ROPA 38 open houses to start next week in Milton By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Fuliowang a tbrcc ycac planning process, Halton Region will celease a proposed Officiai Plan ameudment guiding growtb and devclopment O 2031 and beyond at a series of open botuses beginning ncxt week. Dubbcd ROBA 38, the ameudment ancor- porates tbe resuits of tbe Regiuns Sustainable Halton planning exercise to accommodate new population and job growtb. It also mod- ifies the 2006 Regionai Plan sol it conforms witb provincial planning acts and policies including the Greenbelt Plan and the Places teu Grow Act, specifically the acts Growtb Plan for the Greater Golden Horsesboe. The Growtb Plan ondines a target for Halton to reacb 780,000 residents and 390,000 jobs by 2031, wbicb will actually require the Regiun te, slow down sligbtly the cote ni growth rt bný -\, pericticcr i\orer the past 20 scais, .aocotdîrg 5cr Rnn G.lenn, the Regions darectur of planning. The Regions popuelation stands at 480,000, accordang tu recent statistacs, mean- ing Haloon must plan to accommodate 300,000 more people. Mucb of tbat planning work was already donc an the 1990s wben tihe Region outlaned major growtb areas in Oakvelle and Milton. Another 155,000 new residents, mostly an nortb Oakvîlle and Milton, wall comte to under-constructaun or already-pianned areas, Glenn confirmed. For the remaining 145,000 peuple, tbe Region envisaons approxanoatciy 61,000 will be acconsmodated in aaafill deveiopnocnts withan the alrcadv built borundaries of Haltn's major urban areas. Specificailv. mnucb o[ that population wcruid bc focused in the pruvina.aally-oiatiined crban gruwth cen- tres of downtown Milton., downtown Burlington ansd madtown Oakville. New "greenfield" growth areas - essen- tially designating currently agricultural and rural lands for urban development - i Milton and Georgetown would accommo- date populations of about 60,000 and 20,000 respectavely between 2021 and 2031. Regional counical already endorsed in June a preferred option for where those residential areas as well as future empinyment zones would be locaed included on the main land use designation map in ROBA 38. To sec ROPA 38 in its entirety, visit and search'ROPA 38.' The ckatcs [for tbce ROBA 38 otpen bouses arc as bolbu.rss, î,oll iiiic, 0 tuf 9 , wath presentataun at 7 p.ns.). -Wednesday, Oct. 14 at the Milton Seniors' Activits Centre, 500 Cbalds Dr. a Tbursday, Oct. 15 at The Hall, Muid- Masters Sportsplex, 221 Guelpb St. (Hwy 7), Halton Hilîs - Tuesday, Oct. 20 at St. Bernadette Scbool, 1201 Heritage Way, Oakviile -Wednesday, Oct. 21 ait St. Jobn Scbool, 653 Brant St., Buriington Tim Foran can be teached at fJoiaani- toaacanadianchampî Complete collision repi arndreinisiný services e MOR 1 know Toyota knows that 1 wanLc ta lease. lýease ,Because 1 know Toyota has great Ieasu rates on îleSeait 2010 models. 1 can lease with case. NEW 2010 Matrix MSRP '> LEASE FOR sl9~9 1750 17-S271IV E PWSJ OF6 HWY 6.2L/10 KM (46 MPCIt CITY 7.BL/00 KM (36 MPG]t NEW 2010 Corolla CE M SR P 'IRN ri,înoaîl5,2150 LEASEFOR $750 i.1.E ovun 5.150l00 KM (50 MP)t CITY 731-1a0 KM (3e Macta NEW 2010 Camrg LE M SR Pcnoarlý ý,nio.e24.900 (E AS FOR ] $500,11C,,"lv, 02149291 PUIS ,e HYL/100 KM (46 MPct~ CrTY09 ociaoa KM las MPGtr NEW 2010RAV4 12591ý,4.29 191a1,n lac 010015 4wu HW69u.loOOKM 1MPcît CIrY 9uLlOOKM IOOMPG]t I* No securrdy deposh on 20l0leases. VL m iad tima fi tac attars avaitabta trom Toyota Financial Seruices or aproved cred it urs, regrsttaran PPSA, insutatoe applicale tees and tax- es aie extra MSRP of a neat 2010 Corolla (Mortel BU42EMA), 2010 Matrx (Modtel IOOOEEMA), 2010 RA04 (Model ZF4DVPA) and 2010 Camry (Model BF36IITAI ns $15,260/$16,440/$24,345/$24.900 pluslfreight and PDE of $1,3201,320/1,4901$1,420. Taatforfuel conseraation s $75/$75tfor MatrcljCamryý AISl9/ /,fi rance OPA etruals $4241$457/$697/$13 per month for 36136/36/36 months. Cost of borraarng is $0/$0/$747/$768 for a total ob- ligation of $15,2601$16,440/$25,092/$25,668. 112.9%aa/9*/ /2.9% lease APR for 48/48/48 mots or a revu 2010 Carotta (Modal 8042EMA)1 2010 Matrax (Modael "U4EMA) and 2010 Camry (Madet AF36KTA), Whnryoapply the$70/0$500$SCuatatte Incentive rttnttrly payment rs $1491$149/$249 narth a $2 g001$2 , 720/$3,401 dlawn paymer fac ae equrvalent, ard ti rst morthty payment due at tease rflaaptian. Tota faise obligatran ns $9,143/$9.872/$15 353 plos treidht and POE ofî $1320/1t.3201t.420. Basent oa a maxrmumr oft96,000196,000/96,000 KMS. Addrtianal KM ctharge atof 0$01$ 10 tor anneon kirome- test applrcabte. t$7501$70$500 Cuttomerrne ntt ferovaîd ot ratait delivumyofa rew 01 Caoclia, Matrrxand Camry, whan fi nanoed. leased or porchased taom1 an Ontaria Tayata dealarshrp. Vehîcte mont be ragîsterad and datîuerad betateer Oataber t and Octaber 31, 2009. *4.9% lease Opa for 48 oton a trou 2010 $004 (Moadet OODVPA). Marthty paymart as $259 with a $3,621 daowr paymert arttride equioalert, and ri tnt marthy paymert duenat rease inaaptran. Total lana obligatior is 16,053 plus traîght and POE ot $t 490. ased nn a maximumt ot 96.000 KMS. Addîtiaral K(M charge of $.t aa, frencean klromettes It appliable. tThean estîmates are based an the Goverrmert or Carada's appraoed arîterra and festina mafhoda. Thn actuel tuai cansumtran of ttese vehîacles maoovary $eter teothe0oerment ot Canada publicaain EtarGuide Fuel Corsumptror Guide. A11 righto are ... raaarued. Dealer may silles for lesa, Quarntfes ot ceraneiclas arIre imd a00 dnaler Irade may Se required Dealer radle aoaîlabrlity may aise be limrter! and wîll cary Sy modael. OTer ualrd Ontourar Qotober 1 000 Ocooor 31 2009 and are subîect tu crarge mîthour tontce Pîruse sea yaar parorcpatîna Tayata Dealter tnor ldataIs 905-875-1 700 1245 Steeles Avenue (Corner of James Snow Pkwy. & Steeles Ave.) southvTlew dental Dr. David Johnson Dr. Loukas Papas Providing Dental Care in Milton since 1993 Naew Patients Welcome 905-876-4701