I *YnOwFs,on&Bddn Festive parade of Iiqhts at Country Herîtage Park ô Country Heritage Park is geiîing ready lu start its engines and [ick on holiday eheer wiîh next weekend.s Heritage Paradle of Lighîs. The park wiil sparkie wiîh festive iighis during thie annual parade, %vhich xil îakc place iomorrxx- anti Sundlay: (aies xiii upc-n ai 5:30 pm 2012 il 4A) Sit'v~ 5 A 2012(1l4A) 3' s"y-s c NC PASSES YM.N -iR DISNEY'S A CHRISTMAS CAROL 3D0 THE FOURTH INO(14A) THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS 14A) THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOAlS (14A) MIHE AF.*SF.ATRSF SI ( MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS [T PG) s WHERE THE WILO THINGS ARE (PG) - PARANORMAL ACTIVIT! f(14A) ~ - - THE BOY IN TRE STRIPES PAJAMAS f(14A) S . ^,Y* --. J 4 i-" c -VF . 5 4, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON (PG) each day: xxith the parade kicking off' ai 6 pin. (Country' Herîlage Park is located ai 8560 Tremaine Rd. More than 30 ilaclors and pieces of vintage tarin mnathinerv ciecorat- cd xxiii] colooirfol lîghts xxiii star their journey ihrough ithe roads of the park's rural hecritage village. "What makes ibis parade speciai is that gciesis c an ,cç the xx hd parade move aite, said Reg Crcssmnan, generai manager of the park. 1i bais arcniade fh\ dedicatud vol- Once again. the parade vviii be ledi b\ [litoil Rcgionai Police, .Milton lue I)clpartimeni andi Si. John Ambulance. f olloxxiing ithe parade, cx rýome 1m sici I li lti111((nbe Saurta andi l r (an iu,%ii bc on hand To i-cccix e bol idas xih ii anti irarior draxxn wxagons xviii take gucsisý for a c ose-up look ai parade fluais and the[mania\-heî Tage bu ild ings, decoraîed for thc season. AcfînIIi'-iuisa xolunitarv Caîsh donation. Pioccuds xxiii go t'o sup- port tie parks Iongoîng educationai GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION SHEDDING THE DREADS: Josev Bggar reacts as sis- ter Mary Jane snips one of his dreadiocks during the Canadîan Cancer Societys community head shave and hair donation at Milton Mail SatUrday. One of many Io donate their haîr to the worthy cause, Bggar raised more than $8000 in pledges to lose hîs trademark dreads. RETAILER& WHOLESALÉE 0F STERLING SILVER JEWELLERY, ANTIQUE JEWELLERY AND BEADS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Najib Jeweilers has been in wholesale since 1985. Besides doing wholesale, for the first lime we have opened our own jeweliery and bead store in Milton for the public. Our exotic jeweliery is handmade, sterling silver with sei preclous stones. Some of the stones we carry are garnet, carnelian, lapis, peaul, malachite, turquoise, amethyst, green amethyst, black onyx, tigers eye, labradorite, ramnbow moonstone, rose quartz, smoky quartz, lemon quartz, ruby, emerald, blue sapphire, ruby zosite, jasper, jade, citrine, mystic topaz, and larimar. We have travelied to India, Thailand, Nepal, Indonesia,Turkey r and Afghanistan to buy these jewellery and beads directly from the jewellers0 who make it, s0 we can offer to the public far better prices than any other jeweliery store in North America. We also carry ail kinds of sterling silver beads, findings, semi precious beads, antique silver jeweliery, beads, tapestry, earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, chains, hoops, studs, cuffs, toe rings and much more! Please, corne see us at our store - cverWcYfe IIUH(/ t l'e ?is~pp~àzîe~91 15 Martin Street, #5 Carniage Square, Downýll twnMln F: 905-75-259 T: 905-875-9992