anOPIN\ION0 J Lest we z 0 Remembrance Day isn't until next Wednesday but <ifs certainly flot too earlyi w to, once again think about Z the sacrifices our veterans 8 made to give us the free- M dom we enjoy today In fact these days their bravery and selflessness should mean even more, as we sadly watch many of today's soldiers pay the ultimate price overseas. And while it bas been six-plus decades since our local veterans - and thou- sands more - fought for our freedom, their efforts should neyer be forgoîten. Our appreciation can be shown in a tangible way over the next week, as Remembrance Day servic- es are held this Sunday at the Victoria Park cenotaph 1 forget and next Wednesday at Milton Evergreen Cemetery And as always, buying a poppy does more than just brighten up your coat or jacket. Donations for that little symbol of bravery and freedomn go toward a vari- ety of different programs, including bursaries for children and grandchil- dren of ex-service person- nel, drap-mn centres for the elderly an d transportation services for veterans. Keeping in mind just how much these men and women gave ta us, a srnail contribution and a show of gratitude that cornes with wearing a poppy is the least we can do. Hi Ni VACCINE CLINIC C.PRIORIT Y CASS ONIXI) Readers Write E-mal letters ta Letters, which may he elîtrdx, include the wnter's narne, adchc--e and phone nume. Letting your cat roam free is just plain inconsiderate DEAR EDITOR: 1 recently read Tina Harvey's Icîter regarding outdoor cats, whicb I found ta be quite honest and accurate. 1 thougbt, finally there was someone with enough courage ta publicly address this touchy subject. However, after reading the response frorn Kayla Corkum 1 realize that tbere are some people who are truly jusi plain inconsiderate. Regardless of the circumslances, ifs inconsiderate ta flot only your ncigh- bours, but ta your small cbildrcn and the cal as well ta ltlthe family pet run free ta roam the neighbburbaool. Lef's look at this Iogically and with open rninds. First, lets remember that as a cal owner, its your legal responsibity'ta ensure thai the cat stays on your awn praperly. Sccandyifs alsa illegal ta lct yaur cat crap an someone cIscs proper- ty, and if they do you're responsible for picking it up. Thirdly, how do you explain toaa small child that their beld5ved kitty is flot caming home because you were inconsiderate and the cat was squashed by a car on the street right in front af y'our bouse? And lasîly, ifs your responsibilit>' ta kcp x'ur cal on a lcasb wben off of your own propcrly Ail of the abave aIra applies la dog owners. If y'au reaîly want t lIciyour cal oui- doors because ils unbappy' or depressed, buy a harncss and Icasb and tie il up in yaur owfl backyard. .Could yo00 imagine a world wbcrc people with pit buis, rottwcilers, dobermans, German sbcpbu rds, Iabs snakcs, tarantulas or an>' aibut kind af' put justleIItbcmei run trc? Tbc cal awn- crs would be the irst anus la uatiiplain. I undcrsîand people \wanting la Ici thcii pets run trc o la up îcm blappy and bealtby, as 1 bave a cbaocolatc labl and wben wu waîk bini we let Ibîm run fre ai tbe fairgrouîlis il no (111e! clogs arc around and wc always pick uip bis crap no mnalter wbuc b lc is wbiibui gocs. Wc respect otbcrs' propcrly' wbcrc aur dog is concerneci and would expeul the same from others. Thures noa sceing this as black or white, only as rigbî or wrong. KEITH TIMBERS MILTON More to thé SST issue DEAR EDITOR: In the October 14 editorial, 'HST on heating a lot of hot air,' about the proposeci single sales tax (SST), your paper asked, "but then what?' after referring ta the pay- out of $300 for singles and $ 1,000 ta farilies ta belp off- set the effects of the SST. l'm pleased ta offer additional information on perma- nent solutions that Ontario~s tax reform package wiîl cre- ate ta, permanently help Ontanians in nced. First, your editorial fails ta mention that 93 per cent of Ontarians will receive a permanent incarne tax cul in addition la the one-time payout, by way of cutting the low tax brackeî rate by 17 per cent. The low tax bracket rate \Nil] bc the Iowesî in Canada. With Ibis changer 90,000 Ontarians wiîl no langer pay Ontario incarne tax. Second, there will be a permanent $260 sales tax credil for every Iow- and moderate-incaîne aclult and child. Fbird. tl up Ibase in need, aur govcrnmunî b las pur- inarlenîly incîuascd tiu minium wagc (anîd uilI cari linuie lot do so thle nuxî îwa >'uars), crcaîud Ithe Ontario ( bild Benufit s0 ibat ovur a million low-income cbildrcni receive linancial bcîp), and inîioduccd a iiew permanent properîy tax granta b eîp seniors sîay in their homes. 0w ipremieur and aur govumci icit arcilI iiloving or- ward witb the 55 F ta bu popular. [beyre d oing Ibis because its the right îhing ta do. At the end of the day, aur gavemnment can refuse ta fix whats broken and be less campetitive. Or they can do whatfs right by maving forward and embracing change. PAUL VIRDO, PRESIDENT HALTON PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION n1te Qanatian QZt"mo Miltons Communhty Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 i Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manger Debbi Koppejan Editor in Chief Jili Davis Managing Editor Kadrn Miceli Production Manager Tm Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Caniadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Fiday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Advertrsrng ns accepter] on tire condition tirat, on the event of a typograpical error, tirat portion of thre advertir ing space occupiet by tire erroneour item, togetirer with a reasortable allowance for signature, will flot be charger] fot, bot tire balance of tire ativetsemnent wilIire pair] for aitie applircable rate Tire publishe rtesenves the rrgirt to categoie advetîsenrnts or declrne. 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