. naion, MILTON/CAMPBELLVILLE 905-878-2341 OCTOBER 28, 2009 i~~~ 1/2 STREEAUTIFUL UPOATEO BUNGALOW ! CHARMIPdG 1 / TTYO uiet orreet nean schoots and park. Jast minores trom clown- Sala W L AITI DHM updated home on t/2 acre lot. Modern Sattey lotchen roser Milton. News ketchen cabinets, Conian-coontreno ttoors adtls LV YW LMAN IEOH E rg/dtntnagroom. Main floor srooti and taandny. Watlo m-878-8101 staîntess steet apptîances. Spdated bath. Steamîng ttndwd rtooîs on 905-878,8101 In tamîty tmrendty nierghboonhood. Beaotîtot handseood ttts on main matune lot. Sepanale 2 car garage airS studio lt.ort sai the main ttoor. Fintshed tower tireit recreatron monm. Rear acceos for ov Ea in kitchen. Master bdnmf wsih nemi-ensuite. Ptnîshnd towir okoitte tocation. Minores 00 401. ROYAL LOM dico aid totly tînced, mature gandin. Forrace fSec 2006). ROYAL.LEPMB leoel Fence prioate gardait iroSer lnfontltiehi and phostois pleas visC. For forifier Iineaflaa sit phitos; pleasio nitit. Fo use dar Inflimill and phoitis pluesi vIitl Or»Ta.o razemiîloim.cim BraeaiuTeam.csom 'sdue 9e5-42-2745 PWOWAm42 i5oi uieSriaO ve e Lo t adod y M-rui Fl Par Lots voe WKieu n on M 115251 Lot Of NaSturel ltIne Ho, udosd Pise tragesat Muen Fiser ifini ;-878-7777 4O f q bsetWs Nol Laint Front & Baci ai LA otion Clouso MU log Lannoy SIMPLY STUNNING ____ . on SAT UUY Beautifb Bungalow sel on atoso 5acres or pari liii scenent Thi s home Sas bean completeiy nîonodelled and meticatous7 y carid for 1820sg.ft of living space apstains w/ 3 bedneoms, S aid an additional lB2Ssg.ft downslains with tall in-taw suite ncluding k ichîs, bathnoom, 2 bedroomo and lange living/dis- ns araP e catlie Jîrtî ton monae. lee dats. $500900 Mike Morgan SA Brelier w5-878-7777 .=N-t. BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT OPEN CONCEPT S Pruiy ont in Mattamy s Hawthorne Village airS ltrtn, rat-ir arna and tamily unim actons the taeck witt tuon airdoas Four Sedroomo, master C N enrsuite with walk-rcoset, snparate shower anidiaccuzzi tub nrgy Star hET~ oie vit cnt. air. cen, uac. deco and terceS yard. Just listnd, Calt Miko. ~ BRONTE MEADOWS BEAUTY S This trnstity paitted Sotie boaots 4 Sîdoooms t11/2 garage with acciso to the Souse & Sackyard, tutty tnced Sacloyard with ahoon grourd poolt Pr d nil ad hot tub, lange frort porcS and tocated or a child-ttîetdly streit. P u e ta Hardwocd ticors, gas fireplace, et suite & atk tn ctoset tn maorer bec- rMIE ot & motet WaIk Io schoots, parks, toatto, Milton Sports Centre. $W,111111 2.5 amrostile ltn Tusany Esales.Pae woodl& very pnsaite j~VICasomized xecUtnehome wfmapkleharthwoid & ceranfecs, 9 oeaig& gradeaus CEN*lwM'wn cuma Mileaurcase. Buit-in maple beulcas in Pamiy Bm. Slanning eoatom C N batroofs. IL 80% finaia ASSOLUIEY SPICTACIJW 1111111%#211111M SMy gaaaranteed marketing plan Includes: /mis listing /open house OM /newspaper ads /photographs MW /colourful feature sheets 9"75-3343 w/ int0e:rnret a :::prie /staging /virtual tours m-7-777 O'WNYOUR OWN PARMUE SETTINO dBS@-nSpacious 4inddoom Home oniaiue 14acr nst than los lke a palo! Loey fan m iwh FePlae atonouo eHuge coveed D'1~i~ olo! OogeosinenodMaiahoom! H-tao nc roumoinase- mentjejuch More!! Cal Ses! ~NI>5v ww DebTlult.cern r~CallurViotC, k aw.MlnM«xa.com' Todui For 1 JOFUFOUS ýScottswoosu Huxley) Model pFull Detalist i Elevatron'C'modet Iocated in Haatitome Vîttage on one ot tri b t Sstrvetshadssood Socoring in the tiving room, dîning roem & tamitl \,froom9tfoot ceiings on main floot, master ensuite w/seperute ~22 4au gn1 bsrne~tlamrinatefliooriigfull ba roomrerioom, becroom, .min axx.c bar & sauna. tntertockinq & tandscaing in the front & backyards. so! O tl ny 5 Morttrs Neoo And StII Limder Ail Bonder Aed Tarion Warranseoli This Mattamy d. Mattamny Tothbur on premiam lot. 9 toot ceitinas, beautitutll Up raded ktcher .98 8 inHileenut Modnî l Simtily reattaldng! Loadert Wih9 Ceitîngs, Signatore Seros wais21111 I O wit Suit in stainiess steel applierces, maple staersand hardeoooor on05 Osec- 4 Kiectin Cabinets, Qoartz CountertoosPot Lighos. Pendant Lrits, UndermountSi, oWJOdb r Stu ondflor landing, second ftoor den, 4 spaclous bnednooms 5 washrooms, profts- Str Stainrless Micro, Omooth Cedino Main Floor, CanîtonniaShuiters, Onramic OneAngle, sionallo tînishnd basement with home theaton, patterred coocretle patio in priaite C o Cmli . aiM eardwood Stamts, 2rS Floor Lauedry 808,90 Saoltyard, ard more, please ses viSsuai tour tor piltures, $7U.OlD. E Plusse soo woisite tor virlsul touet www.sathernnbuomet.comn 11 MWAÏs à îé ta 0 ...... À RECENT FREE LISTING WINNER wn. ý37ASi ls biller than ainnrin toi jackopot ai thi casino! We ~tCiii an Visit 0 'are imptiosed wi the prootssiona Smfi and inthusiasm of thi staff www.mlomaxs.com FUL und cour agent aas knowtidgetabte and encoutganig. We woutd Todup For R /T u e u D detfintiely recommend MinMaoo to oor tniands amd tamtty. Thank FulDtis e r RdT d auO HenryFai andetncDeLim ~26.11 itiVairn ocmes n b.paaa "t264-1111 S O L I COE FURLONG COLLINS,