Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2009, p. 24

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E HAWTHORNE HANYMAN Gron.efiUg VbMi *itoySiia%-# lUS e Decks, Fences & Sheds * Windows & Doors e Bathrooms & Ktchens * Framng & Drywail + Ceramic & Backsplash * Roofing, Eaves & Siding eu Hardwood & Lamnate OCrown Moukng & Plumbing atd mote oFor FIEE ESTIMATE «Jcaui Gary Hanh 90.5.691.693U por e-mâ ai lwttorfltbandvman@hotmaîl cnm op >ew4e I LOOINGGOOD SNOW- PLOWING (905) 330 1330 l'o Advertise in thzç service directorýý plea ve contact C/m al 905-878-2341 ext. 2 Î4 escholti@miltoncanadianchampi*on.o tenato -& om mprovement " Additions - Windows *Garages e Flooring - Painting " Offices eCarpentry/Trim *Rec rooms Decks * nsurd è Reedt e*Cm»mIa- Reerme amSm 95-7-67 I eConstruction & Renovation. Kthens - Bathrooms - Basements - Decks KtEquippedwith a44" wide skid steer mini loader for confineci aras & backyards, wifi fit through fence gates. Plasteri ng DwaII & Tapîng Service OCal! T770 J2 Mssissauga J2 Mem SChool Of Music EST 19882 ,~piano loation-: a2 J2 guitar Thompson + Derry J2 aà violin Mlcreek + Derry aà JI vocal Rldgoey + Dundea aà J2theory vri'T-.r àT a2 flute &a J]art vi a Y WEEP T CLEAN' uoýyCleaning Services 7\ý\sQ rovrdng R-, ien iii & Srnoli Commercaol Ceaning Wa ervue Mtri & rqoe t 1*a1tn reo re t r t 6 yval IWe w cterI f(ta yaar spec 1'neersi'(905) 805-0853_ PRIME WOOD FLOOR1NG HARDWOOD & LAMINATED FLOORS BOX STAIRS 15 PLUS YEARS 0F 1EXPERIENCE The Dest QualUty Installations Worksmanship 404 -o * Inte cmL 1 I OS R. C.ceR. e Bathrooms e Basements ,@ Flooring eed Cali mi V)4&/ e Painting e Drywall HLTON HILIS, ONTARIO glOJbal Promotional apparel 888.522.2875 w ww. global p a .ca Affordable, Name Brand.Customh embroidered Et screen=pstapr l pemuo»* tea par~e l andymen Enterprîs ENJOY A CHANGE, HOME IMPROVEMENT OR PREP TO SELL Y«t4heM M.me me M&... 9034-87731 buI Wrc B eo.mem amamiel M I g SNOW REMOVAL Drlveways, Sldewalks 24h services Sign contract today for a Iow rate Neigftboues special save dup to 20% www.refskwl..wobsocom MISA .4 16a a335b0 6>47 2r 3 5353 ~'(DUC T CL EANING <hr i' ~Pmkns FALLSPfCAL RMR Qcuises io ver %N J{tew N u >&eqrvez 1 *CM ý 100%usmwuea "'slo R&R Garage Doors - Eleci& Openers, Sales, Service an.d Installation Wnd<>wvs, Enîrancre Doons, Storm tpors, Paio Doorn [TEL: 519-853-2114 <Acro.> Il a ic H Installations Sr:,î h-wl o i r 2 Complete floor & wali reno's Ceramlc e Granite e Marbie - Siate Fulii Guaranieed Ft-ee Estunvate Cali Grant 905-616-6882 This cail CIem to advertise in WHO DOES LT at %5878.2341, ext 214 LET'S REMODEL GOMPLETE INTERIOR! EXTERIOR PAINTING ADD C0LOLER TO VOLIR 140OME PROFEÇIONAL WORKMAN9I4IP &LARANTEED Free colour consultation by designer www.letawsnsdel.ca -i 1 PHIHTIHG 1 -1 r -1 1 Tif Con tractors .1spoclalang on: t/ Ktchen V Bathroomts V Bauemets t/ Harduood V PI.ndaIng V Electuical For Ail Your Handyman Needs Tom 647-889-7252 1 Niick 416-579-1267 Your indoor Comfort heating & cooling Specialisrs Furnace & Central Ai Conditioner Sce9A6 nstallation, Replacement and Repai Full service Duct Cleaning Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters & Hot Water Fan Coi Units Natura Gas lnes C ustom Duct Design & Sheet Metaf Fabrication Heat recovery Ventilators (HRV) Ai purification Systems Humidifiers 416.970.2343 .fy., www.bachheating.com FALL CLEAN UPS & SNOW PLOWINGI 9054815 78w .dalbellolandscpinp.con, Thie Dog Walker Private WalkS 0, Dog Park Visits -G rup walk 0 Hiking 0* PpyVIsits Bondod & Insured (-ail IXarb 905-693-0455 To advertise in lueMt(CanaWtan Q(Champion cail Clem at 878-2341 1- Duci ilinHlHG m WÀ 1

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