Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2009, p. 6

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OPIN\ION z :Hands off when z r ojyou're drving It's now illegal for Ontario drivers ta talk, text, type, dial or e-mail using a hand-held electronic device or cell- ,phone while driving. ÎAnd whtle drivers will likely get a warning instead of a ticket for the first three months, this law is long over- due. We've ahl seen the driver who's an accident just wait- ing ta happen. You know the one - the driver busilv punching away at the keys on bis Biackberry while peri- Sodically glancing at the road ahead. Or the one who sits at a stoplight sa engrossed in a phone conversation she doesn't notice - or care - that the light has turned green. Bad drivers corne in aIl ages and bath genders but the recent advancements iin îechnology have aîlowed bad drivers ta become worse drivers. Driving requires skill and an awareness ai what's going on around you. Losing focus, even for a split second, can have disastrous consequences. Transport Canada says that drivers who use ccli- phones are four times as likely ta be in a crash and that driver distraction is a factor in 20 per cent of ail acci- dents. An Ontario Medical Association report on celîphone use whiie driving aiso found that the use of a celiphone while driving leads ta dangerous changes in drivers' behaviaur including: " Change in average driving speed " Slower brake react ion time " Slower response times ta traffic light changes " Reduced visual manitoring of mirrors and instru- ments, with some drivers abandoning them entirely The new "distracted driver" law may prove difficuht for officers ta enforce - much the samne way seatbelt leg- isiation was when it was brought in decades ago - but it's definitely a step toward getting drivers ta pay more attention ta what they're doing. A potential $500 fine has a way of doing that. MAKING TRACKS: Wve aPologize. The wvrong reader identification appeaired wîith this photo last Friday Hi i hii, i u rq 'uei / 1 I ' r r duri Bt- rg, Lriia your community newvspaper on your next vacation and seno your 'ChamTpion Tracks' pho- tos ta editorial@mitoncanadiancfianion.com, Be sure to include destination information and everyone's names Reaqders Wr ite E-mail letters t (lcrdnlttalctancarjfoîirnLaoes hc a t't*t Wd, must mnclude the wrr r s nane, adclr(erýý and I orienu111lx r Line jumping at Hi Ni1clinics shamneful DEAR EDITOR: way blamne the children for the parents' I [mnd it absolutely inluriating and ways. I hope those indi-viduals w~ho put saddening ait the same tine that somne îhernsclvcs hefore the truly dcser<'ing residents would stoop to lying abott an't slecp ait night. their status ta jump the uine ait the -le ail of those who choose te lolloew HI1 NI1 clinics. the directives s'ilthc Ministrv of Hecalth Ive heard people openly bragging - noe natter how wý,orried or anxious about the fact that they feigned a high- they were - thank N'ou for doing the risk situation and got the shot belo)re rightt hîng. the general public. What's worse, thev To those whe choose to take the took their chiîdren along and mnade casy- and immoral way and fine jurnp, themn accomplices. shamne on vou. What a lesson to teach your chil- LESLIE DENBY dren. They should be ashamed. 1 in no MILTON lZbe (Canan Cb E~ampion M iron's commun ty Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industnial Dr. Mitton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.mittoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Debbi Koppejan Editor in Chief J-1. Dïvis Managing Editor Karen Miceil Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pareo The Canadian Champion, published eveiy Wednesday and Fnay, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Advenising is accepteli on thie condition that inlthe nitenit of a typograical errol. tat portion nifline advetis- riig space orcupieli by the erroneous item, logether wit a 'easmaitte alowance for srgnature, will not be cirarged or. bat the balance oi the adoernrsement wii Se pard for ai tire appi cable rate.Thre publirsier reserves the rrght to otegore adoertisements or decirne CCAB Audited Rirrirs i r . bri y-i oc a Ontario Communiiy &O M Newspapers Association C C A Canadran Communilir ' j Newspapers Association M 6 Suburitan Newspapeos mmi......oniAmerîca Upfront I ttm Ure recognize aur towns outstartding coaches They're the first ones at the rink -or gym, or field - and the ast ones ta leave. They devote much of their spare time ta, teýching our children. the value of sports- manship, teamwork and giving it their ail - not ta mention helping them improve their sMils. SAnd they ask for nothing in retumn. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't offer some- thing back for al aur coaches do. Now's your chance. lt's time once again ta honour outstanding coaches - for which Milton has its fair share - thraugh the annual Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards program. The awards don't necessarîly reflect the accomplishments of a coach in any one sea- san, but rather are designed ta recognize his or her contributions over a signif- icant stretch in the spart. In other words, a coach's win-loss record ( or championship haul isn't nearly as important as the influence made among a team or program's players. There are four categories a coach can be nominated mn, including: Recreationah/Grass Roots, Devehapmental, School Spart and High Performance. Patential award recipients must have a minimum af three years of coaching experience i Ontario. b Nominations can came [rom bath players and parents and must be in (along with any supporting letters of reference or news articles) by Friday, Dec. 15 at 4 p.m. Nomination farms and ail other information about the awards can be found at ww'w.caachesontario.ca or by calling Keeley MacLean at (416) 426-7139. Pic k just about any sport phayed locally and there's bound I~i ta be at least one or two individ- uals who've been a camnerstane for, devek>p- ment. It's time ta recognize that with more than just a thank you. tJ oucrod elats forur.t' Haton Health an li7 -ONE Jigle Bell Fond MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE UNITED4WA 0F MILTON kbý.)AA AiTHENA T Awards GALA The Milto Canadien1 The Oakoîiie. tMiton Chamrpioo s aReiryci te Pt 000c

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