Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2009, p. 26

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C6 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: 1ý ~~~~Monday to Friday 8:30 arn 5:30 p.m mo l s o t *0- oAD SUOMISSION: By mai Pr in te Dn at gton Pot SM4 Mtocsay, Uni t I Sti tgton ON L7L 7G5. DEADUNES: Motday 5 p.t for Wtdhttday w w t itrc m -opublication, Wtdnttday 5 p o. for Friday pubiction. Spttttl Fetxox deadlines tty vato' PAYMENT. Wt w>il acctpt cash, cheque, Ittxtc ia, Mattttcxd eDAY Tr APPEARS to ttsot ifs ttccxacy. The Cattdiat Chatmpito wiont be rttptttible tor aty ttttts apptosng alittr the ftrst day of pubicaton If a VEXECUTIVE B3UNGALOW MILTON FURNISHED Z r1h ly oppointtdlctxam- flaonor cet Avaîlabit Need Daycare? O , 0 cshardwood,grarttltîth immeodiattl Tetxy and Pa bck- d asîcs ' R 1 C fN $500. Colt 905-8782068. time spaces avoiloble ino home in you arec. We offer: O!Ok c wth ingm satt Mae o smol roti of childten pet homo, scretned nnd fmoned YO R B S S U CE F R L AL J S p t 1i. Edxctpeng s i ILTO N- ONE tOtom Providets, unschedluled monthly inpections, exclacie O R B S S U CE F R L AL J S srnlrsystem. No GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS btto hut educrattoal e Leatn Prormicm o reptsn 1Duversnifosasei I om lw Wtoid pose f224 montts St. S., Miltonl rntace arto. S500/mo. a nfmttit Sol 6 O T/mct 905 299 1001 vertica.ca inclive. 647-220-609. o imcftinn Mkneogetw ple ci 1 905-68947179 (!eatc 1.877.823.2621 DLIEYTUK RVR * GIJELPiI. ESTATE tiot -eet eglbkrodlouW«wb www.weewad.com A Milton bosed Company hos an opentng for a lot. 1800 sq.ft side spit. feoae ifesrol oia ot&lhy frRUw uitime, Deltoery Truck Driver. Candidate muet Reoltons Wttcomtl 95'jSesaV ri beat dwtiMto Private TUltos Artles for Sale be o teoma ployet with excellent drtotng SUI sfor W ,Id l4 t 893 btdnttmt, trv S 0 Kn Sco1 deltoery in te GTA. Valid DZ license, 4-5 doyo 418,90. 4eeplcanon pe wi[ýigadmr c" eek. Heooy lifting requtred (25 kgs/50 JON URC RIR LB ageexqusitemaniuredMATH TUTORING GradTes TREES & 0Srcs Potted, Ibhs.) When cot dttoîng, shipping dulies wil be >,, on, 8 12 certied c, eer Bood JuInpsIOTd MILTON -LARGE 2 Led nu, l Teache, y ,t) Cd. et c cil (R., nvol\led. Earn extra $$$ OOW NTOW N ro ci at ient avalable la r . l cc 41623844 0-2c.c N e ll 9 5 7 0 P Iase IUw ard resurire by ax to: r 0 I MILTON Noveccbtn 1 Lorge 1 belli 905 703505ý check yard, pcîced tu Ml5-78-8M9 or be e-mail te: We are lookng for reliabie, Mrggs on iidTv omatoîIlablt Novtmbe citan. respons ie Youths and Aduits 82Mtsd rv. 15ý Plus patkicgý Coul 300 RW @ mfM For door f0 door fo deliveries. $MONEY$$ CONSOL- Attractive quiet 1EOAE ... . . . City~ Driver PLEASE CALL: 905-878-2341 95% No income, Bad cnedît brgtcen basement apantlment, S pck p &* EXt#244 OK! Bttte Option toit 650sqft, oinS batheri IAccommodatonsl AUCTION drops. 2 yets neferI g a e e t 1 T 9 6 9 1 &2 bedtoom units kîtchto ciost Nice Iton 1 Ixeiec 1 8 00 -2 82 1fi 6 9 with laundry fociity neîghnionhoof close oe UPSCALE EXECUTIVE Thursday, Octaber 29 - 5:Opmi exPet anieng. wW.ontgageontaîo.om aOnd social toom on shopping and park. $900T Toonhouse- 1700sq ft.Hzaaîig sie eua eien o lsuiiie.Cl unse ro ihfrae ai Hume's Auction Farm Must have fasf cotd MAIO DAY requires cleaners ful Bs-Srie; eoents open 7days 416-726-9503. 4 plece bath in shaned 9313 4th Esquesing Line to croussorder. GerlNptime. Experienced maids preferred. NaVA LARGEg rieouse. 0085/o iinst/ilast Fotklîfl Licence Ms aecrPs o olr+ &OVA LARGERG n-edequîntd. Immediate. Non- 3mlti lasodhoao oMllton 1 resthveuairedtpdola. SAE nunan Ctea $40nîau Ui 90-876l-12Z49 n oom o ppen let t smokee oniy, Parking tor Fot John & Jean Layman plus additions COAfoi: red. , RATJB Fax 9-8764-9924 SaPE inUP to $400on 000 www.realstar.ca Pnîdge/stove/heatîng tn one. Bnad 905-864-0188. cotat DnareAcînifcm/eue a».cnd o le o ciuded. No pets/smoking. Visil ka1I905-593-t5J2"GRATJOS ax90-84-92 eDWNTtWN Ilbany apt 0800/montS Otaiiaalei.mfor further information Em,,. Producion maîdday@rogers.com 877-603-5050 ton an an Too othut edt edoey10i72 iStotge SIIeC lé, Sherwood&Gordon Hume Aucthxneers lesfrkl@ associates needed obligation quote. Open utove, iaundnp toom, bsmt Remt958847 kaaqrmo. nfeMLO weekends. stonage oniy. Sepaeate en- 905-88-487 for»S«tin inen the MILTON_____ noance, panking, 8nrsV ýatt PHI o NElet HATED WINTER stoe age c.area. $12 plus A~tneeR Or 010/mo.pu tlte . suitabie ton cars cmtsftt, Att shifts aoailahte etOyA Aual 1 t f e st.wtrat & noocyls, MODA T P Remt 900588723 3 BEDROD bungaltow rann vttlleAdclsforal itresfr ae O daY T P ________or___ Quiet couert neae Doontoon Cail 905-878-3812 leate Ariles..................... fvp-Sale jL1. HCR TIJIESDAY AT 5 M J B 1-BEDRODM APT uppen GEORGETOWN 1-BED- Milon. 21300/mo. Call mesgmu >~.1L.ae* u Fax: 905-876-4090 for OTtoda othosecls oRDM aemntSenMaek 9050815-3312. 4 DUNLOP GnandTnek Win- TREADMILI. ELECTROC eL..r.. e:0-7-61 WDED W 5 IIIE _____o_____clse________smet, ea tee beres oîth steel black tells tîme, speto, distanceý Tl9087-61 WDEDYA PM baionpo pang quete sto eutiyO. 1-onkhicust GERETW b-E Det- tot5bit ateern Ioe calonies, htaeteate, incline. 310 Main St Efor Friday CAN HELP Iacn parkang heiate &n Sp t/drtote 1anticdyROk cut oein Mll ]Oie 2005 20027 Dode Doko- $295. Alto, eliptîci Ilî Il -atut Ste. 205, Milton Piot a 0 324 dre inludet auaa&i Nou Singto angi anr. OMcunre, matun pen UtsW n-o tat. Used onip ont oite et, eecombent & eteecîse &OIGt totiAf e Caîl dr nlddaalbeNv utsigemauepruete01250/mth ,oppent 3000 kms paîd bilke, tnampoline wîth enc- Ges pwww.hcrca fax 5-62f6 1lst. 5190833-2139 son, No smoking/ptns utîi lies. No smoking/pets. FULL TIME lite tut Soute-oe 2000 00 oi stil tor sune. 9050814-1415JO NEC _______________ sf Caii 905-7034618 (9051877-8820 Contact Nateem at r----------- tSeia t-REDROOM, NEWLY 647-989-1442' 416el574-571t3 nenoated, Miton, paeking. GEORGETOWN 2-BCD- GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ALL NEW BeTls Plus/ pîlij stoae, teîdge, otten inciud- RDOM apratment, patk RODU coper lettr Ist/Aast l 10 Opt, 1o-1hc. ce tO, No pets prefeteed. flnst hlke settîng. $f,OTO/month appilances & iao, n dr PeIia/ n plastic, Double $250 , ** B8 DT Cash$ Paid- and last, eefeeences, Il' ue 25,Kn 50 Gps hpdteo Ltiundrp and S1,200 plus utiltes. 1 an,..o uto57h îg 50 Cils, Jewttltrp. Goid. im g n th o sb l ie .HR E S850/mo 905-878-8123 pa-- ek-,, i ginc de tilDl o. f ' - îc eoY oam mat- Siote, Ortmotdt. ChRina. i a i et ep sî iiis 9__0_5_-_4_5_9_-905 5459 16561. 41648-7674 LOOKING FOR ameaning- ttess with cotet, Qoeen ceroptst ai, Sioee. GO GI 2 AND 3 bedroom aporo 905457-2989 fui îocg-teem reeatîonssîpt S750., Kite $950. Cao De- Figorites, Ropal Oeuf- Vilhesting career opportunities, compe3l3See CLANN meets ataîlabie in George- MILTON 3-BEDRDOM 0-tii Ontteios largest, most iltet. 905-730-5849 toc i Saeottki, Ait towo. Waik to Main Sitneet GEORGETOWN ' 3-BCD- aviabe imedîatep in successtoi matchmaking Atiqo taenithongs, Amrt pnainadson fh etrsfiettlnLDE ond GO Teransit. Silterce tk ROOM, main filer0 lon. S_0/m pu sric bîe!M ye Coifectihies, etc -sat loo n o hransomeofaheetrfiet Towers. 905-873 8080 Soute. close te ail tiities. Refepus, Itrctain, aMseVi, BEAIJOIFUL CHERRY Spe ialist. Top Ctsh. loknfutrha Rstr amctepeîg tltes Vtreeitoutot os . tetn d buttet & SoloS with Calc iJiohne P att, wwwreasta.ca ameitis, arkngairconft t/iast eoîned. on CeL, 0-TO & Rogerns' obepdsa al h953127 ______________dîtîocîng, fiîdge, soue, 90"8,1403 www.mistyriverintros.com douleapesta t cabl irs 905 331-2477.c 2-ERO PR-dîshooshen, cabie and or coul 519-658-4204 2 ft&8tant otteecoe 2-EDDO ~ee~ tîlîttes included. $2000. RattOn table oinS MENT ataîlabie immediate- u 1,150/montS, No iaundnp Ieimii,,fo glass top and b non & rs- ~ ~ ~ ' u pyvi Wîsi.ton Churchîil no smoking, Ataiiabe St tlent Ic Cllda-Aell k techa,.ns$250 Mast vainten.ance Per rnull-ie958752 Steoles Seaipreorbish ed cemben fust. 0-ai nu.,,,,....., Chocotatecbromn sectiona carpeted, includes Sp 905-702-1125. 3 BEDRDDM toonhouse MER 0fa, 00. CEDEt S5O You wîtl execune repairs and carry out maintenance er N o a mn k nad LAoGEset Park. Oas tint- EXPERIENCED ECE Sas,________ Sîlute t Black Interîoný oporationscto mechoorca, etectricoi ptumh ng, TechnetalSldll enonc c pant e LARG couEry.M plate. f paeking spot. New openingsuin home dopcane Min, garage kepot NaialTae îng. Retetences equired rih opire ent ri r flr ' ons, pnt and k-tchen. Hawthone Village ra CARPET i nove steneai tion etc 76,000kms oquipme nt, and bulig n addition, yoo wîtt ho 416-948-3165. 8î pirce kitce, utinit $1200/mo. Coul Mark Louîng & nunturine home 1,000 yards ot net Staîn $22 5T0 9ým. Illness torc rospontihie to inspout promises from a mainconance and WANTED AUITOMOTIVE _____________plce Undy uiftis c 905-815 3312ý enronn0ent, nuto Obous tosten & 100% nplon con e s 'soi 0- l. Cail Teohoîcian 0,0 Oanmi ACTON APARTMENTS. 905.873-1947 snacks, lunches. Pue & pet. Wîii do iîuîngnoom & 90506014327 safot5' scandpoin, and file the requîred reports. sie0 n or clss A' cent. 1, 2and 3bedroom apart ___________MILTON TOWNHOUSE 3- educational odeur/ oct Sali ton $389. Includes con- Appiy at 5toint ataîlabie. Clear, MILTON, 1-BDRM apo n bednotm, 4-appiionces, doon actîats înciudîng Mu pet, pad & installation (30 Yo otdmnnaoagnioepnyfrorTransinfo22@pahoo.ca on quiet building with utites MtqIe Ceossing Ailiap p otonInwcarpet, ecorirsc oknCetv&yards)SteveYuwldmntae gunepthoorcl Le(0)4738 îciuded. 40-Maria Street, included. Avai. Sou ft. tops & sîckt, garage. Tnîps Oc Park. Toddier/ 905-6338192 , retidenco. Excelfenc customor serviceand communication ton Tenails 519-8534374. ww rceai 1 o o M0 $1,430/mtS, Pînst/Last. Preschoo spots auaîiabie. skitts are mrandanotyatwoitl as ahfindy atitude chat stan.ca 905 878-c6c83O or plusutîlîtîts. Acaîlobie Oct. 0-ail Megon 90"-8S9103. 905_208-6683. f1 -1 000llDae meganaprict@yahoo.com HOT TUB (Spa) Louentspot u Cmaypioopisadgas ACTON SPACIOtU f bet __________ 905-878,5444. _________ best poîce, BesO quaiity. A uprsou opn poispio o o lecm, excellent coi iLN -ER M shopes & colours 0-ail Tobo io as oto drîteoop, apt in Souse. Quiet MILTON 2-teaat fe 86 8y06 ourt~ Pessbiyoreueo tashe/dPtO, $825 0115 Oeighborhood, large bock- etecuti> e, tosp Hop t , h000Oecoverguyca '~tTltShoot Booay, Exocunice Diroctor ogas/hydro Dustîryad r patio dge accets, large master billon ******J - 416_938_3588 yarut and5 patio nsie 2p~sî "' "" E-mail: thery.hooay@roooraioing.com .aee Sve ahradop er wtenue,2ps1-TWO MOMS rucrîn g o HOT TUB/ Spa Brand neo hrhtwic oioooRsdno $1.250 mo.utitîesînciud bdnm/dte, 6-aood - C/T, home Topcare. 10-yeOns 2009 model o al options, hrhl lc eieetRsdne ACTON SPACIDat 7 bed cd. Ataîlabie Nouemben garage, 2.5-baths, auoîii, etP Sepanote toom Ion and couen. SNIîin onoppen. 345 Church Snreet, Oaosilto, ON L6J 7G4 potny room apt. auaiabie Sou. f st Contact Lonrad Sou isO. $1425/mo 0-ail kiTs to play. Nutritious CosO $0995., Sacrifice 1st12261979-2518 9050876 5581 905 544-6425 ask ion bneaktast/iunches/snacks, $4750 0-al 905-971 1777 cl ____________________________Nick. Lots of Oops/Booksioisney __________ ACTON, TWO bedrooci MILTON DOWNTDWN Mouîes/Music/BIackI apartment t sunnoom. 2-bdrm opt. Appliances MILTON TOWNHOtSE Btands/Arts & Cnafts. MENNONITE OAK round Justnrentoated. Large bock înccudtd. Prîoate entranco, focrent. Bran Newo3bed- Lmted space. Youoîiilnt pedlestai tobeeothi1ieot yard. Parking. Courir liv- no smoking preterred norrim, 1.5 Baths, Aoaiiable be disapptited 0-ai ton 6 chairs, hutch & buttel Rvefttfmonwsc ing on egeofton 000ose $1 .000/mo. plus Sydo, Ntov fst, $1390/mo. pluo cure information. Olp agt $750. L shaped sectiona www.reveraliving.cornme e Ou lake. $940,TO pilus neterences/ plus credît utîlîtîts 0-ail Diaca w e 1 c o mne . 0Ca O h y wîth poil tut Ded $300. hydro John 519-826 9940 check. 905-332-6310. 905-510-6278 905-860-0306 Coul 905-76-9028._______________________________

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