Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2009, p. 1

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MitnsCommunity Newspaper Snce 1860en Edition *l 's W (EcNA Named Canada's Top Communitv Newspaper www.miltoncanadianchampion.com 7O6<r 9êW SL E S P O R T S Jr. Royals ousted in opening round N EW S HiNi pniority list expanded A& E Books honour piano teacher A Mtslan Mdi - ruppulictin .Vo, 50No.71FSday -Noem5r 3,00948Ps $ .5' GS. LHIN prepares its position on hospital expansion By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The faci ibat Miltonians goto bospi- ials ouiside ibeir cornmunity balf fthe time for in-patient service doesn'î fend support to tbe scope of a proposed expansion to tbe programs anti services offered ai Milton District Hlospital (MDH), according to a recent presenia- lion made to the board of directors ai thei Mississauga-Halion Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). 0f the 5,823 cases in whicb Miltonians sîayed in a bospital in 2007- 08, only haif of ibose cases covered lime speni at ibeir local hospital, tbe presenta- lion noîed. If the severiîy of cases is taken into account as pari of a weigbîed mecas- ure, less tban 40 per cent of tbe case lime was in MDH. Milton residenîs ended up ai Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital about 15 per cent of tbe lime, anti in bos- pitls in Mississauga around I17 per cent of tbe trne. Halton H-ealibeare Services (HHS), wbicb operates MDH, estimiates Milionians wilI start using ibeir local bos- pitl more following an expansion to tbe services offered ai tbe lacility as well as 10 ils overali size, tbe presentation sîaîed. However, ibat 'repainiation' niigbi not occur as iberes an expeciation residenîs will continue 10 go 10 other larger rede- veloped bospitals in tbe region, including the expanded Credit Valley Hospital and esee BOARD'S on page A8 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION REMEMBERING THE FALLEN: Second World War army veteran Dewvart Dowvns, 84, takes a moment to remember aost comrades during the playing of the 'Last Post' aithie Remembrance Day service Wednesday. See more photos of the event ai the cenotaph at Evergreen Cemetery on page A3. Halton CAO a praisesstaff for HI NI work By Tim Forain ; j r )L P J ^ArmCI pi ýjT/ýF F A" die 11liton heialth Cdepartinieni condut s tbe setii()ntlC \\ a vc o1 v ac ciina ti onis agaii s i tîbc H 1 NI v irus - ibis urne încluding sclîoolchildien and seniors - Regional staff ,%erc praisud fetb oi- boss the,, liandled i the lirsi public becalth clinics, especiallv in the t hallcnging caris davs. Folioxing an 1] IN I updatce k ilalton \,ldical Oflficer of Illalib Dr. Bob Nosal ai regional counecil's healtb commiitîc meeting, the Regions top emplov- ce, CAO Pat Moyle, took tbe unusual sîep of involv- ing biimself in discussion to stick up for bis staff. "l really wanted ta say for tbe record tbai 1 arn, we are ail. extrrnely proud of the work that Dr. Bob (Nosal) and bis staff bave donc' to get us to xliere wec arc iodas; -sa id Moyle. l ibink ibere bas been somne frankl v unfair editorial coimienîs about the (vaccination ) proeess and about boss ibis program lias beeni managcd." Mos-le was refcrring t0 an editorial tbat rait in some Metrolanci Media Group newNspapers deserib- ing tbe rollout of tbe vaccine ai tbe first public hecaltb elînic Octobcr 28 as a niigliîmiare." 'lavîng jusi two HI Ni vaccination sites - one iii Acton wbvicb dispensed about 900 doses of vac- cine and a second ai Hialton Region beadquartcrs in Oalv\ille that dclivered 3,500 vaccinations - \vas a recipe for disaster,- tbe editorial stated. Follosving tbe meeting, Moy le told a reporter Regional staff were 'cresifallen' ai tbat description, andi be iook the initiative to post c-mails from ajipreciative resîdlents for staff to i ead. Dut ing the comiiee meeting, Movie said the Region didrit expieci thbe massive influx of people ai the firsi cliies, bîicb contributed to long line-ups tr poo sveattiber, because it tbougbî otber publie bcalib omitsn ibe CTA \woufd imcci ibe derrands of tlii own residenis. esee REPORTS on page Al15 t j

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