SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail A fresh start for Britain Veteiran OEiL winger traded to Plymouth Josb Bnîttaîn is now playing for bis ibird OHL îeam in Iess than a year, and dîdn'î need long to make an impact witb bis new club. Traded to the PIyot b'alers F-r1d for ap io bîgb draft pîcks, the 19 year old left game wînner and inished at aplus-4 in Saiurdays 6-1 home- ce roui of the Belleville Bulls. Wbile certainly Jash Brittain happy to score in bis firsi weekend with the Wbalers, Brittain is even more pleased to be geîîing a fresh stant afier struggling for ire ime wiîb the offensîvely-deep Barrie Colts. "l'm not really sure why (I wasn'î geîîîng mucb ice ime), its nul like 1 was playing had. lit was getîing frus- irating," noîrd the six-foot-four- inch, 210-pounder, wbo had îbree goals and five assists in 12 games ibis year wiîb Barrie. "l'mt actually really happy to be here in Plymouth. l'm sîill with a contender and ibis is a great, close-kniî group of guys." Saîurday marked the 70tb goal as an OHLer (including one in, play- offs) for Britiain, a third-round drafi pick of the Anaheim Ducks in 2008. p A STEP AHIEAD: Hurricane Mati Dupont closes in on Haniltons net as defencenan Bradley Col pîsys catch-up at Milton Sports Centre Saturday. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Hurricanes downed by Dogs An early surge and solid penalty killing weren't quite enough for the midget Hurricanes Saturday afternoon, as they were toppled 5-3 by the formidable Hamilton Jr. Bulldogs ai Milton Sports Centre. Sporfing nîne Milton-area players this season (thse most in recent memory) but without the services of suspended play- maker Brandon Denham, the Hurricanes simply couldn't build on the momentum of scoring three imes inside a mnute-and-a- haîf midway througb tIhe opening framte. Andrew Bergman scored on two transi- ion breaks just 44 seconds apari Lu erase a 2-0 Hamilton lead, while fellow Miltonian Spencer Abraham - a mobile defenceman and part of a gifted hockey famnily - put the hosis ahead on a nifty rush. From there, however, the Hurricanes stuiggled Lu, put enough pressure on the Bulldogs' goalie and - without Denham - faltered on a handful of powerplays. Drew Dutton assisted on the second goal, while he, Abraham and fellow local George Kopas delivered some sound penal- ty killing to keep bopes of victory alive. Rounding out the midgets' Milton con- tingent are Colin Christie, MatL Dupont, Oran Ferguson and Dan Plater. Now 2-4 in SCIA play, the Hurricanes will look Lu get back in the win column tonight, when they begin a Lhree-game road trip in Brampton. Real Royal christening, BR delivers back-to-back wins in debut on newfield By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF HJ eacing onto bis scbool's new artificial turf field for ihr last urne Friday, Michael Haringa knew be was capable of and prepared for tbe task ai band. Just an bour-and-a-half earlier be'd booîed a field goal of 37 yards - eîgbî more iban tbe une he was now askccl 10 cîclo er in tbe Ro> aIs'last-diîcb effort to cbris- triell irIceiui ly-completcd digs in victory As tbe dlock ticked down and a clutch tbree- point attempt hecame more and more likely, FAVOURABLE FIR51Y5LUIKIL: The f irst final score on the new score- board was definitely 10 the Royals' likung. the first-year seniors tbougbts travelled back to, ibis past summer, when in tbe bopes of securing tbe wide- open kicker post he spent numerous bours honing bis accuracy But for ail those dimes be'd split the uprigbts, ihere was jusi nu simulating the high-stakes pressure that awaited bimt on the drizzly, windy aftemnoon. "I just îhought 'I've got to, make ibis,"' recalled the long-trne soccer player, whose atiempt came with a mere 12 seconds remaining and bis Bishop Reding îeam trailing 14-12. "Yeab, I've neyer been in a situa- tion like ibat before. It was preîîy crazy" That term could also describe the reaction be îouched off afier bis pressure-packed kick found ils way hetween the goal posîs. Just a few moments later - following a modesi kick-off reîumn and an incomplete pass hy the Oakvdle Trafalgar Devils; - the Royals were boisîing their bero aloft, with 'HA RIN-GA chants drowning out every- thin els. -see BIG on page A24 GO A NEED SERVICE? CALL - fl 1-888-247-7001 'c"L Jýà81 Ontario St. N.L, Milton G;OTAt jà% KIA MOTORS NEERD SERVICE? CALL»I $/// , ) À 05878-7700 s - * ' 65 Ontario St. North, Milton