1 MEM ( URD.J IN REMEMBRANCE: Above, Miltons veterans make their way ta the cenotaph during Remembrance Day services Wednesday morning at Evergreen Cemetery. At lefi, Lorne Scots Army Cadets master warrant officer Aadil Rawash serves as one of the honour guards at the cenotaph. Below, comrades Ray Jornes <Left) and Ray WVaters play 'Last Post' s ou th viYewde ntal Dr. David Johnson Dr. Loukas Papas Providing Dental Care in Milton since 1993 New Patients Welcome 905-876-4701 www.southviewdental.com AUTO EB0DY - (ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. Conp le te collI io n 'reoam am4rndrernsi à 11q servces 15 iisn d., iltn (05)878272 know Toyota kn o hat I want ta I1 No security deposit on 2010 leases. Y*Limited ime fi nance oflers avaîlabie from Toyota Fnancrai Services on approved credo Lceese. registration, PPSA, iesurance. applicable tees ami taxes are eetra, M$RP et a new 2010 Coroila (Model BU426MA> 2010 Matrie (Mortel KOOFEMA), 2010 RAV4 Medel ZF4DVPA) and 2010 Camnry S0/OiS S$372 for a total obligation et $15,2605115,440'$25 092,$25,272ý 112.9%/2.91,.2 9% rlase APR for 48/48/48 months on a new 2010OCoroiia (Model BU42EMAl. 2010 Ma- rrie (Model KU4EEMAI and 2010 Cano iMortel BF36KTA) Wtrer evue apply the $750/$750$500 Customner Incentive mentlnly payment is $149,'$1491$249 witit a $210001$2,7201$3,401 don payment or trade equivaient. and fi rsr monttrly paymnnt due at trace inception lTotal lease oblgatonr s $9.143'$9.972!$15.353 plus nreiger and POC ef $1.320 i$1.320 $1 420J Based onsa macimuni et 96000/96.000/96000 KM$ 0401 ioial KM charge of $ 07S 07 $ 10 for excess kilonnretes if applicable t$750/$750,1$500 Gistonrer Iicentive o9fer oalid un refait deliverp of nom 2010 Combrla MaIrie and Camry, usheri fi iianced leased or purchased from an Ontario Toyota dealeisliip VnOîcle ment Se regîstered and deliuered between Nouernber 1 and Nouerober 30, 2009 '491. ouae APR for 48 mentes en a nrw 2010 9004 (MoOni ZF4DVPA1 Monthy payrnrnnt s $259 wîth a $3 621 dome paynennr or lian equalent, andl fi rtfînnîrhly pay'rnent due al lease iroceptione Total lease obligatien ru $16 053 plus trerget and PliE of $1 490 Based on a maxînimîu oi96.000 KM$ Additîonal KM charge of $10 for enceso klometres if applicable tTheun estîmates are based nise GCeurînreent et Canadas appnnoO oublteia aird testîng methods The actual fuel consomption et these vehicles may vary. Pete t th1e Gomeînntrof Canada publication ErerGiide Fuel Consomption Gurde AIl ngets are resemved, Dealer may sol/lease for los uantitîeso ctn vehicînu ane lîrrrîted and dealer trade nu0 Inn requîred, Dealer trade avuilability pi. may aise bae lmted and wilii aîy ho model OHers ualîd betmeen Nouerober 1 and Nouember 30, 2009 aird une sublecîte change witineel notice Please see yoor partic;patirrg Toyota Dealer for fuit defais 905-875-1 700 1245 Steeles Avenue (Corner of James Snow Pkwy. & Steeles Ave. [MILTON P)TOYOTA]