Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Oct 2009, p. 7

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Readers Write E-mail ycur letters toe dhtonial@rmltoncanaclianchampion .corn Proposed smoking ban at parks full of holes, tough to swallow DEAR EDITOR: the second-band smoke one will After reading tbe letter enti- encounter at a park. tled 'Smoking should be banned Then theres the comment, ai local parks,' l'm astounded by "or watch your two-year old the lack of foretbought on the pick up a very toxic cigarette part of the author. butt and cbew it." 1 have a sim- 'm also greatly disturbed by ple answer; watch your cbild. 1 the authors decision to cloak his grew up when smoking was attack on the rights of a minori- common and acceptable, so my ty group under the guise of exposure t0 such things were far child welfare. greater than moat of todlay's chul- Let's examine each point dren, and somehow I've man- with Logic as opposed to emo- aged t0 hit my late thirties tion. Firstly, of course support bealtby for sucb a bylaw will be positive. However, let us give the The fact is, its politically correct author bis due, and ban any- te, target and single out smokers tbing potentially barmful that and take away their iigbts. Tbis childeen may pick up and put is a vcry simple casc of political into their mouîbs. So 1 guess corrccîncss net bceng norail> thcre Il bu no morc gui, clegs, correct. beverages in boules, small îoys, Next, the author states, "No almost anything wrapped in more do you bave to worry plastic... and the list goes on. about smelling second-band My point is that no matter bow smoke" (refecring to recently- mucb we want to, we can't pro- instated ban at parks in Barrie, tedt our cbildren against every where be now lives). Personally, possible bazard. l'm more concemred. wiîb the Then theres the scientific exhaust fumes fromt aIl the vebi- point that cbildren wbo aren't des in town and - by nexi year exposed to the 'normal' contam- j - the emissions of the nearby inants of fle can bave probleins power station than 1 am about later in life due to insufficient immune systems. And my final issue is witb the remark, "Lets sec if the Town of Milton bas tbe guts to make this a bylaw." Firsi off, our town council bas rarely bad the guis to do the rigbt tbing sol1 suspect you'll get your wisb. Lt will probably do wbat's politically correct instead of wbaî's morally correct. Let me conclude witb a cou- pIe of simple points. Tobacco is a legal product, wbicb means that like it or not smokers bave tbe samne rigbts under tbe law as non-smokers, and tbey sbould be respected tbe samne. Now if aIl of the non-smoking advo- cales want sometbing thats fair, lien lobby the federal gevet nii ment to put tobacco on the list of probibited substances. And before l'mn accused of being biased, l'mn not a smoker and neyer bave been. 1 also Isad to watcb as a parent suffered witb and eventually succumbed to smoking-related lung prob- lems, s0 1 do understand the bazarda of smoking. JUM TIMBERS MILTON Readers get chance to be of 'avian service' -fromn PLEASE on page A6 for seeds beneatb ber bird feeder. Meanwbîle, Brian Johnson aaw EV on Frobisher Boulevard. Sandra Shore birst noticed EV on Woodlawn Crescent. 1 was also, pleased to see 50 many people were concemned about the bird's welfare, particularly if/bow BV would survive over the wsnter. Some even contacted wildlife agencies, altbougb none seemed to be mucb Iselp. Many of the responses were amusing as a cou- ple of people wbo idenîified the bird correctly asked if tbey Isad won a prize. And noting that chukars arent native to the ares, one reader said EV must bave bitcbbiked bere. Jim Biggar tbanked the Champion for giving readers thse opporîunity to be of "avian service." 1 would now like to thank readers for being of "avian service." l'mn clearly not alone in my inter- est for our featbered friends. Residents, please keep a bird7s eye on EV this winter. You're ail bes got. Karen Miccli can hbc rcachcd at kmiceliC4btilton- canadianchampion.com. Far too many cases of drunkenness seen in Milton under the Scott Act 'Time Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extractedfrom past issues of the Champion and other publications in order ta provide a window into Milton 'spast. Excplanatory comment ia sometimes provided ta place the situa- tion in context. Jauuary 1914 Edîtorial: In Milton, under the Scott Act, women were often seen drunk on the streets and in one case a womnan was carted through tbe streets to, jail in a democrat wagon, lying helplessly drunk in its rear end. in another small boys got drunk on whiskey and one was so far gone and in such a serious state that a doctor was called in and relieved him hy the use of a stomach pump. In another while a man and bis wife were on a protracted drunk, baving imported a jug of whiskey, tIse woman died. A hatle later thse man got anotber sopply He lived by bimself, tbe weatber was cold, be let tbe fires out and bis feet were so, badly frozen that be was laid up until late in thse spring., On getting out be went to Streetsville, got a jug of wbiskey, came back drunk, started to walk westward from the C.PR. station, fel off the trestle bridge near Lt, which bas since been replaced with a atone arch, broke bis back and died witbin a short turne. ,Scott Act and local option towns can lx called "whiskey" towsa more appropriately tban tbose under license. in thse former beer and other mild beverages are replaced by the atronger and less bulky spirituous liquors. Thse Canada Temperance Act was repealed in Halton in 1888 because it was a rank failure. The farinera' vote did it. In tbe towns thse majority againat thse Act was amaller tban itbad been in 1881 and 1884. The keepers of thse numerous dives and tbe men wbo bawked wbiskey by tIse boule naturally voted in tbeir own intereats againsi repeal, and on wbat some good people ilton ~ rime Capsules called tIse'aide of tbe Lord." Provincial statistica for 1912: In Halton tbere were 420 birtba, 204 boys and 216 girls; only five illegiti- mate birilia. Halton Isad 160 mar- niagea in 1912, 33 of wbicb were in June. 229 deaths of wbicb 106 were maIes and 123 femnales The Milton Pressed Brick Co. pre- sented tbeir marnied employees witb a goose cach for Christmnas. Single men escb received a dollar bill. On account of the large number of men oui of work, tramps are mucb more numerous tban they bave been for years. There are nine in jail over Sunday An increase of crime, burgla- ries, Isold-ups and stealing generally isato be expected. Officers and men of tIse 20tb Halton Rifles and tbe people of tbe county generally will be glatI ta bear tbat the proposaI tbat tIse 20tIs shal be absorbed by thse 36tIs Peel Regianent bas flot been received witb faorat Ottawa antI new arrange- ments will be made. The 20tb's terri- tory will be enlarged so as to include part of tbe county of Peel and a new commanding officer wlll soon be gazetted. Thse l2tb York Rangera will be made a camp-going city regiment. TIse 36tIs will bave Aurora antI Newmarket added to, its territory. This material àe assembled on behalf of the Milton Historical Society byJim Dills, who can ke reached through thse aociety ai (905) 875-4156. &» V~ M l ~iyeàýr 1 an d.ca Its simple, choose your oty and access ail your favourite flyers, deals , coupons- anlIne! - à ___W Àbs M M'f fl ryrMW 'V s.ilOffVacateons.con, AM - O M' ~*y~ lu,

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