Obituaries 1bituaries R EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONAL NELDED E WEFINDYOURCALCA zo New Division ot NEWLY OPENED z SALES OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE Q ualifiait Candidates must possess: :E OMVIC Licensed 0 Valid Drivers License and Insurancu ,j - Must bave Automotive Sales Experience e Guaranteed Earning Opportunity $50k + O Email resumoe in confidence to: S Z Pieuse no phono catis. Only those * qualifiait wll ho callod for an interview. e 1~ 'a t 'e j' t j' t 1Birth jLove flave, Dean, Gien, & Famlly 1 Forthicoming Marriage-- OMM*Neip Homo CLEANING AVARILDI to GRANITE, MOST standar sudt your eeeds. Cal fo a kitchens, $2150. Proies. free estimate. Some sonal installation wth tree Fri days 7available under mounit snk Lmrnted 905-749-2272 limne elfer 905-412-3300. CLEAN DRIVI1NG Record? Grey Power could suce yu up te $400 on yeur car en- l s-u ran ce .C a 1866-473-981 for no-ob gaton quot Open ue MILTON MILTON House MOVING Content Sale SALE Sat Nov 14 Fri. Nov. 13 8am-2pm 5pm-9pm 72 Ontario Sat. Nov. 14 St. S. am-l2pm Housof Lotîbeuide 14212 Derry ouePine Street) Refrîgerator, Road WashenfDryer, (Derry/407) Bedroom Suite, Everything must go, Ail contents. no reasonable ofter ref sed' I Christmas Bazaar S Sat November l4th - 8am - 2pm H ake, craits & Oei Tables + Penny Auction I St. Stephen's Anglican ChurCh 1480ee Str ees Ave. J (BeteenTraalgr R. &Winston Churchill) E. C. ORY CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Sat November 2lst - 1l11M - 4pm Sun November 22nd - lOaml - 3PM 215 Ontario St. S. Milton OVER 120 VENDONS Admission - $2.00 ($1.00 off with ad) Children Free Wedding Aflniversary Novumber 14th, 1959 - 2009 NORM AND LOIS DREDGE Congratulations on pour 50th Wedding Anniversary comoeunity notices Special Event * Habitat for Humanity LIGHTING SALE SHOP & SAVE 25% until 11ev. 4th only Halton Restore 1800 Appleby Line, Burlington 905-637-4446, Ext. 229 Announcement 1 VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED Support & Housing - Halton A local non-profit agency is suekîng j Voluntuer Board Members. Cai: 905 845 9212 ext# 31 for more details Geni-uts Il5.6 2.444 i PHIa isDec L8 FlGE VAIO F HOME ndcoe, GAREoewaRe, FRuNtUrE, cOCK, MIReOeS, HANe eues, PORcELAIN.WATcHE, lfOlJtHOLIl rrMs Sae t3~0 WATCH FOR OUJR NEW LUNE OF DOLLAR ITEMS AT THIS SALE 12V CORDLiSS STAPLiR s7 on M 140W45 Rvc vCvR $29 NO.W S 4 PC iýUGGAGE SET $200 NOW $55 VIVi11 BINOCULARS $69 NOWi. 22KT G0LO FIGURINES. vOXED $24 NOR 15 MONITER oIC CAR 55 No.w si1 800 TCOUNT6PC SHET ST $119NO $ 120 ? OUNTSHEvTS $150 NOW,$40 DOUBLE 0010E CLOCK $89 -NOQW.$2 EATHER BiLTs $19 O OiOAMMY 3 PCS LARGE $20 tfOW S PAliR SHiiOlAi $89 t40W. DOZIN 00155 $3 49 TOOKWAii $299 NQR $59 Juevo cuno i con $099 QW $4 6001 FOUNTOIN WIuIGAT $199 NQW12 LAP TROW 19 NO 1P0 [Ai PHONES $29 10W S LOASIRJ 9 W IIH HOD$39 4000JQ DT ANTENN $9 NQW M~ swîvAN SHio I4 $39 140W $31 GnOUP ni sEVE PRiNTS $220 N9W.$2A 3URTONSE san LES PHONEt v12 N F08 INiLATABLE SANTA CAilUStL sont N,0W., 3IU 19140 SCOOA5 600Ni $5 NOW I C0i0Lt55 SHAVER $59 IIQW Si LIGOO ROD $01 unon $ t4OIZ AT WALL Miivni $399 tOW S95 vUoio vIîO cvtoî 12F7 4 s-tv - "IfG. DESIGNER tAND BAG $N9 14, ORGANIZER VANIOY Bnv $49 NQW $1t WOL oronis s$79owi DIGITAL KEY CHAIN cAMERA $24 NOW S9 cnORDLss OUSTon $39 NW L i «-on AMIRO, Malcolm Passed away suddenly on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 ut the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital with bis family by bis sîde, following a couru- geous battle wîtb a long term illness. Malcolm Amîro, beloved husband of Sandra. Lovîng father of Beverly and ber husbund Andrew Todd. Prede- ceased by bis parents John and Flor- ence Amîro and bis brother Peter Dale Amîro. Family and frîends are invited to vîsit at the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 3-5 pm and 7-9 pm on Frîday. The funerai service will be held in the funeral home chapel on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 11:00 am. If desîred, memorial dona- tions to the Canadian Liver Foundation would be appreciated. Letters of con- dolence may bit left for the family ut GRAHAM, Hellen (nee Daly> In the loving arms of her tamîly on Thursday. November 12. 2009 in her 83rd year Devoted wîfe of the iate~ Fred Graham (2005) and mother o f Jennîfer, Derek. Dalysu. Melantu, An- drea and Lîsa. Dear Nana 0f Shawn, Erîn, Julie. Rebecca, Matthew, An- drew, Heather, Graham, Bradley, Emi ly, Olivia and Garret. Great grandmother of Korbin and Jona. Sur vîved by sîster Nite Daly and brother John Nudd. For funerel detaîls please contact McKersîe-KoCher Funurel Home eit 905-878-4452 or on uine aI ,www, mckersî à) 44 Birthdays HOLYSMOKE! LANDOSAKES ALIVE! LOOK WHOIS TURNINO 65 DIANE MILLER LOYE ALWA Y$ YOUa GM ROYECra oCColli7 yea r surrounded by bis lovîng wt Betty (May), daughter Diana, son Murray, and beloved Corgi, Mindy. Loving futher-in-law to Mike Cam- den and Deborah Finkle. Proud Grandfather of Blake and Brock Camden of Burlington, Ontario and Georgia Rae and Austin RoyCe of Benicia, Culifornia. Big brother to Beverly Feenstra (John), Valdu May (Larry) and the late Grant Royce (Joyce), David Royce (Churlenel and Vivian Haller (Ben). Beloved brother-in-law t0 M erlyn & Bill Lockie, Joy & Rîck Rowan asd Roy & Shirley May. Lovîng sonl 0f the late Jack and Lydia Royce and adored son-in-law of the late Lloyd and Florence May. Craig was a widely respected local business- man. He and his wîfe Betty have op- erated Royce Auto Service Limited n Hornby for the past 45 years. Craig wiIl be s-orely missed by his family, co-workers, friends, neigh- bours, customers, Belwood Lake cottagers and the many Thunder- bîrd club members who shared his love of antique cars. Visitation will bit ut McKERSIE-KOCHER FUINER- AL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Sunday November 15 2009 from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Funerul service 10 be held aft St. Stephen's Anglican Church in Hornby on Mon- day Novenober 16, 2009 at 2 0 clock ReCeption to follow in the Church hall. Memorial donations may bit made f0 St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Hornby or Cancer Assis- tance Services, Georgetown. Let- fers of condolence may be left for the famîly at www.mckersîe-koch- , kristini Stanliey & Dani Smith are pleased Io announce thel tortbocomîng marriage Wedding to take place on Mexico April 10. 20 10 InMeoriam In Memory of MrhAmerig o Graziotto Mrh29, 192q - Nevember 17, 2004 Those we love don't go away, They walk besîde us every day. Unseen, unheurd, but alwuys near, StîlI loved, still missed and very dear. Love, Antonietta James {Jim) Scrive r Match 26 1938 - November 15 2006 Eacb nigbt we shud e sîlunt ter, As we spuak 10 you in prayer. To lut you know we love you, And jusf bow mc we cure. Tuke 0cr million teurdrops, Wrap tbem up in love, Then ask the wind to carry them, To you le beuven aboya. Love Yu, Betty, Greg, Nanci and Mr. Bentley