Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 2009, p. 23

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~rbm~z Eyne Tanner & Acoociaten 1xc. Elayne M. Tanner PbD(C>, BA, BSW, MSW, RSW, Dmp Soc Admîn [P A Counselling & Psychatherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Einyne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com 0: My hssband and t are diverciag. He says he waats the kids hait timne bat 1 think tl s aaly se he wea't have ta pay child sappart. Sheeld 1 consider tl or shoald 1 tight lmn fer sele cestedy? A. Cbtldren are almayn better off mîtb tma parents at long an bath parents are able ta do an adeqnate job cf parentîog. Annnming that pan batb lave yoar cbtîdren, yan da flot batb bave ta agree mith everythintt tht other party daet. Children cari nnderntaad that there are nltghtly diflerent ruIen at eacb parent't boane. Wben parents ttght it ta the chîldren who natter hecanne tbey lane nut an tbe lavinfi relationbtpn wtth bath parents. Tht bey ta a gnnd dtvorce that minimtoeo axy damage ta the chîldren ns parents mha treat each ather mîtb respect and dtgauty. Children natter tram rednced contact wîtb etther parent and an althangh pan may nat be able ta negatiate wtth each ather in arder ta nave the marniage. yan havea an abligation ta mark tagethar as patenta. The court vyntemn n sow verfordeiîad, eopeasîve antI laI aliedys raspoasive, Il is uinfaîr tanainsI cases la tbîaa Ibal falharh do aal lava thvît chîlorat and cavot parent. Mast tathera who ivmant a ohared cnsody plan that givea tbem appravtmately eqnal ttme mitt eir cbtldîen are nat really anly manttng contraI or ta avatd pnyîxg nnppart. Thcy mant ta lave and parent their childrea in a meaningfal may. It ta bettet, inî my mînd, ta npend yor efforts morkîng att a gnad parenîti plan that tacîndea bam yan mîlI parent tagether na that tht chîldren enpenîence tht lave and canaîatency at bath parents. than ta npend tht effartn and maney tîghtîng abant tl I have aller belped parenta medînte gaad tarward thînktng parentîng plann that 1 am contident benetît tht chtldren and allaw them te grna inIa coatident, acore adalt. tf yoand od an husband wcnld thte ta, Ia contîdent tbnat tagether me can accamplinh tht anme tan yaur eilîdren. "Ht t 1,l 1N Y 0 lH Eît Y 0 UîRS EL F }Halton His Speech Centre (To»ur CarigPatn»ers..."- Nortlsview Centre, 211 Guetph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400 -wwwltonspeech.com Q. Mg chilti la haeing difflcut wlth his schoot work. A teacher suggeated that he mai have a speech anti/or language difficulty. Wlaat types of speech andi language difficulties affect echool-ageti chtldren and who con help? A: t caîxtur ii schîîîî tailces place tb nîugh comuitinication. Sipeechi atîd langîtîre stutls. 'ire esscnîî.îf ts licartîîg. - 124 til ssbîîsl ape chiloirst hais' sotite kîîîd tif spcecb tir fîtîguage dîttîsulih. 'lie tsîltîîu'ng ire' sortîe tif tbe speech and fanuiage iîtcuttes [bai tian affeIicttt i cholgce cli il.: Speecht sounrdi sisîttitais are dîllîculiies ixn sng sîtutiis lii spaesh. lait guage di ssîrdcers isan itictuse undersiattdig abîit thes be.îr as aiett as expressin îhis'îîcl tes usina \ovisIs andî senitenties. Cogitive commuîîîînicationt dîstîrtirs are ctitisulfi esî îth îtiokitig skiffs. This iiiaitt incids' tni îsry. reasiing percepion.î JîIigeitICit. iminataiont and .îu.sîeîîessý Sîotic'îîg tir flIucsc\l is astisrutio itsi flic fuis, sut speechb Tis isra induite besitaiti andi prolonigatiton and îeîetiîiîîîîîoî sîtuîî,,ds t oirds. Vîtîse dîsîtîders are sîîîceîîîes unitt flic quafit\ tif îîîî'sîîîîceî %lb niuh ic fie fit.rscness. sîtîntîs stîfîseslises ito t itItgît iii titi Iss i andi nasatît. ('hîitdrîsn îî ih connuîîîî tititti il issîders sflext dot m(t perttruti a feseel. The\ srnesle vîîh retding as oleIl as utitsteitatisttig and exfpre'ssintg flîcîtîsefs es usi lingître, Thes tutti postt iiing fis tcoo. peilotii potitti o titecî utis rsts anddctic'iienf A qîsafîîcifie fi t [,inguage P.îîhssfssîs sait befp idestîiy il andtiata spc (ii speech aisd l.soeii.te dîtîsculî, assi chîl i s lt.itti [Faifit idetifici o s afîst sd îîîîessc'îfîss are key ti ic pisg e iot chltu Il vici suspect yitir cftld tian bisle aî spe'ech anstitr fîngîsîne dîiîcîîtt1y fonciý usiocl Spc'ech- tan atge Paîbsîlsîrîsi GREG J. LAWRENCE B.Sc.,D.CH FOOT SPEGIALISTS I u CHIROPODISTS 550 Ontario St. S. Unit 205, Grg~ arne Milton, (905) 878-6479 Rso ae B.Sc. D.CI 1A Princess Anne Br., B.Sc., D.Plid.fi Georgetown (905) 702-1611 Merse ts the Ontarios Socie ot Chiropedisis and Tite Ontiario Collrai ofi Chiropodsi Q. WIhat ca n iogron mnoaîI,nd ho can il bh' teatied? A. Ingissin ionisare s.aussdby inipîngenen fichs skîn alsingithe'rgins of (i isaihthnil plaie. Soni' ignsura toenailare' cbî.i ih rpeaied epistde,,o pai and incion. Paîin eashbc presci ihi iieinlid occmonll inecionispr"erts wihosinpnTfisual signs ofiinfecio include: rc'dnes (ernsiso s. elling tstitsaL.i iflcrc'. cd ts.iinh (caltt and pai o soltrtu Cason *tImppr irmiitiing of* tontls. * iht litin shome' wich nîprcss [lie fills ogeiher. * hoinilly shapcd mil plate. *ri ihesossîl ctformiimies'cg. 'oesiclt'.uick ni.plaie) *Tramusm s (i te riait plaie sur lis. IIIIbM thse Chirapdmt Nlay Don sîîîîwocial reinen novne scut ie cs on a oineis. Yommr h to diti li .*t- cfi loi n (nie iii tointi (f tutu 1ut i l , t. li n io cli 'I', II, " d L 1ui nos Ltut tu it l tiu-i tw l ll lI Il1i, * Ptsucnhunih ssucss .pc illsfiiti *Sgsif rsia chrome mgri itti Viblat Yu L'an Do: -Cu t'a he toia.il siraight surs'.. and lsu..'l.fgitlv lon ger iu thes ,rid oft[he file r iIn iting isoiiteni Iltdu '.sssîîî sifcevs tiî'.oa.king(ie oo lit a .baîsât luinuie 2-i inie, iday Il vosit are dilcor hav puor crculaiîsn.ithesi.uicr shotnfd rier he me tir[aifit guecs' Fahrenheit. -An tnectIe ingisovi ssilicquuta' promptipttc'.tnai attenition. Laser & Cosmetmc Centre Jdth Eý Finn Directar 25 Vrairs Experience HOW TO GET AN INSTANT FACELIFT A resent .ufnince in technotogy detivers the next hest tbing to a tacetift lbt nol downtime and no discontfort. The Original Thermage procedure that bas heen used un the tndustr-y fuir years bas noie heen im proved. The îrnpriivement, accisrding tii Juidith Finn. Ditrectoro(f E.C.C . is the cooling burst dnliverrd by the redesigned Thermage ThermnaCoot NXT Svstem. The client is kept conmfortable mtnile the heat that facititates collagrn remnîdeling carn penetrate nmorc deeply. with loinger lastiîg anid nttit.robl rr.ut. Clients gel a chance tii 'sec the transformation during the Thermage priscedure hy the t)ermal Therapist. tl taises frunt tfiree tsi six miinths toP the coltagen tir rebîîîtd and the optimumî resulîs tii hecome apparent. Each monîti dnrîng tbat lime. the client usîsits the centre for fotinu p assessments aîxd a pbotîîgraph tsi docunment the prîgress. tOrtore any treatîtteet is offerrd it the Miltoîn ctsnîc. clients are assested durîng à consultation and then the approttriate prîîcedlure is recomnnended. E.L.C. Csîsmetîc and tLaser Centre milI be spreadîng the meird aot tlic TbermaCîotl NXT Spstem wîtb a spectat esening at the clînîs sit Tbursdap, October 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. A clinîcat te prescritalire ojîl be osî bard tsi taîls about tltc svsteirs. Conitact the s linic at 90f5-864-00 ltftti regîster foîr tbis event. Itor mitre expert adnice and infoirmatîtîn about tbe services at E.C.C. Cosinetis and Laser Crntre', visit tossux.daiyxetv.cîm and ctick sus hadith ttinn in tire Meet tbe Experts feature. teram sitixetbing ew rsrry day at t>aityPuebfrV.cîim u'îth expert trips and idean in fosur-minute sîdesîs. 69 Main St. E., Unit 19, Miltonl Mtedicial Airts Btefilding, Side f'.îtran(c 905-864-0000 bitp://ww.eclax r.s BARROW FAMILY - CHIROPRACTIC 180 Ontarto St S. Milton (905> 878-4994 D, -qIý .. Faxc(905) 875-4485 emil: drangea@haniawfamiIydsIopct1ccom WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE FLU SHOT COULO HURT YOU Belotecthes buidaysteasan. ttms tinte hics comme ts lie funuax a'.lc11 s2,1" peusple cf ail agestliase hea u id tsi malo'soite thusy gem hleur Ifu shot. Whsle icte me no questuuinthwthe ttu ila substauuaf beaflih n'.k. mtari> qustions. hwruser un regarde, te dite Os sîmai tcenty sntiîy aller niuly is can Ouî rcnusafngsnusucncerts cilerithe siles triîese luxvacinaioins. flic fassi titan long tenu .aliy, saillics andI eheflierotu nuit dusse sbots are cuen hefiptîfui n tts'rc mn sba ynu sbousfd keiiu lun shuuis cointant tisuse age'ntss Fiu sbiuis contint auythina fIrons atutnunuin. f ornafith de., ibinnerissal fiuteicumnsi. etbyentu glycoul andustîer fumesieubtisnbs ar lnesuRius as .sny dosc' und In addiion ta ibc'se substasncs, tbe nu maccs-ne t'. pic arei frisa thc fltids ci' shueken enlircos uttociifaîed x ilsi thespecitic type(lsfi nit uena vsure'.t supposedîsy prvteuts againsith hs irais bel sesei tsi bc tise emusi fmkefy tus bc rreenu dsuritg bas parnteufar tlu sessmn.etnponts ssi the last feu% Yeats, loemr ave iutctisered tisai tbhe'.irasts mn the".acmtsc anus tpisaff nuit the' srins' titifo bai scauuuîs Nituosesttu'unmcn tire puttenstat fmcaftf datersuyen.re openiussutuutseftusuiidvurismibnitto'troiiîsesltL'.iecfiemiccms. Thae cati ha deIls, In lat. bmulding muid isaintanin 'tniusrity tus unsuanfed inf'cftion, te, cancer and citerc infts'is' isse's us atevays sa f crtatt'rir aIl Setýn1 l lcsuîam bush eanslier bouslt eailtlsi suuîi'. bN hneuemimute( l Sufiitt.stiueu iuýituIu elsuulnu 'hotlt anduu tutti iieti. nsýi lat\ci lispa'.'di mIa usîural alcien'se aphtuns i the hier. kîutiîes. sctlotît liuupimmc antum ud flic 'mitranisle svenr mmmd dlelotxics e ss ic tK mue iel isu tu bsshv bttuthxl Iiuss trti Lnu alias tu dolith miiecury. aluiteium. f onuulaldabsîo oeil shickcse utluivs i aes tha re Inttppeî riglit soe the blussî treannî. fruitîian- tann.sre,,ts.i tonsputars M ulm1ple bcfs'ru's"tIs-ie Ins.' lineai si" uibfeiis, lmuiscice.sadolaib banc t cif ttsepotnedfas i'lottsc fntfic tfi'.îl SNri fus inution ti tisu people auso isesue tha tu sbîuî munmiefse eu tlii'u Altermative to the Fan bite( Fins 'fuuartieîef's'ssus dessc'nedIL)sptevoit tuteclcice o lehro o i gemlus u t ut u turai .s vounutnoe'.ssuet is tirs' orîîy îsng bial pîciens ) m iss oîthcîîg musc-ncaue meinf'ction asda ooufobs'usbZnsn i tresses. Tbietoic sumppsslnsug astI cîîbasscsg ul-t imnipuin il- s extusefel imtpotant. tr fnl tutt rusre oais turneis s and flue alternatives o tbe tu shirt. cinailu ne af Isshunssssîssvsnptîco.ca andt sots seni fu the test ust ho intomuafuaon tisait sotld surt lit ie tItis mcitut' Askie hainus. SDR. RON STROHAN aaersej O TOMETRI ST Wakefield Profesional Centre 106 WAKFIALit) RDI Dr. Ron Serahan MILTON, ONTARIO) tt 191 t21 Optnrnntrist PHlONE 905h 078-5882 l AX: 905hh870 7t58 OCTOBER IS VISION AWARENESS MONTH - THE INFLUENCE OF HEALTH ON VISION WHAT IS PERCEPTION AND THE INFLUENCE ON VISION AND HEALTH? Vision us a perce pluai pmucess wichit es rat cenre Irain just thes eyes. but liona an îrleupuetsvn pîvcnss af aIl metanîs ut senstxng the enusineiment and thaînture an intenpîetîee phynnuteaca unpeîsexca. axe ecepîsîri us runatiy protected and uniterprtea by the braîn and hody, Visiox usa senisenc ci ua neufs nation tand ut "sentiu theanOtîre spectîne ot vibration Ontectuen telectraanetc spnctuum ut senhtI ard is tanratore rît h1t îtsef întlnrnced hy at fou se. Vission, and chat us inteîpîetnO us tetleericed iey ihn nIant snses, ana tan enirofu the enoberai nespenrse cae influence thr persons seesouy nusperseece, and seterpretotuon ot waa îaep thuvot înry sac Fnt teceptuon, and perceptin tn occur, tue braie and body (body traîxf aust iteeptet tonga enanuuence, unterence. and oeancîn un eider lu react cita action. te viner tv incubve tan baari must also punject, axa tanis the percepion us vuixeabln il a pussasimty of iusion, antI sistuteni The îsstnostn con enîsi loina texathf ennugh peitud ot tint te he carod up cita antun paaic us eemy un aotion) to actealif pitodce pafisicai unsponses csith ennurtîr charge chicS cari change tan fuat o efd Tais us the aemoîp enoram stoed as a anunorapaun nusperteece un the moscles, and tissues ot tan beay. Tans the parception and rceptuon et an întamprted uspereesecarnfltuence the body pbfstemutft ta puoduce on îabatancrd condition nu dîsease nais eplins tan Orvetnpmenit ot visser conditions sucS as nlear sioaîeîrss astîaaatîsm, strabismors Icrîssîna efesf and otlet tunctunot Oesnioparxt dîsurns. Otaecna ma i have discnsseO un pinvinas articles, us as anti a praodut of prcepluai aspects tntsh trevualves psychviîg, perception ard pttysicaortina Aspects aI bvody tteatity aue attecird, as anti as auman hehavo This explits lthe ftuxciat Onvafapaint ot unuactîve entais, nu vision erunis susit as nieatsigtatiess usr myxpuaý Satîsticaiiy, it va parents nove a visser disuonue renvîtînag giasses, îaer tue chances ut a citild anaurna nIasses us ony ta'. tf ther iscore patent lith us nienu sînaîrd, the the cnances et the chiltO i nexar stoatea us 20-25'e ut htlb patents are veoîsîgted, tam tan cances et Ire cauid berna eeausîanleO us 3a 4ic',Sa tan nenetun variation us somatli ni tact nuci nearsîoteO deveprifent us a tencluaonat Oeesntpmnt catch becuars a leaed arnavuot Susca uidîviuats unacl cula unsedtaiety un couina, and are tusn a ay enetteticatif shaig'tti lecnae pnysîcofty neanssalea. In othes ciaods nhe txabuily te ser aI a distance us dronieped lrin a cay f nIIihinon anses trivalves tati emolsuxai mmmig associaînd ailS a amnnriry et a peucoîvel neatine eprence Ixenatîne memouy enonaitif

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