reen DeIRidge introduces Canada's greenest- residential condominium Z S Its a revolutionary building, the first Sever of its kind in Canada and perhaps Eeven in the world - a building with zero Scarbon emissions. Appropriately dubbed SGreenLife, this Iatest in a series of innova- '~tive projeets from Del Ridge Homes is the brainchild of Dave de Sylva and George Le c Donne, owners of Del Ridge Homes Inc. ro GreenLife may not be Del Ridge's first Seco-friendly building but ifs certainl>' a 0 breakthrough wben it cornes tb sustain- '~ability and saving money for its residetts, 9 Del Ridge's previons eco-friendly building ~initiative, Appleby Wtoods in Burlington, XXX tonirt teti XXili b the' stnic of ith(, Lttcstini taig ,i ig li 'Il(ttg> iii ititit ing technofogy' anti building matetiafs as weil as Ontarios largest priX'ateiv owned solar arra>' for a resîdential building. Del Ridge bas now been inspired to go even furtber wîth its evolutionary new project GreenLife. -Wben we designed Appieby Woods, we wanted to create tbe nmosi energy efficient building on the market so we developed our own proprietar>' green building programn - Enerbuild 7000" says George Le Donne. "Now with GreenLife in Milton w've eXen exceecled our Fnerbuild 7000 standards wîth a tic\,, Lnerhuild 7000e prograin." Greent ife will clelîXer zero carbon emnis- sions tbrough energy saXitg measures, encergy' conservation techniques and energy' producing mecasuires such as grouind source hecating and cooling, grîcl tiecfcetrct froin iXrnd turbines, ancl grid tiedc lctric - itX' froi itiif'solar art aXs 1ITc onstruction tiechniology, Einropeani split lighting s\,stiî and solar parking lot ighiting. hi' greetn enc-'tgX c one streati XX iii itîI 't-C builditng.-adticd Davc e dc' iXIaý (irccni-luc will hc a six stoircy huil- ing aXii pproxiiately 1 60 cînits startng [rom S1i89.900 for a 1 hedroom plus tIen and cnit sizcs go rip to I1350 squiare foot a 3 betirooni scîite. [evn the' location was c hoseti Xývitb susîainahility nmeasures in minci. Thle site, locatecltin coXntoXvn Milton, is wtthin waiking distance of al GreenLîfe wtll be a six storey building with approximately 160 units starting from $189,900. aîncntics. shopping antdtranspo rtation.i Ecntransportation forttim itt'rsX I t,îkt'îiitc i vil',t 11XI i t h t" il titi ' I ltic ( ii' I iXX li i I \",I 4AboitDelcîRidge' I hutte Bldinfig tiitîiiiniittc's (ili tiistiiititit bv folloXving tht't iiîtnparahiXhig sçtui - dards set hb' the t timpianl\ « prinipafs. Its, a simplt' phiiosoplux lbut îîîc'dit bas restiltcl ini the c rcatitîntif sotic of tht' niosi suiccessf'ul ccunnunittes the Greater Torontto Arca, tnt uding ones in Bramrptton, \iississauga, hitrnhill, Milton antd Narkhanu tii naine but a few \\haî i1i,111X sets Del Ritige Homecs apart us the u, i oitlt i It t i tiiiti\Itt quii" totivs tic\\ homet'mrtkct. Tanks to their Xaý ,lrcservtiir (if hoinebuîltlng knoXX ledgc antid prt'tc Del Ritdge hias gauncd grcat itisiglit tiXer tht' Xcars ant I aX c providetl Ilotji ts X at thc ptlblit Xants, but what the planet nceeds. I xceeding costomnet c\pt't tatotîs turne andiutie again. F-or morte information pleasecContact. Rive de Sviva, (905) 47Q-5448. OnIy 6 HOMES REMAIN in this Award Winning Pilvate Communfty >50' Executive Bungalows >Minutes from the 401 Gep FINISIED.. Ladscaed ZSALES CENTRE >FINISHIED... Putting Green e<*,~ > RNISIIED... Parkette and Walking TrailsI29 >Incredible Standard Finishes MON-llI: 1-7PM 1 WE» &N D YS .S 11 -PM 1 F I: BY APPOINUIR«.,&A Fro R39,0 1-7-1622 -edwoaeroI Il I II * irjILIA jj5 ........V..F