YïmiiY4K COMEDY SHOW >BUFFET DINNER AND DJ DANCE Saturday, December 5, 2009 -vCKEý 9230 Guelph Lino, CampbeiIviIIe (905) 854-2277 Mufflu un - To help new drivers in having the best possible chance of success on the first try, DriveWise is offering free Preparatory Seminars to DriveWise students and the general public. The seminar is two hours and is offered at absolutely no cost or obligation. First seminars are set to begin as early as this weekend. For more information and to find the DriveWise Centre nearest you, caîl 705-730- 1130 or visit us online at: vwww.drivewisesafety.com "Our number one concem at DriveWise is the needs of our students and other new drivers. We want to help ensure that aspiring new drivers who decide to v'isit the DriveTest Centres are as prepared as possible." - Drive Wise President & CFO. Lesley de Repentigny. ' DRIVE - or for more information: 905-875-0480 www.drivewisemilton.com email: info@dnivewisemilton.com «'/q~~ e Wrk~. YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS LocalWork.ca is more than just a job board. We're the premier source for local job opportunities in Ontarios heartland. We don't just provide job listings, we put you in control of your job search with an array of job search features and tools. On LocalWork.ca you'll find exact match search resuits and be able to search by job type, city and distance from your home. You can also create multiple profiles and upload resumes, set job alert notifications & saved searches and apply to jobs directly from the site. Local Work.ca is operated by Metroland Media Group Ltd. and is supported by over 100 newspapers and websites across Ontario. You could cati us recruîtment experts!