Schools hit by HI NI 17 confirmed regi on, but fl( cases in reason f Or school closures, says health depariment By Tina Depko MLTROi AND WLsT~ MEDIA (,ROUiP Nesýs sf tirue arrfisai of tibe pandlerisc H i Ni1 vaccine iii liltois cornses as a numrber ou' sbiosois acrcsss the regitin are reporîing a second LD I I wave osf oscîbreaks of tise hi Nê i virus. As osf iaie iasî sseek ibere were 17 confirm-ed cases osf H I NI iii Haltin since seieisbei i iccoisiiig io irs Bob \osai, Haiioi Regions îssedciîai osfiîcer ofi bo-,iiii ii usai uiiniber, 1i ciscs aie uncici îbc agc ol _10 l1u 1"Ii iiiiii .1' sl il t s tu - No deaths i lilton i isc base been so cieatis i epiiricc as a resîli iii tbe sirus sisis all. iuî suicre base been sesen bis1siializaios Nussai said usre niaii\ os iiiilose biisîiiiized isave been Linder tuse ige of 20. 'Fic e ii er of coîsfirisc cases dcss isoi accuraîeiv represeisi tbe actuai ncîîssber of people ssith the virtus on tise region, as tbe poinc bas iskeci ibai osisy people ss ils sscie ss ý,iisi)oisss andc ilsose ai rîsk - stîci as Corporate challenge launch on tomnorrow Ais eveni ioiorross, wii kick osff a litige coirpoiaie reiay race desîgîsed ici beîsefîî cîgii loîcal cbanres. ThIe osfficial iatincb of the Snap Fiîsess f orposraie Aciventire Chballenge wii i.ske place ioiiiosrrciw ai 9:30 a.m. ai Kelso Conservsaion Arc. Fic aciciai eveni - puti onî bv Snap Fîîness and Pak it Up Inc., wîii bc heic iii Ociober of nexi year. Tbe reiay race wii combine tbe cballenges ofi an obstacle course wiîb the best of ieami competition ansd wîll atîraci moire iban i,000 competitors it'Il be opeu to the public. For information, e-mail înfo@corpo- riteati enturecbailenge.tom or vîsît Nww corporateadventurechallenge.tom sîart- îng iomorrow. May to visit Halton Canada's Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, is set ho vusii Halion next weck. On Saturday, Novs 7, suieil attend a pai is * reception in bier honour ai Indian Wsells Ciubbouse, 5377 Waikers Line in Bciriingtosi. Tbe event begîîss ai 8 p.m.- wiib Mas cosisi îssentîng on local issues sucb as tieiio ment ansd cîrbati sprawi. She il aiso bc asail- able to sîgîs copies of'liber two moisi recent botoks, Loisitg Conifidenice andi Globoal Wamsiiig for Dummies Tickets for the reception are $40 and cati be purcbased by coîstacîing Dotig Miitn ai (905) 878-2267 or wwwbhaiî pregnani womcn or those wsibh an underiying chronic condition - gel iested. The Hi Ni virus bit Haiton bard cariier ibis s car. wiih 21 i 9oifiried cases in spririg and surniiiier, wib tbe ina.joriiy of cases beîng schooi ageci c hilioi Schoois mseenajor -ites uof tranlsmsission. fiaIton Regiori Heaiîb staff and tire schooi boaird ,petit lire suininier prepariisg for anotb- er ouîbreak ibis flii The heaiîbi deparînient has been mnoniior- îng tbe sirus in the st boois îbrough an on- fine absenteeism reporîîng systemt sînce the scbooi vear began. Nosai said il wouid appear Btbe second was-e oi oui- breaks of the virus has started, as tbe numn- sber of studenîs miss- ing due t0 influenza- Iike syrnpioms bias rcceniis cuipeci. He said its imnpossible io knoss how many Of tIbse Si uienas bave Hi IN i, as opposcd io the co iiniion coid. Ho%,s ever, with a higher 10 oîosf pc-i s i c-ut iîuui su [csici iseli pisi fcsss wceks lbe sai t iý o-,ale io assume it is iii schoois in aul four corninu- niîies wiibin Haiiun. He said there is ino con- centratioun of the virus in any specilie com- iiuniiy Some would be HLNI "Ccriaiîîiy noi .îii of ibeisi (stident absences) wouid be HI NI, but going by tbe perceniage of positive tests, a signibecant per- ceniage of îbem wocîid base HI N' bie said. il'be good news is ibai ibis seconcd strain chics noî appear îo be nmore virulent iban tbe one tbai w \cii îbrocîgb Haiton scbocsis in îbie sprîng. Tbis is concurrent witb the results seen in Austraiia, wbicb recentiy bad its won- ter -a prime lime for the spread of tbe HI NI virus. Tbere, tbe second wase was not worse bhai tbe first, witb a s'ery iow inortabîty raie. "Fic bcoseraii iiiness fron Fili NI is aciuaiiy a iittle iess tban froin tbe seasonai flu but wbere voni normaliy see the bigber bospitai- izaiions and death rates in the eidcrIN, ibere bias been more of a shift (witb HlNI) Iin per cent of bospiiaiizaiions witb tbe younger population," Nosai saîd. "Altbougb the younger people are more iikeiy t0 conîraci it, if you go by the AustraiialNew Zeaiaiid expe- rience, it is preîty comparable to a normai Rlu season. Ibais goodi news." There is no reason for any sebooi ciosures at ibis lime and the beaith departmeni wviii continue îo work wiîb tbe local scboois and sebool boards, Nosai said. Nosai said tbe iatest medicai research expiains wby the younger populations are more proue tii contracting the disease, com- pared t0 oicier generations. "fi is bcliîescd ibai ibose born before 1957 sserc exposeci t a reiated virus tbaî gave sorie resîdual îmmunity," be said. The HINI vaccine arnived in Haiton on \'edîscsdavN and the Regions beaiîb depari- isient wii be offerîing ciinics startîng ioday llie coipicie list of iismunizaiion clînies, svîîb dates and tînses of' operation, cani be iound onlinc ai or by dialing 311, (905) 825-6000, ioii free i-866-442- 5866 or T-15 (905) 827-9833. l~$ i man.- Sourdough Baguette125 Brni i69 Olde fashuoned 4 Smoked Lean Pork Loin -lOgBeef Salami 11lOOg 9 Extra Lean 99 Prosciutto /1009g Capicollo /1009 Product of Canada VAUDREUIL 99 BRIE / 100g (re gular, double crème, or camembert) ($9.09/Ib) Product of ontario Product of USA Yukon GoId Red Leaf Potatoes ,Lettuce Product of USA am Product of USA Green Leaf Red Seedless~t~ Lettuce Grapes 1299 327 Bronte Street S,White Oaks Plaza 905-875-0303 £i_*t@. Pricos in effect et Mnhr 0m 7p Wodnosday, October 28 Mai Stee Mdîy8drn 8 ,m7pmî to r i.i ody83am-8pm Tuesday, November 3. 2 ~ Lare Siday 9 am De AM 'l' M' M L; ý6m*