Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2009, p. 35

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Elementary school homework program in need of supervisors A powerful resource for local students Who struggle in school is in dire need of aduit supervisors. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Haltons Homework Club operates at two local schools, Our Lady of Victory and J.M. Denyes. It's currently in need of adults to volun- tarily supervise the clubs, wbicb operate once a week during the school year. The Homework Club is an aftcr-scbool academic mentoring program in which boys and girls in Grades 3 to 8 are provided with Boston Pizza holds auction fundraiser Pizza and a worthy cause - a winning combination. Tbis Sunday, Boston Pizza, 1085 Maple A-ve., will hold its first Helping liancis ConIrcnunity Auction to bencfi thc Miclton District Hospital Foundation. From 2 to 5 p.m., the restaurant will be a hub of activity, with a live auction to hclp fund essential medical equcpmcent. Everyone's invited to the event, wbich will include live music, door prizes and more. "We at Boston Pizza Milton have dccidcd to hold this auction to belp make sure the community receives tie best care possible," reads a press release issued by Boston Pizza. one-on-one support in scbool via study men- tors. Study mentors are generally high school students looking for cornmunity service hours. "(The club) is an amazing opporlunlity for both elementary and seconda-y stuidents," said Carol Caverley, former principal at Our Lady of Vîctory School. "lt is wondcrful to sec thcm botb working together. I he elenicnta-v students rcally bcncfit fi-oi this expericuce. Thcy have somicone to talk to and (they) Icei special to bc part of thc club'- Each club is supervised 1w twvo adtults and contains 16 students and 16 study mcntors. Volunteers receive extcnsive training and commit to volunteering tw() bours per wcck for the scbool ycar. For mo-c information, caîl (905) 878-8840 or (905) 33Q-23155 or visit \sWw bbbshal ton. c. 7/ DUCT CLEANING' Our 7ý Package FAM!"P IAL " NMe~i affl AI âqýeV emt~s " f P1er uâîM MISu»&yRe-tnI ert ~ f " ArSaaWMUMmiDctLin Bmçne New $ 1i90 " S;aïbarM MIc Mm âd Lmwf fi PFtM Sartff ne. $M.95 *HaciV, Ec»pMe1 Ire INCLUSES 10 VENT. * lmn J-rJoi, V aft $ .1 .n ___ 1OO%.ugtr*r GRAHAM PAINE / CANAIDIAN CHAMPION NEW DIGS; Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton celebrated the opening of its new office in Milton -at 69 Main St. E. Tuesday. Here (<rom lett) Mayor Gord Krantz, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton executive director Jules Graham-Hooid, board member Blaine Doherty, 'Little Brother' Jake, 'Big Brother' Lee Burr and Halton MPP Ted C hudleigh join in the officiai cake-cutting. The fi Il l .CCI)M qFR -4ou'l- 7 _air Look for our f lyer in today's paper!

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