Il nShould you hire a mover? Things to consider first If you're gettîng ready to move, its tîme ho -c step hack and take a careful look ah the t situation hefore you make any decisions ahout 0 hose you're gonng to move or whos goîng to t move yo. Faîlune to do su conuld resultin ai Z veix unhappy adveniure and cosi you more . money than you'd helieve. 0 If you're just movtng around the block or :E < doîng it yourhelf. You may thînk that ail tUs v gonng ho cosi you 1h the trmck rentai and a case Z of heer for your froends who help, hut statostis show that 86 per cent of people who have moved themseives would neyer do oh agann and that often îhey spent more than îhey would have had îhey had the job donc professoonally. Whats ofne' : frrg'rtten hy those who thonk self inoves ane iioexpensive are the unexpected costs associated wiih vehocie rentai overtime, extra insurance, breakage and damage. The fîrsi thing you shouid really do, regardiess of how far you're movnng, Oh to take a look ai your options. Moves can be a simple exercose in cost-conscious management, or they can he a logosticai budget-husting nnghtmare, and the one making the decosoons (yoct) ns mosi olten the decîdnng factor. To&, many peoplc make moving decîstons tort quicly especoally ihose who are henng îransferred. They get notice they have to move and the whoie househoid is on an immecliaie uproar. Rareiy do they take the tîme to thnnk ahout the situation, or to write down an actual plan of what îhey1re goong to do. Accordnng to experts, the biggesn mostake home owners make when they're geîuing ready for a move os in the seleciion of whoq going to move them. Too often the decoston ns made on pnice alonte. The Yeiiow Pages are art excellent resource in which ho, fond who the movers are on a particular area, but îhey should certainiy not be your oniy resource. An advertisement, whether ifs on a phone book or a biliboard, simply seon't give you the knnd of information you need on order to make a sensible decision about who should move you. You've got to do a lot of homework if you don't wanî ho set yourself up for an expensîve fali. When looking ah movers, theres a fess îhings you should niake score to check oui. For example, hose long have they heen on husiness? fuse much expenience do ihey have? Have ihey handled your type otf muse before? Do îhey have regular, fuill tome, professionaiiy trained staff? Are îhey associaîed wiîh, or agents of, any of the national or onternation moving companies? Money, in ierns; of the cosi of your move, is someîhong else you should look ah nighî from the stant You don't seani any surpnises. Is thecopn wiliing ho give you a imqut that they'll love with? Do they carry the kind of insurance you need to fully protect your valuables? Have they had a proihlem with lusses or pilferage? There are also the important littie extras. Like being able ho guarantee that your goodh %Aill be delivered to your nese home on tarme. Another is the you abhorh home of the extra cohth ihat are aiwayh associted wtth a move. Thtngh like ýydthcounted rateh [or automobile rentais, and motels and meals in your new location whbile you're getting seîtled. A go--od mover weill normally have working relationshtps estabished with a vaniety of compantieh offering these and other herviceh that are so important in thohe fnrht few days. Your WUNTR Y 4-HOM>NIE!S FJUOR1 Y WESOFi PNU *WORLDS 'e264-1111 mixx.pço DELIERg T 5150 HioOMES1] i m nCustom built bungalow loc on 65 acres w/2 small Slunning showcase home w/400l0 sqft of tinished *MLS LISTING *itiICAT hAGENT ponds, trees & scenic views. This beaulitul home iuxutv on ravine! Feat ri150K in top qualit *SAIGAVC APONIINTBOI is approx 2800 sqtt & teat. sfone exterior & more upgrds, designer kitchen w/maple hw tirs ~&more *NEWSPAPERAoh COLOUSFdL FtdATUR SHErtS & k4oRE --- «.. - ne.1 ... - un ah a-fi / oILW- ,unu,,an ShCuuiaîainrrts .. itîuanourte Oilv or solv. nie ore sinonr Mjn6a Roais Ac. cooaonued M Ch roniernuO Elizabeth Dosill oo S RerSoat e INCREDIBLE PACKAGE - HEATED SHOP nernna 0 Gurgeous Bugalowe witb massive open concept kit., 905-877-5165 prulnssuuuatly tiuiobed tuseer level re/gemtes rulm. udoellttrehoatcom bar, media roumi, gym, slte fluors and fireplace' Huge lnsalluhilsomanson almot 1600 sq. lit HEATED SHOP witb office sae -Prîsate trend 1 acre lot aveu bas a putting gren.aAtt' titis mithin min. uf Milton, Georgetuown. Guelpb &dl 1major highwaysi Cuit Elizabetht Duei0 butore it s soud 90o 878-810, 1 7 aivytaan GREAT FAMILY HOME -ACTONi Wtny ren when you cat buy a tully teaturnd homv al tis - priceh This tastetolly decorated 4-bvdroom, 3-battrroom rondo townhouse backs on a wooded anna, an otfers a great ROYAL mi e ayaut with etn-in kitehen, larte Lt/OS with tas t/p, master lsdrm wih 2-pitre ensuite, and tînished basement wîth walk out~ nao a ly tencod rean yard. $179,900. --- --- ----IIMIAM tOl% ... virtual tours at Customa buit bungalow on 2 acres in Ern offering snonning vlows. Upgroded bitciten, soaring vaulted ceilings, bardwood fleurs, spuctacolar 2 sided stone fireplace. Finished w/o base- ment with tas fireplace and radiant heated floo. Centrally located -witlrin 20 minutes of Guelph, Orangeville, it M Georgetown, Millton. M15#X1607203 Sandre Brianceau *Sales Represeusanîna Ei 519-833-9714 A SIMPLE GIFI FROM MOTHER NATURE! Hellen 9M577-5165 Undnrstatnd elegauce exodes in skis futly updtd home. wwwSBTMtaio Amaziug kit, w/centre island & w/o tu picturesqun 8 -acres. A perfect haven for relexing or can nasily bu couveried tu hobby ferm/nqueotrian sntap. Yeusve gut L_______ tu check Obus ne ous' Cai Sendra oday! 09-361-91 fî mo-878-6232 Diirect Une 905-87"-OlO ROYAL LEPAGE Immocalate Hume Sitaatud On A Corner Lot Close To Downlown Milton. Completely Renosated Kitchen Willii Amont '/00 With Top Of The Lins Cabinets Chetis Deok, Bailt In Buffet & Hatch And So Mach Mare. Garneoaî pose flooro & 9' ceilingo. 1w ij ant toreatoi me 2 itryorr ý u o t , . tnoo-T We~ ~ Yt TF, *eie - le TA PER 1,000i qpF F YE S. y-- fy, Dimne Wolmatenholme, _ slsReprslnatie TJ: n905-1078-2341 et 212 ï