0OPINION. o HeIp keep food !banlk shelves full ibis wcekcnd. whrîî wc spend a momcnt or twa count- ing our blcssings, wie tmîsinit forget those For wbom theres 50 rnucb lcss îa be tbanklul. As we sbcltcr aurscls'rs tram the tain and cold and gath- er arounci the dtningroomn table wiîh tbose most dear ta us, il's important nlot la farget tbousands of Halton residents wbo go bungry cacla ycar, Single or marrird. soctng or >ild, unctaplovcd or among flic worktng poor, morc and more îbesc 106) eastly marginal- izcd îocinîbrs ai our community bind il impossible ta include a nutrittonal diet in îbeir montbly budget. Tbrougb a practically cllortless act wr can prevent people ioii gai iig litîgry dits-, Vbrnlý,sgis up r vckeil ti-and tbrastgbami tlic rest ai tlm y car. if yourc planning ta grocery sbop for tbe baloday Mondayo wbv not pick up a lrw extra cans of non-perisbable food. Non-perisbable canned and drird food items arc in tbe bigbest demanri at the local faad bank operated by tbc Salvation Army of Milton. Most grocery stores make donattng food items casier by offering a collection container clase ta tbe store exit. If you've already sbopped, pulling a few items of non-per- isbable goods from tbe pantîy and taking tbem ta yaur local fire ball, gracery store or even directly ta tbe faod bank can belp ensurc the caonomys îigbtening gnip an tbe bungry is loosened. Tbe fnod bank alsa accepts manetary donations, wbîcb can be ctînverîed inta even more food tbanks ta the collec- tive buying power created by multiple danors. For those wbo struggle ta krep tbemselves from nerding a foodi bank's assistance, and tberefore ranit afford ta danate îooney ai food, tbe food bank wocîld probably welcoinr your aistance in brelpîng sort evcrytbing tbaî arrives durîng the bilggest seasonal food drives. And, since yau probably wan't mccl tbose you've belped, wetbank you for givtng and for înaking our cammunîty bel- it ter for everyonc. MAKING TRACKS: leramie lacohucoi pets iocked up' in a cell while visiting Alcatraz during his trip to Sac Francisco Take yoiîr calmni i new>spaper on YooLr cent vacation and send your'Champion Tracks' photos ta editorial@miitor)iadiancýioidion. Be sure to include destination information and everynnet names. Readers WriteLIà E-nmail letters to echtonal@mifltoncanachanichampiol com. Letors, whicb may be edit- ed, mus molude the wnrteî s nane, acdress and phone nuroer, A dog-gone nice act of kindness DEAR EDITOR: Oakville and District Humane Society On September 29, my nine-year-old and received the good news that it had son let out bis Maltese dog named Cody Cody int the backyard, like be daes One of aur neigbbours faund bim. every day after he cornes home from and took the time and effort tai actual- Hawever on tbis day be didtat real- tze tbat tbe gate was wide open because af tbe gusîy wînds. To make a long story sbort, we lost Cody Wr spent bours dniving araund our Hawtborne Village neighbourbood laaking for bim, but ta no avail. My son, feeling so bad, cnied bîmself ta sleep. Tbe next day we ralleri informatian given ta us was tbe loca- tion wbere our dag* was faurd, at Gazley Circle. We're sa tbankful for wbai this per- son dtd, as our son is now tbe bapptest persan in the world ta, bave bts dog back. CLINT GUZMAN MILTON Editor sDesk Pleae keep a birds eyie on BV the chukar thîs winter l'm fascinated by birds. Tbey interest me vo mucb, drivlasg csn be s danger ta mayself sud others when l'mri dis- trscted by a unique bird at the vide of tht road or flying above. Tbis iv especislly soi in rural Milton sround the Niagara Escarpmettt - s bsven for a vsriety of bleds of prey. However, i understand that even in urban Milton these days you csn flid interesting birds. it seems many of you are acquainted woth shbird nsmned BV the chuksr Partridge that inhabits the Vanter Drive/Bell Street ares- A resident sent in a photo of the bird she thougbt might be of interest sud, it turned out, there were, s lot of people very interevt- ed. 1 was tbrilled witb the dozens af respons- af the infarmation. Numerous readers gave es 1 received after the Champion published accounos of when and where tbey have seen the photo and sked readers ta the chukar and its habits. help identity the bird. According tai Frank E-mails were still coming in Sambelîs, the bird "enjays Wednesday - a week after publi- scrumimaging for seeds an aur cation, lawns sud ait first appears quite Seeing the photo in the stamne. However, it clearly bas its Champion bruih bsck memories -own circle of comfort - about for Penny Willes, the former 30 feet - wbicb wben invaded owner of a farmn in Orono, Ont., will raise ita head indignantly wbo wrote that for years she bred sud hurriedly scamper off down the gamne bird- . the sidewslk.e Many people provided very Sussu Snooks spotted, BV in detailed descriptions of the origin of the ber backyard on Sunnyvsle Crescent looking chukar scconspanied by photos and sources * see READERS on page A7 Zbir Qanabian Cbampion Miion, Conss>niy Newspaper tence i1860 555 Industnat Dr., Mrilton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classidaed:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 ww.miltoncanadianchampion.comi V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager Davidl Harvey General Manager Dpbhi K iciciar Editor in Chief Jill Davss Managing Editor Production Manager l'lm Cotes Circulation Manager Chaîlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Paie The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Advertisn is acceped on rire condiio tai, in the evn o ayporaphiaierocthatpo>rinofte admlis ing 'pace arcapied iry lire encneu itemr, togeier writh a reasnbie aoance fr sigateriiiilirt e cared fr, bt lihe balarn of the advertisement witl be paid for ai the appicable rate. lire publisher reseroîs the rgirl ta caiegorize advertaaereris or deoîvne. CCAB Audited Recoqotoard fai txcellenenc tay O Ia Ontario commrnrty O M Neuoopapers Asoiaion Canoadan Communit C+N Nr,papers Assotion Sbrn ewspapers Halon Ha t5a MILTON 1AJI-COME ~ SANTA le CLAUS ige BelFand PARADE UNITWAY' 0F MILTON CAl-AsA sas ' YYMCA ATIIFNA sO Mi e ..e5GA L Z àlzAw4jds Th iloM CiOi Charpaci eey e