-, i Dark comedy a pleasant change of pace for Players "You're goîng to sec some fresh faces," the audience was iold Friday opening night of the Milton Players Theatre Groups latesi show.ý But was that a promise or a tbreat, R won- dered. Change can go cither way, afRer ail. Fortunately, as the nexR two hours unfold- ed, 1 was impressed by how the six actors - ail of Rhem new Ro the Players, excepR for one -brought Normi FovRers Sinners Ro life ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. The caut - among 40 newcomers to the group, many bebind-the-scenes - added some excitemnent and unpredictability As with most of Normn Posters plays, thiy one revolves around cheating partners and identiîy kerfuffles. t Peter (Ken Mitchell) and Rhe reverends wife, Monica (Kern, Wright), are having an affair and find tbemselves in a pickîe when Rev. Lloyd reîur-ns unexpectedly sVîsloit giv'îîg toîsi încch avuay. Rex' I lcnyd ends up dead and the couple soon finds that affairs can be a lot of work. The scene opens Do a black-negligeed. Monica, who seductîvely welcomes a para- noid Peter into ber home. Hes not in the mood. "You're having an affair with a mamred woman, not kidnapping the Pope,' sbe tells bim. -Witb perfect comedie timing bie retorts: "I'd rather kidnap the Pope. At least then I wouldn't have to wonry about bis busband coming home." Wright iv terrifie as the sly, manipulative Monica wbo transforms from a hariess and pouty woman Do one wbo seems capable of anything. I loved RU, hate bier and was mesmerized by the gamuR of expression in ber eyes. She was relaxed and natural. While Mitchell lubbed a few fines, it was opening nigbt, su we were forgiving. And bie j more than made up for it witb bis presence on stage, which conveyed the experience of Back b stage someone who's no stranger to theatre. Monika Guema-Deras sbowed she was capable of far more than the demure cburcb lady sbe portrayed in the hirst scene wben, about balfway tbrougb the play, sbe let loose in an unexpected rage. One of my favourite parts was a minor one played by someone wbo bas neyer before been on stage - Earl Jollymore, wbo made the grumpy police chief surprisingly endear- ing. Also enjoyable was the chiefs nosy, med- dlîng wîfe, plaved hy Satoch lngratta. And kudos to, Steve Prevost, a.k.a. Rev. Lloyd. He didn't bave many lines, but boy, could bie lie still. Altbougb Sinners its a "black comedy," wbicb is a bit of a change for the Players, it didn't feel ail that different - director Brian Cranford seemed Do ligbten rip mucb of tbe darker content, maybe a little too mucb. Or perbaps thatIs exactly wbat Cranford was going for, knowing the loyal audience - for tbe most part - comes expectiflg a light- bearted farce. Friday's performance was a welcome change te, a Players' formula that wbile flot necessarily stale was perhaps in need of vome fresbeing. Remaining show-only performances take place tomorrow and Friday at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $20. Saturday's performance is a dinner the atre, witb dinner at 7 p.m. and curtaîn eall ai 8:15 p.m. Tickets cost $40 in advance and $45 ait the door. Caîl (905) 875-0629. L Your nevvCIBC Derry & Thompson branch is open M WIN one $1,000 GIC OR one 40"1, Sony Bravia LCD UIDTVI Enjoy these time-timited offers: * Earn monthly Aeroplanl Miles and get a Welcomne Bonus of 10,000 Aeroplan Miles when you open a new CIBC Unlimited1* Chequing Account2 and make eligible transactions - that's double the regular welcome bonus! * 1/2% bonus intereSt3 on the CIBC Long-Term GIC ci Sign-up bonus of up to 100,000 Aeroplan Miles with a CIBC Fixed-Rate Closed Mortgage4 Visit the CIBC Derry & Thompson Banking Centre at 9030 Derry Road, Milton or cail us at (905) 636-8482. 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