OcOPINION t O iPlay it safe, kids E --eko-tIrcalers, stant \,oui- mines arc sbort enougb te <cngtocs. avoid o ipping. z Haleiscen is necaris here Havlie chiidren plan ibeir -n en1 tiihe mnosi cnjey'ahie rouie and sbare il wiîh yeti 0c coings et the y car for ies anti the family .j yettngslers. lowever, ils aise * Slav off roadways. Waik a lime et parîicular risk for on sidew'ýaiks wbere possible, îbcm. Witb ihai in mmid, and ifl îbere are ne sidewalks, Hialion Regionai Police and waiic facîng îraffic. Aise, look the Milion fire Departiment boih ways hefere crossing tbe oliti tbe ieiiewîng tips ior ail sineet. îbosc uitile ghosis anti goblins -Don't crtireais until par- S aiunday night. cois bave iooked ai themn lirsi. - tîiîng thidren shouid be ('anti, shouid net he caten if fi, f111paicl i \ ali auIt i li h paicage is alieacis opecid \ii ll l uI tit ilti l'tîl. sI1îIî l * . î cpi ltaisý il the doIlff * tntric-i-i-Ocal iii groiîps, on ai eiiiy Nes er enter a sinangens Ieast pains. horne, and oniy visit homes 0 Be vsibe ,,crlgt wbcre the ligbîs arc on. tîiioetet cloibing and bring a Police are aise urgîng Iiasliliglt. W\ear r-ellective miotoiists te take extra cane sîripes ofn cioibing anti tise Saîiinday and waîcb out for fate paint rallier than masks younigslers whiie drivîng. ot things hait viii coven the Happy Halloween. Be sale tyes. Aise, mnake sure cos- - aîîd bave fun. lale e * aume 200 ReadersW it' E-nmal letL tot ioltorial@rnCtencaitetdiýnchaiiDu)of cern Lettcvs, which rnay h cted, mus include the wvntef s name, addro-,s and phiono numbei. Warning about flu shot dangers off the mark DEAR EDITOR: li aitig ibis letter ici express my con- ceros about a coiumn pubiisbed in tbe "Ask tbe Professionais" section, wriîîen by a chîro- practor, of the October 14 Champion. in ber coiumrn, Dr. Angela Barrow wamns people about the potential bazards assocîaîed wîîb vaccination agaînsi influenza. Alîbougb she dîd not ouînigbî recommend ihat people net get a flu shot, commenis sucb as "serieus concerns over tbe safeiy of these Blu vaccinations," potentiai bealth dangers you are openîng yourself and your chiidren t0 from these toxie chemicls, and -mony peo- pie who receive the Blu shot immediaîely gel the lu" may iead people ter believe that geîîing the Hou shot causes more barm thon good. 1 helieve thot ibis is a dangerous and mis- leading message to send oui to the public, par- îîcuiariy wiîh infltuetnza season rapidiy approaching and pandeiî Hi Ni influenza on ils way The faci is that influenza is o potetiialiy leibai infection. Those ai the bigbesî nisk are infants, seniors and ibose wiîb chronie dis- eases sucb as asîbrua, COPD and diabetes. Influenza is also bigbly communicable, so even those who conîraci tbe iilness and stîffer no more thon o few days of fever, cough and aches con easiiy transmit the virus 10 others wbo are more vuinerable to the more serious effeets of the virus. Influenza vaccination bas hemn stringently sîudied and sbown tb b oh safe ond effec- tive and belps reduce the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, there is far 100t much misinfor- motion circulaîing thot ieads people 10 helieve otherwise. Puttinci partv Iocio on chelques was a bad move DEAR EDITOR: l'm extremely upset ai the federal Conservatives' flagrant atîempt te, make them- selves look good. The presence of the Conservaive Party logo on the funding chelques was an error in judgment, and jusi plain wrong. This money i not from the coffers of tbe party, its our money tbat is taxed from oor bard-earned wages. its had enoogb tbat we bad no say in 10 wbere ibat money (distributed to mainly Conservative-beld ridings) is being used, bot il's another malter to take credit for fonds that aren't tbeirs. This blatant foon of Conservative cronyism is jusi another example of politicians serving ibeir own interests. Wben will ibis Alherta-based republican- wannabee party realize that ronning our coun- try in an efficient way is more important than bidden agendas, builying tbe otber parties and patronages to tbe Senate? Stephen Harper, shape up or sbîp out. ANDREW PAXTON MILTON deparîmeni, l'm fuiiy aware of ongoing debaies about ibe Blu shot, and i cao compiete- iy understand peoples besitancy 10 be vacci- naîed when îbey se ofien bear frigbtening information about tbe safeîy of tbe flu shot. However, I've aiso seen the effecîs of influenza hirst baud and know how devastat- ing il con be. ideally, PI like to be able te, tell everyone îo go oui and gel their flu shot. However, 1 know that there are individuals wbo adamantiy oppose influenza vaccination, and no amouni of argument will lever change their mînds. So wbaî I'm asking people te, do is te, edu- cale ibemselves about ibis important topie 50 ibat they con make a truly informed decision. Seek information from reputable sources sucb as the Canadian Medicai Association, Healtb Canada and the National Advisory Cooncil on Immunîzations. Ibese organiza- lions make recommendations hased on nîgor- ous scienîific sîudy, and are pnobahly tbe best places 10 go for informnation on îbe Blu shot. Belter yet, taik witb your famiiy doctor, pharmacisi or a registered nurse. Tell îbem your conceros about the Blu shot and ask ques- tions before you make a decision. As for me, wben îbe Blu shot becomes avai- able l'Ii be the hirst in fine rollîng up my sireves 10 proieci myseif, my famiiy and my patients. ANGELA CONNELLY, R.N. MILTON Xtljt (fEana~ian ~ijampwn 1 Mlton Criuiy Nw5spaper Sinc 1860 555 todustriat Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Edatoniai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Ctassified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.nltoncanadincharpion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager [Daid Haîrvey General Manger t)î1i Kùî foliO Editor in Chief Managing Editor Kii(ýi lv'lîî Production Manager Tim ('il, Circulation Manager Chaîi iii(i( i1 Office Manager Sai y Pie The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, in a division of Meiroland Media Groap Lid. evei f a ypgriihia euiInit porion if the adients ing pce ocpidibyfiui theernsiem togethetiiith a reàsonaln alliiiiite for siturei wif ui be haqed for but the balantce of fhe adveiiîtii5 wif se pa.d for a, the appibrie. The pîblithet tiiervt e hi gt ao vueroiz advettisetteits rdi lt CCAB Audited it io, îfî v ()CM na wspa"orsAmmoc Dciiii tîcn U+NA tînadi tommunity Su. Nevippîc Aîîsaaiiî aprn Lxýi pnor for: MIL.TON 1Â/tLOME ~ SANTA WAGONCLAUS ingle Bl Fund PARADE UNITEWAYNh OF MILTON CANADA DAY Th, MC ThE M îlîiidi Chmion i aR".cle P viuc