I6 :COMMUNITY H elping women in need, one basket at a timie zBasketeers in need of new recruits à By Stephanie Hounseli love went ito the baskets - tbeyre z CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF gorgeu, said Cano & ozzo, devel __ n m nt manager of Halion __ __s I magine you're fleeing an abu- sive bousebold witb yuur s cbild in tow. For a few weeks B you stay at a shelter and then gather the courage to venture out on your s o Wt. Now yott'e starting ail over again c with ltttle but tbe ciothes on your t backs. Your rentai apartment looks sadîs empty and you wonder if yu tnide the nigbt decision to icave C botne. Knowîng Chrtstmas is coin s îtg oii(d,el to thestcof biastng i Now imagine your tbougbsts aret ntterrupted by the ring of a doorbeil. And standing there is someone lrom the sbeiter bearing a beautîfuliy- wrapped gtft basket ful of tbings voit nccd - and some little luxu i rtes, tlo. ioo basenit beeni lorgotten. Unbs stenat to plays itself oui oser and osecr agatn eacb ycar tbanks to a detltcated gt otp of people wbo call thctnselvcs esBaskeceers. latclb Chbtistma,t volonteers assetuhle basketis fuIl ol itemrs tbat'l beclp abusetl ssvon get batk on tieir lect and trmke a ltesb stant. Tbere are abottt 1,500 s oltîncers in stx cbapters atross O.ntario, wh'it b sstppott 22 sbieltcrs. Baskets are tlistribttted bv sbelter staîl to w omten wbo are cîtbei at tbe sbeclteî- anti preparing to leave, or tbiose svbo basve reeently left. Last year, Halton WoesPlate rcetved more tban 100 baskets [ront tbe grotîp, wbitb bas been suppo-rting the sbiter for the past few years. "You tan tell a lot of time antI Vomen's Place, which operates hort-tenns shelters in Milton and urlington. But there are more women in helters than there are baskets. The Basketeers are boping to hange that by spreading word of be program across Haiton in hopes À gaining new members. "Basketeers is flot a regîstered harity it is a lifeline for women îarting oser and we would like tu nisptrc tmore peuple tii Milton, iiit- ligtots and t aks île to esxield bis lifeline," satd volunteer Mieredith Galbraith, wbo wurks aiungside founder Cheryl Stoneburg. CGalbraitb, a Milton resident, bas recruîsed family members îu create baskets in lieu of a Cbristmas gift excbange. 1lIer miother, Barb, is equally pas- sionate about the cause and gettîng people on board. [bFis, scar bias startcd off slowis and witt te etonomny tbe way it is, 1 leel tbat more than ever women sstll neced belp,' Barb said. Tbis year's drop-off date for con- pletcd and wrappecl baskets is Saturday Nov. 21. Tbey sboolcl be broughî to the Salvation Army, 3173 Cawtbra Rd., mn Mîssîssauga between 9 a.m. and 1 p.mn. A basket put tugether by a Milton resident could be given to a clitent of Haiton Women's Place, or tt cooid go tu someuone at une of the other eigbt sheiters the Greater Toronto chapter supports. Getîîng started is easy, Meredith said. Once you register on-line, an GRAHAM PANE ANADAN CHAMPION FILLING UP ON GOOD WILL: Basketeers Meredith Gabit 8n mte ab have fun assembling orne baskets etnipty Rubbermratd basket ts Orop-off da), is a lot of futn, said tlropped off at yout bouse to fill. Or, Meredithb. itfs a tbance to sec wbat il yot prefer, voit tan sinipiy miake a otber volinteers bave tloue and mionietarv donatton on- une. tberes definitcly sotie frientily rtval- Many Basketeers fîlI a basket ry accorcbng to a tbcrne, sucb as The donated baskets are patt of kitchen or bed and bath. Halton Women's Plate's Holiday Items tn a kîtchen basket mtgbt Hamper ptogram, tn whîeb close to intitîde a kettle, lrving pani, kîtcben 300 familles are sponsored. toseels, dtnnsrware and dtsb deter- Bozzo said tbe womien are gent. A l)et and batb basket tould beyond grateful for the mtttb need- be filied wttb beci sheets, bubble cd items. batb, a pillow, ant alarmn dock and a 'Tbey olten tome witb ovhatev- bianket. ers on their backs,' she said, acing The cosi to fill a basket is usualiy for the women wiib cbildren, their from $150 to $200, but tbrifty sbop- kids becomre their top prtority and pers can do it for less. Basketeers iberes iittle left for thetuselves. wbo can't do a wboie basket tbem- Tbis ts a way of iettng the selves can do une as a famiiy tir wi th women know tbey baven't been for- a group of friends or co-workers. gotten. these womcin wbo ,ire on their oss n lor the lîrsi tite, antI struggling \vtb their tleciston (to Icave thecir abuser), pcrbaps,' sine said. "I makes tbemn leel confitdent i thecir decision." Evert illogb Basketeers don't bave any contact si ttb flic somen wbho rceis e tIse baskets, they can test ascrtl thes se belpcd sprcatl Somte jus. Ib sepros detl a lot of o(m- clients witb a ssondcrlul Christmas," ISozo saîtl. F or more infortuiatton or to regîs- ter, visit %vvwwbaskctccrs.ca. 5tipltoîtc Houîîs/i, caes he eue/tied ut st/ticssen«'htu/toteeuîedtt' iuotnîIP on. coin. FUL OUTf WU11 BALO FOR YOMJ CHANCE TO W»N o« yo cmn enter onln at wwwfiyoulmn" MAIL ENTRIES TO: THERE'S NO PLACE UKE HOME, Metroland Coeporate Sales, 10 Tempo Ave., Wllowdale, Ontario M2H 2N8 NAME: ADDRESS. POSTAL CODE: ______TELEPHONE: EMAIL: U Yes, 1 wisls t receive information from ICI Points on upcoming speciais, contests, promotions & events. Contst Rule Contest oen.iq date* Tuesday, . 22, 2009 i2p,,' Deoadle, ore,,, Monday, Nov 30, 2009 t2pe R.elsdso Ontario my ente, ecpt epeyea immet.tîily mebr land/oersn ,edomiciIede,,th) Metrolond Media Gouep id. the mes.peii of thi fiitdcmasEtranuts uder 18 muset hae aentgao coset Chanies of 0 Wne omte t ha,,,g thei nomes. and/or photos, .ppearin, Mestateta Cmmniy N.ewspapers. 1h, deeieo oft he ctest dg,. ,,tfinal Noe peitehoe eestey. A limit oftonequafer,,pei gesonter houthId, te. ry per.etî "aadess. ICI Poits priet pizeet.eh valued ai $500. tIn order te b. eligibe ta in esee t,,co tes.ttuteii&tfp Fucors ue ..ti.etq .Relan.c J.,,t-pe ettgheee flyer,, ..ca