townecoun w RD N E LI TOP r% Natiônal!y agai» f7208 THE BRAZEAU TEAM C WWW.BRAZEAuTEAM.COM ý 905-878-8101 sding hardwaod floors gan fireplace, Californîs ý-la appliancen, kitchen garage, and a loft wifh ansporfafian -a mach jo.saephmu arg nia osazelu Jodle Nu, K.m CIMn a gone. $414,900 B.A.*" R. Ve Sles Bop Located acrosa from achool. Soaing 91 ceflinga and gleaming bardweod floors. Gas fireplace wit decorative mandle. $1,775IMonth Gorgeaun Greenpark bomne lecat- ed in deairable Milton 'IYala. Stsannlng kItchen bss importe floora, tbick granite counter and mucb more. Sparling master enute includea noaker tab & glass encloaed slaower. $6499900 Gorgeous 1 bedroomn + den Hampton model (898 apft). Dark cabinets, stainless steel appliances & ceramic back- splasb in the kitchen. Open con- cept livngdining froom wltb pot lights. $249,900 Gorgeous 4 bedroom home nitu-, ated on a carner lot close to Idowntown Milton. Completely renonated from top to bottom. Beautiful yard bas mature trees, bedge for privscy. S$699t900 Gorgeous bungalow aituated on just over 3/4 acre. Bacldng osto Cbudleigbas. lngroundi pool and del- Huge Itchen witb stainleas steel appliancea. You AIl rént b Idisappointed. $734,900 fris ctr y narer has resar tardwod in theSt sith a ozy wad stove, sepasatate iig mon adloinif ktaten and tt ploton the mn lest loaSt level has a ecente d tltd bndtaratoftoetSlus artageacanna Mstaofthe hg ticket hemhaam alteals tomer eplaaetfatete g Mea parnel mpt fssta kand;:aaînta uaeOtttst toadûataaaeeInandlenjoytteave* Cloela Milton and 5fttn ta 401 MPd ipUeio la CUMMER lAI RElAIE SPACE Rare opportnaity lai purchase cammercial/retail sace in the dawnfown cane. Great lacatien wif h L ~ high alsibilit and traffic. Building la 2400 square feet an thn main levait. Znning fonds Otseif tea wide aariety of unes. Cail Pat fan farlher defails and le scfsndule an appalalment le aîew. â iâ Listed ut $090900 Greal nize and location ta htsild your ~ dream country homre. Just aestlofGuelph ~.....Lire ia fhn hamief of MoffttIhîs almost 4 acre building lot tas a new drilled wel ta place. Localed ocrons from tuscany Rîdge efae subivtn. This Protny is a new ~ cae d idng ltI a rame fird o don't mina nul or Ihus OPPortuntY Cali Pal for fuithes delaîls. $329,900. ~~1WHA A VRIEW For furffner Information ad photos on tIiese properfies pleae vînit 1ILY INRDIBLE1I Open concept aplît oîfuofed on oarge lot. Upgraded kitchen wifh wolk ouf ta deck oveîlooktng formeras tields. Oversized double drage sunnyce tof maoin goroge. groLge aitti oeuf0 oin fîtrloue. Roomy obove grode inlow suife, with walk out f0 privone deck, 5 WOODED ACRES BeoutifuîIly updated Executîve home. Updofîd gourmet kifchen. Moin floon tomily- toom with 2 wolkoufo and fine- place. Formol living ond din- ingroomo. Triple cor goroge. 10 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES OfIers a country lifanfyla buf wîttan min- utan of Mitn aod 401. This urique cun- tom buOt 4200 nqnf"ostn& Bam by *thintiewood" ln 1991. Open conuept lefuhen & famifyroom. 4 bdrma and 4 bofina. Vautled callirgn. Great huma for erferftalag. Maites bdrm, dea/library wirS voulrerd cailirga. Geonharmol forataitol heafina/coollaa. 'Masnay Heotet' ta l. Beautiful grunds witt hot tub aid puni. CENURY HOME Stone 5-bdrm w/al the charm of yesteryearl Wood floors, high ceilings, lrg principal rms, 3 firepl. Bank barn, d/shed, dbi det garage, ten- nis court. Creek, woods, meadows. Incomparable! 10+ ACRE GATED COUNTRY ESTATE Sprawling frch bungalow wih w/o hooemaof. Indoon, sot woafe pool/Spo wdft offta podty rouen. 7 badrooms. Gutmaa fi w/ita ufth Gar odppli- onces. 2 ponds, f stock with trout. Numerous outbldgs iacludiag Heoitad wotkshup, heatad l8.5 x 48 gotage (ideol fot mofthome), Sophinficotad securly oynfem Coali flot mure deala. .88 ACRE IN MILTON HEIGHTS Nestled befween Kelso& Country Herîfoge Park. Updafed Counfry home with town water. 2 storey, 4 bdrmn with main tir tamilyroom. Longe -Counry" kit with w/o f0 deck 'pool & cabono. ýIlIIlIIIIî, 1 Il