Lower costs esti mated for projects efromn HALTON on page 5 report added. However, the architec- tural consultant has estimated the centralized services facility could require the construction of a 110l,OO-square-foot building with 200 parking spaccs on nine acres of land. The total cost, flot including land, could be close to $35 million, the consultant estimated, with the first phase of construction estimated at close to $11 million. The capital budget forecast for 2011 and 2012 currently includes $875 million for the first phase. The projects had already received the initial go ahead by the board last year when it endorsed a strategic plan to handle the police services facilities requirements for the mcli- uni and long terni However, rough estimates donc in bouse for that report had pegged lower costs for the projeets. The consultant's estimates reviewed by the board last week revised upward the overall price tag for the projeets. Prior to approvinmg the recoin- mendations, board member and Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr asked staff to keep the Region aware of the capital plans so that the extra costs could be incorporated into a new development charges bylaw the Region wants to put in place in a couple years. "That way welIl end up with the facilities we need and it (the costs) will be apportioned to the people who should pay for it - the new growth," said Carr. The service plans to review the estimates and recommendations provided by the architectural con- sultant, Paul Lavergne, director of corporate services for Halton Regional Police, said in a recent e- mail. He said any revisions to the capital projects would be included in the 2011 budget. Tim Foran can be reachied a( tforan@amiltoncanadianchampion.com. .MIS A AY MISS/A, ALo New nvetor arivin daily frsh!and ick-â ràd i )iV~ flC V~C~ ~i nrn l I0.ct s lut-el- 4 cylînder, auto, air, pw, pdl, tilt, cd, balance of factory warranty. - si 1~ __ $3000 Mgr-TT IN<A $3000 DOurxN DOWNW $ Q9 B-WE YtcmIs+ ~WITH DOWN PAYMENT OR EQUAL TRADE IN$9 Q T '~ 16,8881 $ 99 BI W E nYn2XENS7£ VALUE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. - D1VYI EIXJ4 84 moNHs+TAXE 2007 DODGE 2009 CHRYSLER 2009 DODGE 2009 EEP WRNGIIER 2007 HONDA DAKOTA SEBRING TOURING AVENGER SXT UN4MDSAARA4DR4X4 CIVC4R V6 uoAr ~ ,P LP , Uttirate liurl< V6, auto, air, pn pdi tiltcrise, Economoicai Luoury, 4 cyi auto, air, po pdl, tilt, fard top, V6.auto, airtoi ,pdi, ilftcroira crd, Gai rayer, 4 cyl, auto, air, pw, Poil, tilt, V6 st,#Ar242203 LPM, CD, aiioyr Leattrer, moonroof, Bai of factory CD, aloyr bai of factory carrarrty aiioyrbalane of factoey car'atrty. itlteyfliO cd, balance of factory warranty $15888 $1688$5,888y S 3000 $500003,500 $00 DOWN $8_8. DOWN DOWN iý4 DM$ DOWN~ $9 9* wiM +S 4 OM +W8 $ 8 5U 2008 DOD E RM 1, 2008 DODGE 2006 DO E DURANGO 2004 DOD 2004 KRA One A « HM NITRO $XT4X4 StTHEMI44SX2.0SPOR RIO R5 0ýeowne, nota r.a, S 7 , at ip Rooroy SUV, V6, auto, air, pw pdl, tilt, 8 Pas VS, Auto, Air, PW, PDL, lilt, Croire,ah JIi ir. Afdbean p e, tlorCD, c .hrm els, toooeaoa ic cr, 4 cylB I coeati t e, r onn boar , bai" ol îactoty crire, CD, aloys, fog ights, bal of factory CD, Aitoys, RonofRackr, Pog Lghtr, Batance of Wat e -ît deonomai l a to, àà" o r, itr un or ds alo a5Otory pdarcnt. ie 0 ntmiOa, rcyl, auto 200 DODGEUtiI CU4IIiL One owner, flot a rentai, sold and terviced here. 4 Cyl, auto, air, pw, pdl, tilt, cd, balance of factory warranty. Sik#591606 $~2000 DOWN ~88 BI-VEEY84 oNTHs +TAWE r2009 M RONDO EX I conomicai 4 cy1, Auto, Air, PW, POt, Tilt, Cruite, CD, Alioys, Fog Lighto H eated Seat, Balance of Faciory Warranty, 7888 t TAXS $4949 t+TE leéhic les Ernlsszofl 4/i lehicles Teèsted/P--as.sed *Certified 81 ONTARIO STREET NORTH, MILTON Mainst 65 ONTARIO STREET NORTH, MILTON 1-888-2477001 MLTON MALL 958870 tCs rce plus admin fee and applicable taxes. 574% variable finance rate is available for 2004 lv 2009 models. AI payme nts sfluwn require PST & GST due ai sîgning wi down paymeni as shswn. Terms vary based as year of vehicIe. Misimum amousi iisance is $12500. OAC. Ofier valid on date uf publicalisn nîy Vs iMilios Chrysier urMilion Kia fo detailu. Correction The arttcle 'Stopping tn front of sehool could be halted by council' in the November 13 edi- tion of the Champion contained an error. The Halton Catholie District Sehool Board is interested in a traffie signal at the intersection of Main Street East and the west- ern entrance to Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool. The Champion apologizes for this errôr. Fil s