Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 2009, p. 7

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Readers Write E-mail your letters to editorial@rniloenadianchampion.mm. Please keep your cats indoors DEAR EDITOR: Receut eveuls have iuspired me le write this lerter, and i îhiuk uow mighî be a good lime for cal owners le step and thiuk about leîîiug their cals roam the neighbourhood. i have îwo indoor cals and the culy lime they gel le go eut- side is wben I'm lu tbe yard wiît îbem. One is a little more adveuîurous and bas figured e ut that il eau climh the feuce, se ils sîuck weariug a itamess sud leasi tol keep it lu the yard. Uufertuuately, mauy ueigb- heurs areult 50 cousîderate sud shlow their cals le wauder the ueighhouritood. Il's cerîaiuly nor farr le my cals when oîher cats corn e My windows and deers and drive my cals crazy Cals are very ter- niterial and dont like other cals ccming ente their preperly Recentiy my cals were siltiug at the door and windows wheu a cat appeared on the cîher side of thte window or screen. Tbis resuiîed in my cals geîring very augry (you ceuld tell hy the hewls îhey iet eut) and a fight ensued. Because of incousiderate cal ewners, I've had damage doue te my screeus - the visiîiug cals pur iteles lu îtem witeu try- iug le attack my cals - and dry- wail, as my cal îried le gel away from ils owu wiudew. The problcmt is sericîrs enough îhaî eue of my cals was attacked lu ris own yard hv a neigihourhood cat, and my car was unahie te, defend himself properly hecause it was caught Up en ils leasit. Cats aren't safe wandering thte sîreets and ifs net fair te the neigiheours wben these cals use teir gardens as a litrer box. What wili the cats owners tell titeir kids when titeir pet is kilied by a car, eals a peiseneus plant in semeones garden or gels into semeîbing cisc îbaî makes îtem sick? Se le ail cal owners and par- îîculariy tose in my neigiheour- itood, Barclay Circle and Kerr Irail, picase be considerate sud keep your cals insîde. TINA HARVEY MILTON Terrific turnout for mayor's golf tournament DEAR EDITOR: Tbrougb the tremieudous efforts cf all iuvelved, tbe nintb annual Mayors Golf Touruameur for tbe United Way cf Milton, beld on September 11, raised a record $ 149,265. lu total, the Icuruameut bas raised apprexi- maîely $1 millicn fcr the Uuited Way cf Milteu, sud many people ru cur ccmmunily bave been belped as a direct rcsult cf this eveut. Ou bebaîf cf ort board, I'd like 10 express my sincere appreciaticu îc Mayor Gorci Krautz and tbe crgauiziug ccmrntee, includiug ce-chairs Hal Watson and Maric Belvedlere - or 2008 United Way Volunteer cf the Year - as well as Carol McDouald, Tom Tamblyn, Phil Prestrdge, Andrew Siltala and Paul Crrpps The success cf titis eveur wouldu't be possible witbcuî the dedicaîed efforls of these people. I'd aise like 10 îbauk tbe sponsors sud partiel- panls cf the louruameul, many of wbom have been rnvolved for years. The spirit cf volunteerism aud pbîlauîthrcpy is alive sud well in Milton. Tbank ycu. LESLEY MANSFIELD, BOARD PRESIDENT UNITED WAY 0F MILTON Just what more can he do to prove himself? from NO on page A6 bri wit lte cilcuisiels -citai- ieuged Avalanche. Heck, îust bis pcwerpiay prc'wess aioce sitcuid earn irm scme spotciuty cn a club tai rankcd near rte league basement lu titat deparî- meut. Ttrcw ru lte fatt titat ites been a captaru with twc AHL I îeams (Chicagc Wolves sud (Grand Rapids Criffins) and a tcp cffensive titreal wit tbree (îicldng te Milwaukee Admirais) and Haydar's consis- leur value is beyeud quesîicn. Recenriy dubbed tite 'Crasb Davis' cf prc hockey - a lic- trouai lcng-rime mnice lecague star witc neyer quite reacited 'The Show,' for tite few spcrts fans wito've never seen Bul Durham - Haydar bas cieariy estabiished itimseif lthe mcsî acccmplîsited AHLer of tite past decade, sud cue of thte best ever. But bc'd giadly trade tit sta- tus lu for an extended sîay in lte brg leagues. Will that finally ccme? Stay tuued, spcrts fans. Police constable upholds old bylaw that prohibits skating on Sundays MTme Capsules' are gems of infor- mation e>traatedfrom past issues of the Chamýpion and other publications in order ta provide a window into Miltonspaswt. &xplanatory comment is sametimes provided to place the situa- tion ini context December 1913 it is reported that last Sunday two young men were skating on the pond and a constable was sent to warn them off the ice, with a prosecution under an oid bylaw of the town, passed in the '50s as an alternative. The young men took off their skates and went home. if Sabbatit desecra- tion is to, be stopped by law ail dese- crators should be treated alike. Motoring is on ail fours with skating and there is net a Sunday while the roads are good that joy tiders in motor cars and in horse-drawn veii cles are not seen in our streets, but nobody interferes with them, possi- bly hecause of the wealth of the own- ers of the cars, but more likely because there is no applicable law Toronte is noted as a strict Sabbaîarian city, but Toronto news- papers said that last Sunday, as usual when the ice is good, Grenadier Pond was covered with skaters. It ls flot generally kuown titat Halton County wll ship fromt its apple orehards in an ordiuary seasen over 100,000 harrels of apples cf thte finest quality Betit the apples and pears tit brougbt the record high prices on thte Glasgow markets this season came fromt Hairon eounty Apples front Halten county obtained more first prizes ar the recent berri- cultural exhibition held at Toronto titan auy otiters. Previeus te ibis year Halten as a eeuuty neyer had an exhibit at Toronto, but in September, Roy A. Carey, Manager of the Oakville Fruit Growers' Association, made application te thte ceunty counicil fer a grant of $200, te cever the expense of putting up a ceunty mâ t on * capsules *ciî exhibit aI Toronto. Tbis was given and appies were gaîhered front Georgetown, Burlinglon and Oakville, 700 boxes in aIl. Out of eight entries they took five firsts and three seconds, about $350 in ail. So weil plesd was the Deputy Minister of Agriculture wiîh this exhibit that hie had part of it sent te London, England and the balance te Glasgow te be piaced on exhibit there and fiye boxes ef Baldwins wll be exhibited at the International Exhibition in New York in February against ail corners on the continent. Prom Oakviiie sud Broute stariens titis season over 20,000 barreis werc shtpped îc west- ern points sud abeut the same uum- ber from the Georgetown district. Burlinglen bas for years exported te Glasgow, a very large proportion of their pack. Local merebauls say that ueîwitb- standing tbe bard limes the Christmas trade bas neyer been brisker titan now, exeepî that in beavy winîer cioîhing whicit bas heen affecîed by the mild weather. Since il froze uver there was spien- did skating en thte pend until il was speiled hy Tuesdays suew sterm sud the youug people geueraliy îeok advauîage cf it. Se far titere is ne ice in rte riuk, but men bave been at work for some days at ice-makrug. Titey ueeded suew for il sud Tuesday's dowufall was weicome. This material is asscmbled oir bchalf of the Milon Historical Society byJirn Dills, who cuir be reached through the society ut (905) 875-4156. rust damage from spreading further! Cail tor an appointmnent le beat the Fai! rush! ,I1dIfJr té c I ýýtýcà rc '0i 7-3G 1 Indspa Drmu

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