Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2009, p. 39

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Date1" 0 from DATELINE on page B6 and younger, meets at the Ontario Eariy Years Centre, 410 Bronte St., [rom 1:30 to 3:30 pin. Cali (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds bil- liards [roma 9 arn. to 9 p.m., Qi Gong drop-in [rom 9:30 to 10:30 arn., Downsizers Weight Loss Club [rom 10 to Il arn., Scrabble [rom 1 to 3 p.m., cribbage [rom I te 3 p.m., bingo [rom 1:30 te 4 p.m. and table tennis [rom 2:30 te 4 p.m.. Each activity costs $2 [or members and $4 [or non-members. Evening bid eucbre runs [romn 7:30 te 10 pin. for $2.50. Cati (905) 875-1681. Wednesday Nov. 18 Milton Meals on \\'hels holds lts Wheels te Meil lunch program for seniors at 11:30 arn. ai thc apart- mnrt hnliîin at S0 011al io "I al (905) 878-6699. Milton District Hospital lholds a prenatal breastfeeding class ait thc hospitai [romn 7 te 9 p.ni. fer expec- tant mnothers and their partrners. The cost is $45 per niother and guest. Cati lactation consultant jill Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one breastfeeding clinic with a certi[ied lactation consultant [rom noon te 4 p.m. at the hospital. To make an appointment, cati jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth drep-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), is open [rom 3 te 5:45 p.mn. [or situ- dents in Grade 6 up te 18 years old. Visit www.thedeckmilton.com. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., helds bil- liards [rom 9 a.m. te 9 p.m., con- tract bridge [rom 9:15 te 11: 30 a. m. and Mexicain train dominoes [rom i te 4 p.m. Each activity cests $2 [et members and $4 [or non-members. The Weeil Lunch Counter is aIse held, Ifeaturing a bot mneal [or $7. Sign up at the receptien desk or eall the centre at (905) 875-1681. The Heart and Stroke Feundation holds its 'Healthy Heam, Healthy You' presientation. [romn 7 te 9 p.m. (ail the centre te sign up. And drop-in volieyball is hcld ait the Milton Leisure Centre on Main Street fromn 1:30 te 2:30 p.m. ['or $3.50. Cail (905) 878-7946. The Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour invites local women te join the greup, wich mecets [romn 9):30 te Il arn. at Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St. (one block south o[ Stecies A-venue). The spic- cial [cature is 'Miniature Gingerbreacl Houses' by Lynn Tempest and the guest speaker is Mariene Dunning. For in[ormation and transportation, caîl Aima at (905) 878-6345. Ontario Energy Board Commission de l'énergie de l'Ontario EB-2009-0204 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND WRITTEN HEARING FOR AN ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION RATE CHANGE Milton Hydro Distribution Ino. The Ontario Energy Board (the 'Boarl: received an application on Octr 0cr 23. 20dO' under section 78 cf ftne CnaIn Eneraý Board Act. '998, SO lîO )98 1 O_ý nef l, B>, seeking approva for changes ta thc rates thal Mitai. lr Distrouutio r u Hydirol charges for electricity distribLirun to ne effective Ma,, t, 201 j The BoardI0ýj assigned the aplication flil,- romtcer EB',ý, 02C1 T- E: À> jc , r ,- lhf application mia, nave an effect on --il: f Mltun l',O ci ti~ c, î ,vs- flivO under fine Boar.is g' liene if-O 0 2(, ., - r 9. - i fl r.- i n c a if, r, i i " Milto or. 1cetr ta ifr- tvlisirai j 0 I' h potaet natr c ,W init 1>:c- iýî 7r' c--rd, deli.cery charges ThS Is aS2 .4x: pr: '1l)ý jejcr. rA cîi j- serics customr-er consuming 2,U0O ký. ': % mmmf -of arn l. i ntIhî Jerrari t , foISor loýer mould experience an approxinýats2 derr.. r.c,,r ifJtý ils a S6 70 pecr month decrea s on the, 'oal i How to sell Milton Hydros Application Copies of the application are a,-,aiiabi- tr r nsp-'-rt c' a> le Ba,( s0.~ and on ifs website .'c'rcsoeb.go. oof)ý 'ir MOi' '9.) c' 8 .':4 Netosite ilw 10 Participate in the Rate Proceedino The Board întends te proceed witti tnis r.pei.ific application b, Sîfy of d vr1ten rîIiPrnJ. mnless a Parts satisfîes the Board mhat there is good reasor 1: cr0cead instcad c,ýf tiarI oral hearîng. You rray part icipate in tnîs procesa'r:g it onc f tc, '3, c' itc se! ýý Anse Mana mishes Io foilow the proceeding ilhoul parlicipating c-an rile*' roos aourcects relevant to the proceeding throughi the B: ard's,cessts 1. Send a letter of comment ta the Board You may file a letter with your commentsvc >0 the Board aird Miltorn Hydro. Yoir letter of comment wiii be provded ta the Boari 93: ie dsciding the applicaioa', and mii os part ft the public record, Your letter of commecnt r ici or nc recci.sd no af s: thar December 17, 2009. The Board accepts letter cif comments t-:,1 ei!trer par.> r e-mil il the aOdresss belom. 2. Become an Intervenor You may ask ta, hecome an intervencr if, tic hractivei, part:ia iVn othe procredir> You mrust aisu pruvide a cotcy of yuur et1î:l cf r >srcsritiu: ta Miltan Hydro. Iiitersîii 'ire elîgîie to receive leuiacrice and icther >0 it5rîil sitniicm ts h1 t înýcipant rn [foc li9ariify Likemise, intervenors miii be expected tr seiîd cpies afw ci::v îriai tfcc filer cil c1 arnie The Board: Post: Ontario Energy Board P0. Box 2319 2300 Yonge Street, 27th Ficor TorontoON M4P t E4 Attention: Board Secretary Filinga: mvss.errr.oebgov.on.ca E-miail: Boardsec@oeb.giov.on.ca Tel, t-888-632-.6273 (toit free) Fax: 416-440-7656 ta tie err 1 < c.~,er f' 'r'.r.cjr t3>i nc-r> tc 0$ :tter cf intersoetion t'is a hrère s:-i r 'eEr t re m arDcmber!, 2009 affe ure Ltt tintrcor: jrni ur.vcdirj :>, fi sr represcot iJ iUt. as dbri9t i rf thce rra :nJ ts membcrsr, 1 ln-terrogatories- and Submissions - , .-- :-':r.January 11,2010 (ji7.1 --j "- r l 'i ,-r . s,~i - February1, 2010 .ti ,j r.tcloc-ius i' 3:r 'c rs.' ho February 22, 2010. How to File Documents with the Board tIr P . Bo pj13 'i> > i r rfr ceL C,, cri(ý AddOt onali,. r-s PaDer crc:,..c are rcqrî"e r ,, C 'i Lise,' isý3r ,t n E Bd's ,'.,eisile ioder c fumang r- ie Fi . s'.. '- r.J, ,o, n,- Inrernet acress. are asked >0 submit >rrîr O>rr at l5 r on9 9 a -ED or diskette in PCF format, aiong mvtn r/fa paper ropies <ca nia,, au.c) seno ,cc-r submîssion by post or e-mail Io the addresses belc, In te riondirco tis fNot::ce, clease îl de Board file number EB-2009-0204 un the SLJ,iO:et lune . nf o r. n-fiai ,r i,- ' p cf icuJr document.I i: also important Ihl you proice ýou: icarce p-cstal adoress and telephone number and, if avaîlable an e-mail cddrcr.s anc 1îr. nriober. Ail cri -îc nicatIors shculdo e direeto the attentfon cf the Board Secretar, at tie addresr. baiolv. anc 6e receîved no later than 4.45 p.m. cn tne required date Need Mon' Information? f cs> f " » iîO n u-1i ile a,, n o itaîned os vsiting the Board's reiss a>,c rj.o i. r: i c or , caii: a u a: Crîsuner Relaticns Ceotre at i -87 -62- IMPORTANT IF YOU DO NOT FILE AN OBJECTION TO A WRITTEN HEARING OR DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS NOTICE, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLEO TO FURTHER NOTICE IN THIS PROCEEDING. RESSES The Applicant: Miltoni Hyli c DIStrIhc-tIrIý in cý069 Lawsori E cd Mîllari. ON L_9 5 i.- Attîi. Fr li Las~oVsirC E-rmail - frariklasomýski'r.ciiitonfcyciroco-n Tel. 905-876-4611 Est 227 Fax. 905 8K6-2044 DATED ai Toronfto, Novemher 10, 2009 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD Original Signed By John Pickernel Assistant Board Seceir Ontario

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