Reports of teen's death Iead to's-tampede mentality': CAO :fa ALtj5 ,. u page Ai cci c iatthe International Centre in Mississauga that day shut down after 45 minutes, said Moyle. Toronto didnt begin its clinies until the following day and those in WellingtonGuelph until Friday I understand the first night in Halton roughty haif the people that went through that (Oakville) clinie were Iroin out of the region,- said Moyle. Hie said that trend continuecl sub- sequent weekencls because, unlikec f-latton's clinie in Oakvitte, clinies iii Toronto, Peel and Hanmilton wîn open on Sundays. Movie discussed the Regouns ability to aclapt lollowing that irst days einie and improve the sub-,e- quent clinics. "f have 10 sav that c rue evervonec recognizcd there xxas a challenge and everyone pitehed ii,* said Movle. (Staff rom) Childrens, Services. for cxarrlll)c lrrcd îcluxx us ai colourîng books, and they basically worked the lines, reeognizing you had a large number of people that were very apprehensive and womhed and had their children and (they) had to wait in fine - they pitched in." Other examples he cited includ- ed an air quality monitoring pro- gram manager whos now a vaccina- tion clinie manager, a food safety programn employee who went to Sobeys the first night to buy blan- kets and water for people waiting in fine, and more than 100 staff with customer service expenience who were brought in to work as greeters to meet provincial requirements for staff to fiter out attendees not in a high priority group. He also thanked Oakville Transit for shuttling Regional staff 10 work, as they have been parking at Bronte Provincial Park since November 2 to allow parking for Hi NI clinie atten- dees at regional headquarters. The day after the first clinie, Moyle said the Region was also the first municipality to set up an emer- gency operations centre - a daily morning meeting between Regional Chair Gary Carr, Moyle, department heads, Halton Police Chief Gary Crowelt and other police staff as well as Nosal and senior staff. Added Oakville Mayor Rob Burton: "I think everybody in the four communities that comprise I O11 [,.1)10 Lk i01 Ji ji.x\\.jtheir local governrncnt pitched in together and con fronted prohlemns with a can-do attitude and immieci- ately overcame these harriers and achieved these high tevels of serv- ice.- fie asked Moyle to wvrite a report for the Regions wehsite exptaining mâiat staff have done te t un the clinies su that residents ari cn drix- en lyinimsinlîrrmation and 1,1111101,1S. -1 think crvhuNIidN lknoxxs wctc nl out oni1t1(, xxuod, \exciroi mientcd Burtoin. .\\ liai 1 thmnik s il thcy knew howv well xxe are nîaking our way through the \voods." Moyle notent media coverage of the rleath duc- tu II ofu I tohicok'e teenager E-van I rustaglio, repurted hy Trunto Puhic' iclt te aypriurt T he regrîlar [fin docsn it gencralîx- iti tîaid ýoung, hcalthv pcuptc but i athct seniouth li e xit il ncrt raI cunditions or xcix x uuing hilrlrci acurdi ng to thNe 'ii ir a.iI x h- on\ îbAlII(>01l ta ii Abouit 4,000 tu 8,000 people in t.anadta die cacfi ycar lrom cumpli- cations of inflluenza, andI about 70,000 1( 75.000 people wîth the flu arc hi spi talI zcd. i n cumparisun, M peuple n(Canadla have dlied this year duc tu III Ni, arcirding to lie Puiblîic tcalth .Agcncrx of C anada. Nusal said the- Rcgiun isu t sendI ing t(i the Pirovince fillnlunatiuiî un xx tcrec hit aticndccs artuatîx' lix e, u111:, diîir agr s'. atnd rîsk far rut le sairld, tr ouflxe xu arr angcmnins in i lit 1.I, sal"() APPLY SKNOWLEDGE ~ CREATIVELY & SHINE BRIGHTER Get a head start in the fast-changing & competitive job-market with Sheridan. Learn to combine sotid skilts with technology and creativity to help you stand out in your career. Our programs include bachelor's degrees, diptomas, certif icates, apprenticeships and post-graduate programs. Sheridlan sheridan 11ibi altut eîdniaticudccd 11 1 N 1 clinics iin other regions where thcv wýorlk, such as Pee! or Toronto. As ul the hcginning of tbis week, Halion's public health unit had administered 41,921 vaccinations, third in the Province behind Ottawa (82.371) and Toronto (62,708), according 10 the Ministrx- of Health. Peel and York had distributed about 0,000 less and Hamilton 15,000 Iim 1 Iun ain h e ti(i</ic i i/n a,(a3î/é 'n aiadini wnpon.con,. iin!."'. l Prudential Tow,,n Centre Realty, 905-878-9100 1272 CulmeWay, S3190, Oi Cadton Royal LePage Medowtowre Realty, 905)-878-77771 612 SelClerst, JÉ & Prabsen" Pruea onnr Realty Serlssm, 905-858-3434 250 Onu Siat., $749,900, Bill Cu*i 90.5-878-2.341 x212 for ou 14 pagefearure, utii, h iudes ïA 3 ini h oi,ii SQ5 , ,, k,, 0'ie!ou' advmtiaments will ho M0D puhbllshed on the webslte tee! SOUS y addlog yeur weWp 1e11k, yee wiliI direct Cutemm,,r ihtte yee. L000CIISMASMXMMEPSiE the freshest ice cream on earth.M Bity ont*Original cone and get one FREEtWth Ihis ad C~ ~f ~Se».d ew mmuut >b~e Of IM kv~w. Ont co.#.eM* p« "m ff~re#~Nmàew4v *,2009 Cater your next 10Q3 Mapte Avenue (besde Hom Depo)# Mfltor,. 9054764)577 party with us! -il Àm 42i,ý Il .i 1