To lac'90-87-241 Emil:clssiie.haloear.coe Fax905632816 Monday to Frîday 8:30 arn -5:30 p.m. classilieds namu publication, Wednesday S p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We wili accept cash, cheque, lnterac, Visa, MasterCard, iclto isAD UmericanExres. uin esna u lngts aeondPwsth5M anwaneceit #appliton OaiLL7G5ro you Salesonlay5pmo ent.CeCKVORA 1FIT Foinqui DAY rI APPEARS to ensure ëns accuracy. The Canadian Champion wilI flot be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication, If an error appears in pour ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication - Friday publication errors must be repnated before 530 p.m. 905632-0588 on the following Monday. ---- - - DORSET PARK- Loeiy 4 b edroom, 2 storty, gar- age, nground pool, tew lin- er, 6sihed basevient, liy fenced, tas ireplace, many upgrades. $336.900 905-699-2781. GUELPH. ESTATE sîze lot. 1800 sq.ft. ide split. Reators Welcomel 95' wide lt 93 Calander Drive S418,900. 4 bedrooms, wood firepiace, 2 car gar age, eoquisîte manicured yard Mre mît ixn maibmî or Cail: 519-827-1703 S$MONEYSS CONSOLI- DATE Debîs Mortgages to 95% No income. Bad credit OK! Better Option Mort gag e #810 96 9 1- 800 -2 82 -1 16 9 SAVE UP to $400 on your car insrairce. Otean drîx- ne record? Cail Grey Pow- e r tn0d ay a t 1-877-603-5050 for a no- oblgatior quote. Open 1 BEDROOM Bachelor1 Apartmenl with flliiwash- l i. rnom, kitchenette, utlties, shared 1aundry, and park- ng. Frnîhed 1-1/2 BEDROOM apart- ment. S650/month plus utilties. Avalabie immedi ateiy ir Erin. Cail Mary alter 5:OOpm 905-785-2688. 1-BEDROOM, NEWLY renoated, Mlton, parking, tone, ridge, water nclud- ed, No pets preferred. frst and last, relerences, S850/mo 905-878-8123 2 AND 3 bedrnom apart- ments axalabie on George- town. Waik lx Main Sreetl and GO Transt. Siercreek1 Towers. 905-873-8080. E ACTON 1-BEDROOM. Aaiabie No.Ian. S840/month utilities inciud- ed. 200 Churchill Road, South. Cail 519-853-0087. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3 bedronm apart- ments analabie. Clear,« quiet building wth utltiesf încluded. 40 Maria Street,È 519-853-4374. xww.real l DOWNTOWN OLD Mlonr 1-bdrm in 4-piex, includng lridge/ stoxe, heat/ utlties. 5775/inn. Cail or teot 905-691-2254 to leave a message. L GEORGETOWN 1-BED- ROOM basement. Near e GO. 5750/month includea heat/tiydrn, 1-parking spot, frîdge/stout and aundry. Sots single, mature per- son. No smoking/pets. Fr st /ia s t. C a11i 9057034618. I GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM apartment, park lke setting. Si,000/nionth plus hydro. Laundry andh parking iîn ciu d ed .b 9 0 5 -4 59 -65 61 ,t 905-457-2989 p MILTON- LARGE 2-bdrm s apartment anailabie p December lst & January ItPlsparking. Cal a 416-723-4801. 9 DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive quiet building. Spaciaus bright cdean 1&2 bedroorn units wifh laandry facitity and social room on site. R ular resident eventsOenl7days & evenlnus Cali 905-876-1249 GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM main floor ol Enuse, nuiet, cdean rnewiv renuvated, No smok- ing/pets. Includes heaV/wa- ter, appliancea, 2-parking apacea and large abared yard. 51,050/montS plus hydro. Avaîlabie December lat. 905-702-4627. GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROOM apt. i n use. Quiet neîghborbnod, Ianrge back- yard1 and patio. F rîdge, Stnoe, Wasber and Oryer. S1,250/mo. utîlities înciud- ed. Avaîlable Nuvember ian. Contact Cnnrad 905-876-5581 GEORGETOWN LOVELY large 3-bedroom and yurch, main floor. Garage e n tr y, A /C., lnîdge/stooe/dîobwasher, laundry. Close to schooio/shoppîng/GO No sm ok in g/ p e t . S 1,300/month pl1us utîlîlies. Avaîlabie Decem- b er i sot . C a1l 905-703-4618. HUGE /ATTRACTIVE i- bdrm apl., certrally ocaled, Milton. Store lire- place, apyl., cabie. Work- ne maIe prelerred, rele rences $950/mo.. ail inclusioe 905-878-6069 alter 5pm LOVELY 1-BEDROOM basement apt. Close 10 shîopping, waoher/dry- et/parking, ail inclusive 5900/montS, auaîlable Noo. 15 Please cxi (416)846-7940 MILTON 2-bdrm, large îuîingroom, lamîlyroom kit c hern & ba th . 147-284-9009. MIILTON 2-BEDROOM naoement apartment. Bright, new, apacious, prioate entrance. Mature aduit preferred. No smoking/ no p et s ureferred. Ail inclusioe. $1 100/mo. Aoaîlabie im me d ia tel1 y 905-691-6809. SPACIOUS LOFT-STYLE, 2 bepîoor aparlioent , [ keoinei proyerty loi 2 a d ult sa ard pe t. 5900/month. Cail Erna 519-853-9213. aBURLINGTON/ OAK- VILLE- etacbed, 3 bedrooma, i.5 batha, ap- nuiances, lînîshed base- menn. garage, lenced yard, A/C. Januarv i. S1600/ mo. Cail 905-25-0674. GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROM upper level isVsto appliances & lauodrv Si1.200 plus utlties, Avalable Nov. i (416)64&-7674ý GEORGETOWN VERY amali, uery pretty, 2-bed room or very pretty 75-acre horse larm. Woods, river, hshing, pool. $825/moîrh plus. 905-873-7270. HOUSE FOR rent 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 batha, lnîshed base- ment, Appliances, Jan. lot, $1395 outil. i t/Lat 905-875-6716 OLD MILTON- Ground loor of a country home, one bedroom. large kitch- en and deck, new complete bathroom, large proyerty, includes heat and hvdro. Aaiable Pecember 1i $1000.00 per montO Please calScott atrSemax 905-878-7777. GEORGETOWN AMAZING 3 Bedroom toonhoose close to GO. Garage/lin bsmnt/5 appliances. $1299 plus utlties. No pets, vo smokrg. i aI & ast requîred, Jîm 416-709-7629 Waitea LARGE COUNTRY room, car conuer ntobbachelor. Minutes away. Patio, park- ng. Suit a prolessionai. $ 700/month inclosive. 905-877-5959. Dmi PRIVATE HOME Boardîng for Your Dog: Yur Hoat ia home ful l ime, mature, happiy marrîed, rio kîdo, no cals&no smoking. Fully1 1fenced bacli yard, mnasia flilow pour own achedule,1 pour bouse rules are fol-1 lxwed, 2 walka per day.1 Cynthia 905-8149246. i Dzzz /E RTICA GLEN EDEN COURT APARIMENTS 122 Bronte St. S., Milton 905 299 1001 verticaca '*A BESI CaShS Paid- Consn, Jewellery, Ctid, Silver, Diamonds, China. C r y Stai1. Sîlo e r. Figurnes. Royal Doul- ton, Swarooslîi, AH Attique turnishings. Art. C ollectîblea, etc tate Specialiots. Top Cash. Cali John,,'Patti 905 331-2477 1 Cars 1989 PONTIAC Salari wagon, mecbanically ael maîrtaired.$2,695, Cl 905-877-9467. 2004 BLACK Chrv boîta 4 dlo ir a,, I v.0. kury goua cordtîvo $S5.000, Cali 905-702 7427. GOOD FOR parts cal! 905-878-1456. 1 or 2 hedroom moles localed in a serene Renovated litiiess rooiii sociiii roolil & lol)l)y steps awav lion) beautiftil Milton F3SY access to major hiffllvmys GO Transit Slloppmq and more * Suites based on avaitability a Pure bred Maltese, 8 years aid, white haired, femnale, vaccînated, spayed, micro-chipped, toitet trained and tamility niented, Reterencs iavarilbe CdCare v N ee ImmEdqaiately for aes14& m .As. Babndy bioymnt Mponda rday Polasecai S Milt Area I NW edo! Plus o r ai4, ob l 25 VîcBemorv lo8amma $75leKig 95 Ca e Maaler :100%nyvoca halIn897 cloes4Ca iltd&isaion 130 ardNW s! Plus pi. bue S27ce, BatKiy.5Ail Vsape cor Caîa tire ihcover u e MORT UB Save-raoe 2,009 ad mofde w/ai Otin Madcer. S10wrn apr- P47t. ail 905-9711777m call ores$ p295. Adista llîatrîn-3 e ards cmet &envers sure.690-814-41 ~LaWork, ci YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS LA ~B 0 FURNITURE GALLE 'q' ' Burllngton & Misslssaugal Oakvilie Stores FURNMJRE PROcFESSIONALS Your Cho>icfb 4 or 5 Day Work We>k f YOU have a FLAIR FOR INTERIOR DECORATING, a PASSION for HOME DECOR, the ability to work weekends and some evenings, excellent verbal and wrirten communication skills, and refait sales experience we need ta hear tram youI WE aller an exciting and creatîve work environment, very Generous Compensation Programs, Company Benefit Plan. Professonal Training and Opportunities for Advancement. Work in the GTA's Most Beautîtul Home Oecor Showroomi Please send pour resume. Email: î Fax Jeff Gold: 905-569-3049 1 801 Main Street East, Milton LOT PERSON Responsible for car inoentory check in and lot display washing and deta iing vehicdes. Must be extremely organized, have a valîd drivers license, able ta mult-task. and work în a quîck paced envîronment. JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$$ We are Iooking for reltable, responsîble Youths and Aduts For door to door to delîvertes. PLEASE CALL: 905-878-2341 lExt#244 SEEKING DETAIL orient- ed. People rîendlv nerson. CLASSIFIED E MAIL Outies imci shîp/rec, mech cassatied@haitoafnjncom apttde for repaira aand sales cails, Send resumne INTERNET, to info@crnemîning com wwwbudinigtonpust com Pleae nophoe cais. wwwoakvillebeavercom Geer z d--- Gm z é AUTOMOTIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVE Our company has a unique opportunity for a passionate, clearly spoken and bilingual sales representative. Your entrepreneurial attitude is supported by a desire ta meet customer needs, ultimately advancing aur automotive customer atong aur servicelproduct continuum. This is a full tîme opportunity with a base salary and the opportunity ta emplay aur leading edge solutions 10 maximize your commission structure. L obs@goaIIinesoIutions com [The Oakville Beaver IS CALLING AIL YOUTHS! Norfolk Dr., Ltchfîeid Rd., Kmberley Dr.. Millet Rd.. Guildford Cnes., Huntîngdon Traîl, Kîngsway Dr., Pondview Place, Margaret Dr. Sprîng Blossom Cnes,, Lyndhurst Dr, Mary St., Scottscraîg Cnes., Wuthernn Heîghts Way, Crestmont, Pîne Gien, Grand Blvd Any yauth in the homes please cali 905-845-9742 ____ ZIml d SKID STEER OPERATOR Landscape company requires exp. skid- steer operator for South West Missis- sauga location during winter events. Top Wages & guarantee ta qualified applicant. Fax: 905-335-2316 or email into@green Prfioni g,.VAOR LMuthave 10 years experienceownl HAWKINS ANIMAL HOSPITAL P/limne and F/lime Veterinary Assistants Requmred Ive Evenînge Mon-Fnîf Some Salurdayo In e tory Must love pets, be compasu onate, Associates Communîcate well with clienta and colleagues, and w Ilng ta work - Flexible hours n multi-tasking envîronment. Traning pr0vided *e Fast-paced Resumes by fax please. 905-875-6853 envîronment eTeam atmosphere Please apply ta: FEH S .. * iS ANDAL. s ORE ELECTORS FULL-TIME For evenîng shifts Must be avaîlable on weekends * Picking and Staging orders for delinery Oxford Street * Continuous heavy lifting Ladies Boutique * Physicalty ft i 501b lifting requirement Mil/on Ma/I * Dstributîon/warehousing experience is looking for customer 0 Teamn-based work environment o 0 Commîlment ta safety Fax resume tu . Excellent wages e905.8113.8348 or * Benefito program email: oxfordstreet 0 Opportunity for career advancemenl 1 *MONEY* *Paper routes are no longer just * . kid's stuffl Excellent davtirne opporttînits lin()akville for service- * ninded. conscientjolis aduits. * Part-ttmie- Wednesdass rlhursdayýs & Friday s. You pick * vo ur hiours and tnust ha-ve vou 0-w13 vehlicle. ____If interested. contact - * W Boba oà (905) 637-8795. Ask us About... work Opghs.cun www.w-tem .0 .0oad 1 N311 Bookl vour Recruiment ad todaîv & reei-e 30 daY'.ueln Workopeilio for eanly $125.00 1 1