CD CD C IN EO 0 0 0 1o. 2 Items for Blue Box "Aluzminum foil & tays "Aluminum food & " Bo>ed beverage " Plastictbs& il4st Items for GreenCart s Turkey, inckuing bories B uns & sffing *Crafiberes *Paper plates& ups Itemns for Garbage LCBO Bag It Back: Return items to The Beer Store for a refund of your deposit. Beer and wine botules (glass, aluminium, plastic) e Liquor Tetra Pak a Bag-in-Box More Blue & Green fora Better Planet T i c ulvýcii ig b - ts o ai îÀ Si,ýà- c4s ei rosh ï'r Unless it's a breath of Presli air in your perfectly climate-controlled home. A Lennox' Home Comfort System maintains constant humidity and temperature settings, and protects your family Prom indoor air hazards including pollen, pet dander and dust mites. Cail us today ta bring the freshness of outside air -in! $1,000 Rebate 'TERRY XROWLEY rngchtniojI1 a.1 PRý'EMIRà'àr' ï- 925 Main Stree Ea, Unit 3 Mili.nnON Lti 4H8 905-878-1979 5fr expires 11/3009. © 2009 Lennox Idusies Inc Lenno deales incleidedpendîenty owed adoperaied busiessies *ee yu paricipaii Lennoe dealer for deiais. One effet available per quaifiring puiçOise, Rebaiî ioue is valid ny ih thepurchase ofosaiisîg Lnniiapoducts. -Contautiei loca tax piiissialfoi mretiomaion. GRAHAM PAINE /CANADIAN CHAMPION GROUP EFFORT Participants in the recent fundraising run/walk far Hope Place Treatment Centre make their way south on Bronte Street after heading aut frQmn the Milton Fai Grounds. New to Canada and Iooking for work? If you're Looking for a job, you can improve your job-searching skills with... job Search Workshops (JSW) for Newcomers This 4-day workshop is ai no cost to qualified applicants and takes place in Milton. For more information, cal[ 905-693-8103, ext. 207 or visit $250 Pebate LE£NN7O sitàm in 'irax enwM fnay be ave,*e wddr fine mwtaooo ut MOI