ROYAL LEPAGE Meadowtowne Realny, 1-8101 E.9 MILTON tbwne.m rrestiuutwm fun g aupr~o 50 s po I commerciao opace fronfing oofo Holly Ave plus o 2 bed I ROYAL LE5GE ours 2 hoth with a gorgeous master rut reat, bafcony for uenterto o ng anti douhie car garage. Coul Tim Gerrior f0 Sbook your'prîvote viewing. $499,000._J BLUE SPRINGS ESTATE HOME. $764,000 Sales RepreSentative rnjoy spectacular suorîses and paooramic viemso0f tire 01Niagara Eocarpment frurs the deck of this 3200 SFE une e878-81 owoer home. Locateti os a private, ravine lot acrusu from elue Sprngs Golf Course. Features 4 hir, spacios fivished mloir or "bonus" ronm over tarag e, Cherry hortimooti p ' floors, and a waîkut ivwer level witir 10ft ceiiioas. eeauîitully loodocapeti with f011 trees and interlocki walkwavs & ratio. Corse home to thot quiet country feeling! Mav 1 show yoo? Angela Silcock0i 8 78U81011 QUIET COUNTRY SETTINO Tucked awoy domo a long true-lioned, paveti dnîveway tito tis bungulow mitir waih-oat hasement. Eniey tire peace on tuis 17 acre oecloded lot witir excellent accent to Miton and Bnrlington.Tiris hume would he onitahie for as eoterd- ed family un soue itir a unve-mn nanny. Moired fer sale ai $7390639. Ta view Ibis berne cal Angeis Siicack Sales Representiative, 905-078-0101. Mirolla Marshall* Sdn~~~ oeNav OYA L LEPAG= 878-8101 "Recause a Homne is More than Jusi a Bouse , e ~ uî Tis home is what dreamo are mode ot.. Newfy cenotructeti witir upgrades gafore and fecateti in tire desîrahie churacter orea ut Old Milton, this 3 plut 2 hettroors, 3 feul bath home offero 00000 many teatures. 10-1/2' ceifîngo, durir maînut flooro, Koîhe windows andi dooro, antique transors over duors, open concept floor plan and a great tize lot ust f0 ourse a few. Lucateut close fo dowo tomo, scireuls, parks andf bigirway acceos, fis bouse miii amuse you Please cati Miretia ta vtew. Priced ta self ai $774,300. ~J~inLoBun y? Howden- Braker 878-8101 nrvt GREAT HOME 2 tiedroom fmh* twace tmhom- NEW Hardwood and ceramic floors on the main IMI (2nd ejFunct" and Wish walk out tu terrace on &mn2.'dWJS. of üle femures inclucle, ce" r' cent.vac, Stffin Stee . nt k1tchen, automatic ý df openener & Sem! en utile bathrm ung - Ve 10 M costs lot month. SI . . Go MISI 5103etohirtual tour Call today for a peum-1 tour. - 1 ERFECT LO-CÂ-TÎON-ý Situateil in Timberlea, 3 bedroom 2 storey home. New top of the lino furnacla and alc, new Écran cabir&, new flooring on the main level and new cafpeting up'tairs within past 2 112 years. updated generous sizernastair bedroonn, finished rec roonn. 1 car garage and lots 01 "'m ni th, driveway for parking (no Sidewalks on M We of Street.) close toi paris, SchoolS. T and Shopping. 011MI11 it $W1,1106A R VACAlff Busy South West corner of Steeles and Bronte.. 1.14th acre zoned MI. Build up to 13,000 square laid. Call us for more information or a survey of the property. SAM 1110411ESEMM laffl AWAR WINNER z o LIVEIIWDH