Stopping in front of school could be halted by counil By Tim Foran complaints about the practice. CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The staff report cited the problem as the secondary school's parking lot being fuit, but Bishop Reding parents wiil no longer be a spokesperson for the Haiton Catholic abe tostop on Main Street to pick up or drop District School Board said Wednesday dtha 011 thir1[kiUs at scnool il town council ratifies a recommendation to post no-stopping signs. Councils community services committee endorsed the prohibition, wbich wouid extend on botb sides of Main'- between Thompson and Maple Avenue/Sinclair Boulevard, at its meeting Monday night. Parking is already probibited in that stretch of road, but stopping is aliowed to pick up or drop off passengers. However, Town staff said they observed in October many people stopping outside the schooi during the times schooi begins and ends. "This creates increased congestion, whicb restricts emergency services, and a situation that is frustrating to commuting motorists," a staff report stated, noting the engineering services department had receîvcd numiernus "I think its a convenience thing (for par- ents)," said Giacomo Corbaclo, superintend- ent of facility management for the board. While the schooi does provide a drop-off zone on schooi property, "once you're in there, you're there for a bit," said Corbacio. "Ifs not a drive-in, drive out (place)." Wbiie not specificaily related to cars stop- ping on Main, Corbacio said the scbooi board intends to pursue the possibility of the Town putting in stop iights at the intersec- tion of Main and Sinclair/Harris. Tbe Town rejected that suggestion about five years ago but allowed that traffic might increase in the future to warrant the signais. The issue wii go to council Novembcr 23. Tînî F<),dflcati b' ,<u h'ed afur~niù Branch ibrary to open next week The wait is over. ments froîn dignitaries at 5 and contin- Milton Public Librarys new Beaty ue with speeches and a rbbon cutting at Branch, 945 Fourth Line, wiil open its doors 5:30 p.m. Tours of the branch and rcfresh- to the public on Tuesday at 10 a.m. ments wiii foiiow and continue until 8 p.m. A grand opening wiii take place Monday, For more information, vîsit Nov 30. The ceremony wiii begin writh com- w, THE WINNERS Or OUP PA.OWEEN 'BriT COSTUME CONTVST ppA *0SO1VALVAW! qvOPGIPWO"tvtv ARE... mybovonalacocmeu 905-875-1 700 1245 Steeles Avenue (Corner of James Snow Pkwy. & Steeles Ave.)