iceHawks sink further into basement with Iopsided losses Thought things couldn't get any worse for the league basement. was every bit the dismantling of the overall output wtth the man-advantage nowoq the lceHawks? Think again. Monda 8- deati Bufaio threc previous mismatches, which stands at a disnsal 8.5 per cnt. z Sîmply unable to compet with mos wa atlythe bs the H -wks when combined wjth theer latest Now 2-13-1, Miltons carly season woes MM teamns these days, the 'in-oe-h rcd' frd oe hei heci h m-res- loss saw Mlton outscored 36-4. are likely to continue Fniday, when they ost > yon 0 nnfvedy rsrc -ufec fo bs wn utdhe Justin Perlera netted three of the the stili unbeaten (as of last night) Kîingsto 3, during the past week and arhnsciu scr ad. 1qfu goals for the lceHawks, who haven't Voyageurs. Game timne, as always, is 7:30 o threot of assun ng long-er rsdenyi Bt the7 sho thygv p suggests it scored on their Iast 46 powerplays. Their p.m. Sunday thcy visit Aurora. wD ~u<d,4~e Se~~ee «CL BUES 1lT - » To A dvertise in this service directory, please contact Clem at 011111.2.R7Y1 iuvL_ 214à -j cs7ho tCFmiltocana-iacha -- -on-c- c~choItz@miltoneanadianchamPion.Com *Bathrooms * Painting *Basements e Drywall *Flooring C&e& [Ài: MeMastett. 1977 Specializing in: eBathroomns e Basemnents e Flooring eRenovations e Painting 32 Vears Experience ,,QUALITY WORK BY A PROFESSIONL eve e:905.335.43901 A-ZRENOVATIONS A6 Bathrooms V Basements V Kitchens V Additions V and more! 905-864-6553 in- x It f- A .ust1nm a Bathroom Rtenovations - Ceramic Tule * Plumbing * Drywal * Crown Moulding * Wood Trim *&much more! Insurod & &&/ uaate Grnt(05 6168 10 B/I/F hor'e or ,or place Handymen Enterprises * fatitromg - Dccli * asementa 0 Ilng *Home Offces e Odd Jobs *Fall lsurd e Reference avuable 905-878-8731_ ..1 I CALCDflIcrcDn)l flow CARPENTRY t'mish Croinreb Carperrien BASEMENTS * BASEMENTS * BASEMENTS THANKS FOR KEEPING ME BUSY MILTON! I HAVE I'MC FOOEOR B FBTIN. POEM0W TOE SPAC OROE I MOE JBH PHON DEEMER THE BOOK FUTURE PROJECTS. THANKS AGAIN! Phone/Fax: 905-864-8784 cxlii 289-242-9407 Iemnai. [~1contractinU Mt. Conti tes & References WALTER MULLER 905 878 8625__ .u\Your Indoor -- '.' Specialists heating & coo ng Sinc 190. Frae& Ceta i odtoet Intlain elcmen n Repair Rna akesWae atr & Hot Water Fan Coil Unets Cutm Dc Deig & SetMetal Fabrication Hea rcvr etlts(HRV) Humidifiers 905. 696.7641 www.bachheaigCm , SNOWREMOVAL Dleways, Sidewalks rý %24h services Sign contract toclay for a low rate Aleghboufrs spocai Save up ta 20% E VISA ý416I 5277 3350 7Expert Repair & Installation To Central Air Conditioners &Ail Major Appliances Air Conditianers, Stoves, Fridges, Dishwashers, Washers, Dryers Reasonable rates, 1 year warranty Since 1976 NO SERVICE CHARGE WITH REPAIR 905-827-9559 Moving Boxes &packing supplies OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Unit #6, Milton A Look in Wednesday's and Friday's paper each week ~ ~ for this featured page. To adi ertise in this section, please cal! Clern at Delivered to every Zb1e Qanatiian Ctiampion home in Milton, 905-878-2341 extension 214 Campbellville, Hornby. MR«&R I '*0ý QCW Dom -D bà O Sales, Service and Installation JPidwIme Eatome Dos, St»m Domws, PaloDome TEL: 519-853-2114 (AcToN> l