Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2009, p. 14

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CDI Faithfuiness is the seventb quality \e'bich Paul lîsîs as the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23) Faithfuiness is the translation of the Greek xvord "pisuis,' whicb van aiso be rcndcred as coinviction or behef. Athcrugb a usuall' bas tbe connoitauion cof idliîty cir ioyalty, anci appiies particuiariv ici scimeone wxvhc.I xibits the virtuo iof rcliahi lits'. A peisiin whc is Faithfulness fatlliii ho truc ici ibeir Lithbut xvillsi o biltruciii iheir irivocix and iaiiv h i lbox bxii orneica wiis.'xird iii ho reliid upîn.['aitbiuincs s otoîi imortantiniianiainiiîg gîîîîc relatioins. ruc irionds xiii vii xv iiikvci) îhîici mad iof wciv, iamiiicv c.ailn uritioiin xvibiiut c'cryoinc hing i,îîibiîîi iii caLli othi-But 1in acdcitîin toi iiing iaihiu io o ~thci5, xx vbîîuici aivîi ho aitiruio iiiiirvolx'cv lcîng faithiu o ii încvvief viîiailsve hobîncvt xxiib iiîîscil i(: ic bvharder ibm îî sounds. Il ais i rucjcires thai \'i fisii y uir xvord xx'bn y ihci axmrade Il proimîiis ovolis Thcro was a trne wben a gontieman cciuid v'nvuitrc thai h, o iuic kep a promise in bîmseif b> siîriîpivxaying lu iiiiasclii iat ic au xi ionor bîund ii keep tbv prominse tic xri ix brcai itlicpioi iisc icihi mxciiby si muiîanviicivix Lcoi>îg bis sunscof ioi ai r xx bîcbno soif respeccing gentlenman xviuid eci ciii ui xx bicîioud bc iaiîbiui fi rsî and fiiremîici ic Tis obove ail: ta thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, that thou canst flot be taise to any man, - Shakespeare 12 aiS.E.Mlo Baptisrn Sunday November 15 Worship Service at 10:3Oam Supervised Nursery Care from 10:-15 arn Sunday School kids 3 ta 10 from 10.-45 am Coffee & Conversation After the Service Some Wocshî Wth us' A A A * ~ 'x -mui['Cul/ sunday worship: 4:OOpm servce a iO70Main S.E.i(Kno Prebyer a Chu chi dînne,, followng the service -everyon welconnei LCURRENT SERIES îiOIGNi TO KNOW WHERE sou ABE GOiiNu. if Hiipx. 70 KNc1W WHERE YlOUVE COi i iiiM St George's Anglican Anglican Church of Canada 7051 Guelph LUne, Just North of Derry Road 905-878-1112 We invite you to worsti'p w/tii us: Sunday Family Worship 8:30Oam (rereshmertts before the ser vice) Guesi Preacher / Celebrani November 151h Bishop Michael Bird The Rev. Susan Wells (905) 878-1112 200 Main Street Sunday Meeting Worship at 9:00 arn & 11:00 arn Cotfee & Conversation ai 10:30 arn L(We serve Tirn Horions coff ee!) Ail are Welcome www.MlonBibleChurchca 905-8638 NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SuNDAYSAlil Services in the Children's & Yuth Centre 9 00 AM -Epress Worship Service -Sonday School rocs coticurreily 10 OC AM - ull Worship Service- captioned for the deafihard of feanrrg 6 30 PM Evening Worship Service finish your day wilS God Chidrens'Moiniistries Avoulable in ail Services WIEDN ESDAYS qtir ii l 't moriî iîe Y'int twwpwlfmlo.o Wedesday Nights: B13Cubs for iids, Eotrene île Youih, Adul Bible Study f'hursday Nighis: Ladies' Cofen Beak Decaf Eddtion and moral ir , iro psmi n , I "îih, M ilon, ON 1I1)I1'Xi Visit Us Onfine www.NewLifeMiton.com or (ati P,ýstoi 1 IfnRoqgjoat') 08 /8 i 3e,8 jýqîŽace- "*nqjtican 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 www. gracechurchmi Iton. ccom Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist + children's programs St George's Anglican Church I nlisi ahn tii îîrk im naci/iîdi Recior: Re%. Raý Daid Glenn Iniliesou b o rshl p sith us ihis Sundai at The Cnîssroads Centre in Burli ngton* al 1295 North Sers ice Rd. n xC'K 5% Nul 1N: xxekl eieîiiip Crf i "r'î 1il 1, [Il, n i hieît I rîîî iI tilficeo isgcIurch.ca îs.ier sI ijI.gr (ffl> 335-6222 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 a.rn - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Schooi 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Siudy Christ was once offered Io bear the sin of mnaly. -Hebrews 9.28 S MILTON SVNH DAY À1111119X& CHULRCI 1 toiics îîî to iîcekly Sabji 1h sevccai Hugh Fsler Hall, 43 Brown Si. Milton Sai. :3 il ii.-S h ih Sch iii Sai (. HX ajiii Divine Scis ici BIBLE SC]15001, iivcer the aniaixieî Bible iii4s o li îe*.% pplexiiig queniiini and he 'et iciiiia iippi lie. R0. Bs il22 25 Bromsii Si Stationii Main . Miltonin .. l f r4ý On thue INTEIRNETr. Sip owrc sii.vp .îîîîiind www.aioahinglacls. rry ibleschiiil, srhiiiliiiaii iifil For more nformation abut oucr service and prograro. please cal.ii - v uyuiil t U- Knox Presby muian K.NOCX "Unified by Christ's love, vie share Him wvith the wacrid" loin us Sundays: i 0:30am Worship Service, Sunday Sohool & Nursery Blendîog traItonal & contempordrv styles e îee r(xlovmîio a Mar5 Street mr Sundays e lOam @ Milton District High School www.tnjenorthchurch.ca v True C CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9850 Britannia Rd., Milton, On L9T 7E8, 905-875-2939 Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School Classes .10:00 arn Watch for "Key to Kingdom" Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street ~J# 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak Sunday, November 15, 2009 9:50 arn: Family Bible Hiour 11:00 arn: Br. Hans Kooprnan 6:00 pm: "Through the Bible" "You'Il always find a friend ai Graceway" ix z o E z u z n a

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