Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2009, p. 5

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'Balloon Boy' saga gives local biz lots of exposure By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Front the momet the world caughî wînd of' Baill n Boy - tic e N six-ycar-old beltcvcd to bc floatng insîde a bumetuade inflatable con- jtraption - people wcrc captivatecl. Multon's Mitch Uclîts,, was no dît- fereut, inding the whole situation two wccks agu rallier arnusing. But hjs amusement quickly turned su atuazemens ssben lic realîzed that ness buugry, peopile weîe turning to bis business isebsite, wwwballuun- boys.cuni, iii hupes of gleaning inuor- matiun ou tbe saga, sshîc was later detet niijec îu bc a huax. lu one clay. tbc site lot lits rooftîî itillatalîle businîess, B,îlluin Boys, gar- nered altsîuss 500 lis - a far cv froîtî tIse îîsul 20 sus 30 a day. GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION 1lI li i\\o adi\ o isugetliset andu MILTON'S OWN'BALLOON BOY': MîcO- Belfry bsacialonîg lugh b IIîl its sssle bas gallon a big kick out of ail the attention bis business -We tbcughî it ssas su ftinsiy,' bas receîved sînce the 'Balloon Boy' stoty. Belfsy sasd. Evcn as svurd sîrea bha the inci- dent was a fabricatin bh od a e e l it e B "Balloti Bouy" cuntinurd lu spread Residenîs ut an older neighbur- aruund tbe world, lu Belfrys deliglit. buud su îuwn bid a hearîfelt guod- For tbe pass week or su, the busi- bye su a beluved interloper last ness uwner bas received quise a bit ut weck. attention; a story was written su a 'BV - a ebukar partridgr wbo daîly newspaper and be made a guest gut bis namne after beiug spotted appearance un a popular talk radio wanmdering around the Bell Street station. and Vanier Drive area over the past Its nos as if peuple are making a several weeks - fr11 prey tu a bawk. l mad dasb su rent giaut tuflatable apes Many Miltonians bad grown fond of watching BV or bot air balloons for tbeir rooltops, and bis presence sparkrd some major community but Belfry said bes glad for the expo- terdback. Area resident Lynne Lockburst e-mailed a sure - and the cbuckle. pboto ufthe bird su tbe Champion asking for il teu be l11l take my 15 minutes of tame," publisbed tn tbe bopes ot identifying bis species, and bc said. witbin a couple ut days tbere were dozens ut respons- Stephanie Hounscîl can bc reaclied es - aIl contirming that be was in fact a chukar. at stlicssen@îtiiltosicanadtanclsampi- His lime bere was aIl 100 sbort, but certainly uts com. sweet. Farewell, BV With TD Canada Trust's broad range of mortgage options, there's one that's perfect for you. As a morigage professional, 1 can help you review your choices and select the mortgage that besi suits your needs. If you are thinking of.. " buying a home " obtaining a Home Equity Line of Credit " consotidasing esîsting debîs " refinancing your morsgage *making a major purchase or investmess *switching your morsgage from another financial istitton ..caîl me for a privale cosnsultation. t wiIl mers wtth you aI the tîme and location of your choice. l'Il show you hosv oaS greas mortgage rases, flexible options and personal service wiII make yoar mortgage experience acomfortable osne! YOUR ONE STOP MORTGAGE CONNECION '~Canada Trust Mohile Mortgage Speciatîsts NOTICE TO çp MILTON HYDRO CUSTOMERS MILTON HYDRO WILL BE MOVING TO 8069 LAWSON RoAD) ON FRIOAY, OCTOBER 30,2009. To FACILITATE THE MOVE, MILTON HYDRO'S OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON FRiDAY OCTOBER 302009 AND WILL RE-OeEN AT ITS NEW OFFICE SITE ON MONDAY. NOVEMBIER 2,2009 AT 8:30A.M. PLEASE CALL 905-876-4611 TO REPORT ANY EMERGENCIES OR POWER OUTAGES. WE LOOK FORWARO TO) CONTINUING TO SERVE VOUR NEEDS FROM OUR NEW OFFICE SITE.

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