person or public body does not make submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to The Regional Municipality of Halton before the proposed ROPA 38 is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board, after ROPA 38 is approved by the Province of Ontario, unless in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed ROPA 38, you must make a written request to the Regional Clerk at Halton Region, 1151 Brorte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1. Dated at the Town of Oakville, November 13, 2009 Susan Lathan, Regional Clerk The Regional Municipality of Halton Demolition of Part of Rear of Busseil House, 7420 Ninth Une, which is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. In accordance with Part IV, S. 34 (2) (c.) of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.0. 1990 Chapter 0.18, it is hereby confirmed that on October 26, 2009 the Council of the Town of Milton approved the following works to a property designated under Part IV, S.29 of this Act: The demolition of a partially collapsed stable, rear apartment and side porch and the carrying out of masonry repairs and repointing at 7420. Ninth Line, Milton (Lot 13. Con 9, N.S. Trafalgar Township) subject to the following conditions: • The repointing and repairs shall only use reclaimed brick and stone from the demolished parts of the dwelling. • The mortar used in the proposed repairs shall comply with the specifications hereby approved. For further information please contact: Ms. Anne Fisher, PlannerTown of Milton 150 Mary Street, Milton, Ontario, L9T 6Z5 Telephone: 905-878-7252, ext. 2565 • E-mail: Main Street Reconstruction / Realignment - Bronte Street Westerly 0.8 km Class Environmental Assessment Study Bronte Street Improvements - Main Street to Steeles Avenue Class Environmental Notice of Public Information Centre #1 The Town of Milton is carrving out two Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Studies: Main Street Reconstruction / Realignment fron Bronte Street westerly approximately 0.8 km. and Bronte Street Improvements between Main Street and Steeles Avenue, The two Class EA Studies are being undertaken in accordance with Schedule C' of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. which is approved under the Ontario Environmiental Assessment Act. The study areas are shown on the key plan. Main Street Reconstruction / Realignment - Bronte Street Westerly 0.8 km Main Street between Bronte Street and Tremaine Road is an existing two-lane roadway with a grade separated crossing with the CN rail west of Bronte Street. Lands south of Main Street. west of the CN rail are part of the Town of Milton Sherwood Assessment Study Survey community. and are mainly designated for residential uses. The proposed realgnment and reconstruction of Main Street are to support future growth in the community. Bronte Street Improvements - Main Street to Steeles Avenue Bronte Street between Main Street and Steeles Avenue is an existing two-lane roadway with an at- grade crossing with CP rail, as well as a crossing of the Sixteen Mile Creek. The Class EA Study evaluates the need and feasibility for roadway improvements (e.g. widening from two to four lanes) and the need and teasibility for a grade separation at Bronte Street/ CP rail crossing. A key component of the studies is consultation with interested stakeholders (public and regulatory agencies) at Public Information Centres. The first Public Information Centre (PIC #1) has been arranged for: Date: Time: Location: Thursday, December 3, 2009 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Drop-in Centre) Hugh Foster Hall - Town of Milton Located on the south side of the Town Hall building at 141 King Street The purpose of PIC #1 is to review and obtain public input on the problem being addressed, background information, and the alternative solutions being considered for both Class EA Studies: in addition, preliminary design alternatives will be presented for the Main Street Class EA. If you cannot attend and would like to provide comments. please forward them to the Town of Milton or the Consultant Project Manager at the addresses below. For further information on either of these studies, or if you wish to be put on the study mailing lists, please contact: Mr. Alan D'Souza, P.Eng. Coordinator, Infrastructure. Town of Milton 150 Mary Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 6Z5 Phone: 905-878-7252 ext. 2510 Fax: 905-876-5029 e-mail: Mr. Martin Scott, P.Eng. Project Manager, McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way, Mississauga, Ontario LSK 2P8 Phone: 905-823-8500 Fax: 905-823-8503 e-mail: STtJDYAREA I j It', STUD)YA.REA 1