To Plc An Ad eal 90 e7824 teeal lsiid hlosac. n0Fx956286 E z AD SUBMISSIO: By mail or in person at Burlington Post 5040 Mainway Unit fi, Burlington ON 17L 7G5. DEADUNES: Mondai 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines mai cary. PAYMIENT We mili accept cash, chelque, lnterac, Visa, MasterCard EAmerican Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant, CHECKC VOUR AD THE FIRSI SDAY IT APPEARS to ensure itrs accuracy. The Canadian Champion wilI non be responsible for any errors appearing after the fint day of publication. If an ero per yu d otc yu ae osutn iti 4 onO ulcain-Fîa ubiainerrsms erpeedbfr 3 w on tf ela ing Mondai z OM I l IRon I l ent1 lieu IEl * ~~ ~ f L....... f.... carsL J *DORSET PARK- Locely 4 GEORGETOWN 1-BED- ., TAKE A Paws-Private 1989 PONT ' edroum, 2 storey, gar- R O OM ba s eme nt Hume Soarding Cor hour wagon, mcli ag,îngrud pool, tew lin- S750/month inclusive, o HosI hume , married, maiataiacd. S et, fnia ed basement, tully t-parking spot, fnîdge, il-n uctausu 0-796 teoced, gas tîreplace, stove/aundr. Aiso a gel Feaced yard, yuur macp upgrades. S336,900 large 3-bedroom main VETC rules, tee di g, 2 waliks/ TYT A 9http:,// fluor. Gara ge acceso, front ., groumiag & meds TYT e 905-699-2781. Open porch, tridge/stoce/dish- Do& un vacation a km 1 uxten g . Hoase Sanday Nov 15, wa sh er /l1a un drpy. . Ovin g hume cynithia dents rustproo 21-3pt. St.300/month plus GTNDNC:TPAT T t. 05 814-9246 or ed glass lua gublibes. Close to GO. Bacn t. S MI, www.takcupvwr.buardig. teg416625hie '6r-----------. dv MacDoald, Johnson As- 122 Drafts Si. S., Miiiofl wehs.com466522 gMMerseLeOW i sociatls 905-703-4618. 905 299 1001 verflca. ca id MILTON, 2 monm humt Ii b il g $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI. apt. Cor reat. Avîlabie 1f DTE Ocbts Mortgvges to i mmediateiy. cvii 1925ýJl( GMCes inii W11&0i 95% No incuene, Bad creddt 647-203-5546.1psIIIl oi iIltfi Mlm WANTED: GRADE 7 or C origitai tati OK! Setter Option Mort- -fiacs1jiilrlifl.ýy MIilýt studea an Wuodwarii'W, 080 Cal lga e # 1 0 9 6 9 si)ijit ii loesnae o fe l95788 0- 2 82 -1 1 69 kMotuelWLoausaaa îesîm 088i3 wwxx.murtgageurtariucum *l Sute vae naalblt e fo, & _ SAVE UP lu $400 ut ur car onsurance. dlean dniv- ine record? cvii Grey Pox- etr tuoduay u t 1 -877-603-5050 for a nu. obligation quolc. Open 1 BEDROOM Bachllu Apartmeat xîth tull cash- room, kitchentte, utîlîlîgu, shaned iaudrp, and park- n g,. Fularnîis h ed. 416-420-6602 2 AND 3 bednoom apaît- ments auvîlabie in George- luxn. Waik lu Main Streer and GO Transît. Siocrcreek Toxers. 905-873-8080. 2-BEDROOM APART- MENT, ideai for mature aduits, an ciea, tuiet G eongeloxa building. Anaîliabie Jvnuarp isI. S900/month plus hydru. la- cludes lieut, trîdge and stone. 905-455-4766. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3 bedruum apart- ments uvaîlabie. dlean, quiet building cîlli utîlîties îaciuded. 40 Maria Street,' 519-853-4374. xxx.neal- BACHELOR APARTMENT appruo. 4kms ouvîsde ut luwn,. Prîvale catrance, utllîies inci. Sundeck oneriokîng 16 mile creek, temale preterrcd. S700/mth, auvîlabie imme- dîately. 905-878-4773. CENTRAI. 010E Milton 2 bcdnonm main fluor flat la butgalow. Quiet neiglibour- houd, 2prking sputs, sep- vraIe entnp. Lamînule fluors, wuod panelleit LR/OR No smuking, S1200/mn atd sliured lutîîi luI and LasI! Ref- erences 905-878-0970 905-464-2528 GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM aparîmeat in luxer cccil uparîment building. No smoking/pets. Close to evcrylbing. Referenc- es/fîrst/luot. Avaîlabie îm- mediately. 905-877-2993. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM main fluor ot house, quiet, dlean ncxiy renocaled. No s mok- ing/pets. Includes heat/ca- ter, applaces, 2-narkîag spaces an d large shaned yard. $1,050/munth plus ayio Availabie December IsI. 905-7024627. GEORGETOWN 3-BIED- ROOM upper level. Finst/lasI, upplaces and ivundry. Si 200/mualli plus utililies. Avuilabie No- 0cmri b er l SIt 416-648-7674. GEORGETOWN BRIGHT, modern 1-bedruum buse- menl, S875/munth an cludes ublîhes, parking and yard. Firsl/lasI. Nu smuk- tnt/pets. 647-208-1925. MUGE LUXURY 2-bed- noom, 2-bathroom an Oid Milton. Fîrepiace, patio, parkitg, aundrp, S1200/ mui. Immediate. FîrsV/ lusI, credîl chieck. Cali 905-299-2900. MILTON I-BEDROOM plus dca & livitg-ruom, husemeal aparîment uvuiabie Occ 1 sr. S900/mîli, ancludes utllîies, sepurure enîrunce, parking, cîrelehu internet, bell satelle, on bus roule. Preter sitngle pelsua, au smoking, 905-876-2857 MILTON, ACCEPTING ap- plications for 2-bdnm unI. avuilabie Jan IsI, rte ut S950/mo. and 2bldrm vyt avaîlabie Fcb 1 st, rate ut S975/mo. For appoint- ment cai 905-699-1398. MILTON DOWNTOWN 1 bedruum aparîmeals. $800 -$1000 xiti ulilities, avaîlubie îmmedîatep. Cot- ladt Scott Palot ait Remux Real Estute C2entre 905-878-7777 MI LTON. LARGE 1 bcd- ronm apartment, avîluble Occember 1, SaOOmnlh in- cludes aIl utilihies and laun- dry Cacitîties, Pieuse cvi S co tt f or dle t ali s 905-875-0201. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive quiet building. Spacîous bright dlean 1 &2 bedroomn units with laundry tacîldty and social room on site. Regular resident events Dpe n 7 days & evinings Cail 905-876-1249 MILTON- LARGE 2-bdrm aparîmeal av'labie December lt & Jaauary lut. Plus parking. cvii Jvc 416-723-4801. ONE DEDROOM hase- ment aparîmeal lor reat. S750/mu. Preler au pers Use ut Ivuadry. Free cable. Soîtable Cor 1 person taily Pirate phune 905-878 8223 and reave message. Relerences rein-lIed. Fi-It and last. ROCKWOOD BRI GHT, dlean 2-bedroom upper lev- ci ut 4-pien. S700/mnti plus hyd"ru clos ucua" scroalîun rea a l.u nia g Nu pets. Cvli 519-856-4213. FOR LEA5E large 2 lied- mnt coadu, malt loor, clu lu yard, lîrepiace. 2-bedroom, 1-ful bath, ensuite iauodny, 2-parking, S128 5/mu. plus utllties. Please cuntact Andrew Casale 905-691-7861 1498 Pigrîm s Way, Oakoîiie. SPACIOUS 1 bedraum plus dca. Quiet, ciassy. lad: trdg/ stuve/ cash! dry/ dislixasher/utii/slrg/ 2 prkg an + out. New fir & pal. Near scliouis/ tratsit/ sliups/ restus. Tel: 905-86i4-0485. Must pro. vide Etuilan repurt, Prout ut Empi, Lellen fromt preu andiord. ERIN, 3-BEDROOM 2- bath house fur ret. Avîlabie December 1 st. S 1 400/mualli. Cvii 905-73-4217. MILTON SEMI-.DE- TACMED, 4-bdrm, 2.5- battis, cri 3 yrs uid, Mat- lump, Oardwuud Iluors, open concept, tîrepiacc, 5-appi. Oecember 16. Ful- y t enced bvckyvnd. Clark Blvd. near schools. Caîl Beela 905-693-8687. 3 BEDROOM locaos an Dorset Park Gas lire. place 1 parking spur. New flitis, ualn and kitcten $j 200îmo Cali Mark 905-815 3312 GEORGETOWN A&MZNG 3-bedruum loaailose close lu GO. Garage, lin îshed basemear. 5-uppli aaces St .299/monre plus utîlîlies Nu pels/smukîag. FirslAasl requîred. Cail Jînr 416-709-7629. GEORGETOWN EXECU- TIVE 3-hedruom bawn huuse, Shuîl-trm fleieble renal Oecember I 5th An nuiances and utîlîtîrs îaciod ed. Fiesh neulîvi culours. SI 300/mualth, credit check Angela. Royal LeP age Ciedit Valley Bîokeî age 905-793.5000. MILTON 3-BDRM luxa house, 4-uppi. nau GO & ail umetîties. S1300/mth plus utîlities Finsl/I.asl & relerences. 416-578-5030. ROOM FOR renit, clown luxa Miltua aiea. Laudry l acîlîlies avaîlabie, lîrsl! last and r elerences ih 289-878-7408. A NICE spuclous ruum an large taler house an Miruon, cunveaiiett location, share kîtchen/ balh/ parking/ satellite TV. Suits mature mule, S475/mu. ail inclusive, wîreiess intertet auvîlabie, 905-875-1518. 41 6-402-8004. LARGE BEDROOM cîlli waik an clusel un Ontario SI. N. wiîr waiki-g distance lu ducaluwn. $495/mu. îtcludes, ail umeuilies. Fîrst/ last. 289-878-7252. MILTON. LARGE bed- rmom, shaned tacîlitees, quiet seciuded couuttry hume, Mule prelerred. 40 1/11Gu ei1plh L itne. $110/week or 5425/mu. 905-854-0359. BOOTH NO 101 - tan associate free uffens vîsît ut dreamu shows, 6721 Edwards Boulevard, Mîssîs- sauga, On L5T 2V9. 15 Nuvember 2009 - Suoday, 10 am - 6 pm. book onlîne for a tnee gift. AIL NEW Beds! Plus pi; iowlups, GiS15, nec n plastic. Double $250., Queer $275 . King $500 O Isc Memoîv tanmal tress cii cuver Queer $750. Kinîg $950 Can De iivei. 905-7 3G-5h49 CARPET 1 have severa[ 1.000 yards of nec Stin Masler & 100% nylon car pet, Wîiî dn lIv inon & hall ftr $089, inlades car pet, paa & inalaion (30 905-633-8192 MOT TUB (Spa) ouvris besr pnce. 8esl tuaiv Ail shapes & culouîs. Caii 1 8 66 -5 85 0 05 6 cwx MOT TUB/ Spa-8naaid hec 2009 mtaei w/al optins, and cover Srîilin a rapper Cot $8995., Sacrifice $4750 CaII905-971 1777 PEG PEREGO Duette du hie struiler fti sale tn ex celient condîiin cas iuieiy used, The sîroiler vas tliy îeciaîag 4 positiun Pack resîs & 2 posilton luulest, lias cuîm huuts, adiaslable huuds cîlh zîn-opea ventila- liun. The price is $350 416-919-7013 SABATMIL-MARPSI- CHORD, 2 Manual, 3 Stn.ecil condition, in Mirt, Ontario ftr sale Phuane 905-878 5716 ut emaîl saadioehkeo@coge SET 0F tour wîaleî lires aod rîms, fls 2006 Htnida Cîvîc, used rau yeats. must gt. Cail 905-469- 1677. ' *A BEST CaSh$ Paîd- Cuits, Jewellerp, Gold, Sitner, Oîuînonds, China, C r yst al1. Silver, Figurines, Royal oul- toni, Sxarncnki, Ail Antique tcrnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate specialises, Tnp Cash, CuIt John/ P alt i 905-331-2477 www.ntraderscoml FLAMBOROUGM CHRI S- TIAN Feliuwshîp wii be huling a Christmas Bazaut on Sulurdup, Dec. 121h fromt lOam - 3pm.l pu are înteresled an heîag a veador, pieuse cmvai us aI office@flamcf 1L Mon-day to Friday 8:30 arn. - 5:30 p.m. For Circulation inquiries, please cali 905-632-0588 lAC Satani îaîcaly xcii 2.695. Cvii RIX 49000 ney nu acci- led wax liat- ded dlean 15600, ttne truck. nr, S2000ý iCiarlIc"item I%'1ork . cea YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Ask UsAbout.. il'u workôp" 25 j-a/ 905-878-2341 Work hard. Have tun. Make the Customter #11. It's more than just a catch phrase at TSC Stores. If's tfhe essence of our corporate culture and the attitude we look for in the people vve hire Ir is wliy we invest hiiiyn deve.. their skils, empcwa-ring lnum to Succeej rewarding thir contribution. We are /ooking for an individual to fi lh1e tollowing position at our Milton Store: Cashier (part-time) Please visit for more information and to apply online We thank everyone who app fies but wli on/îl lcontact t/rose we Ilih to interview T'he Oakville Beaver IS CALLING AIL KIDS! We are current/y hîrîng carriers to detîver on Wednesdays. Thursdays & Frîdays The following routes are available immediatel: Margaret Dr, Romain Ct, Lîtchtield Rd, Fildn CrGiftP, Kimberley Dr, Lindenrock Dr, Gatloway Dr, Agram Dr, Lyndhurst Dr Sprîng Blossom Cr, Pondview PI, Nortolk Dr, March Cr, Lazîo Lane Cail us ta tind oui if your street is available. Circulation 905-845ý-9742, NOW HIRING tmmediate business opporunity for independent confractors f0 operate a refait totfery ouite in the Milfoni Wat-Marl. Phease forward resumne with qualifications and previaus retail isalis expîrience fa: 9ezzz CAN HELP Cali JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 416-574-5713 7MND T 5PNI frWcdnesda TUESDAY AT SPM frThunsnta WEDNESDAY W~ SPM for Fndvly. Please ctit 905-632-4440 e-mail dassifhaftmmcrcico ta: 905-632-8165 _î SCHOOL BUS DRIVER TRAINING STARTS NOW!!!! FREE TRAINING' NEVV ROUTES1 %li Tranportation o, (tirfttilly tiuitjitinq (Iriver% for routesý in M illion, an(il Halton Hills QUALIFICATIONS TO APPLY: " Drivers Abstract in good standing " "G" License minimum 2 years e Enjoy working with children GREATFOR: " Stay at home arents (pre-schoolers can ride along) " Retirffl who Ze extra time on their hands " Anyone looking for a positive and supportive environmerit to work IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CARING, SUPPORTIVE AND FUN COMPANY TO WORK FOR! STOCK has routes available in Milton, Georgetown & Halton Hills. SIOCK TRANSPORIAIION 2141 Plyniotitfi Drive, Oakville 90'ý 829 2040 - 1 87/ 3'ýSI0CK 1 la VV"»V"'V<ýto(ktiiiiý,I)orlitiofi (011111 The Canadian Red Cross is looking fo r reliabte "F" Licensed DriverS with clean driving records available weekdays on a casual basîs f0 work split shiffs at varying times between 5:30am and 11:30pm in Mitton, Acton, Georgetown, Brampton and Mississauga driving up f0 ten people f0 various destinations within aIl the communities in Hatton and Peet Regions. Candidafes must have experience working with people with varying types of disabilities and cognitive impairments. Please fax resumres fa: 905-875-1460 or Email: cgiske@erosa OaYIY thon. helng onouled for au IntrvWW w!!! ha coitted LTJ Construction & Maintenance Ltd., the winfer roadway maintenance division 0f Bot Construction Limited requires: Snow PIow Drivers in Burlington, Ontario. for the period between November and Aprit. Must have a DZ Drivers Licence. Competitive wages plus standby Phn 9~ 827-5668 Fax: ( OS827-5450 $$$ FREE $$$ YOURSELF FROM DEBT $$$ MONEY $$$ illt1illl AIIY ýr li N ýili A CALL 1-888-307-7799 vivvvv.ontarïo-vvïdefinaneï