VZ 'f0 CLARE INTHE ARK:Abou 150E re0et f h lre omnt atee 0el recent Clarke c the Park funfair, co-ordinated by local realtor and resîdeot WVahid Amin. The event, ho d inthe Clarke Neiqhhouirhood Park cames, live eriterraînimerst ano refresh- ments. At left, the eveot aimed to briog Sthe commuolty together and raise h. fonds for the schooPus 'learning garden' , ~ project and United WVay of Milton through the sale of pizza donated by - ' ~Pizza Nova. Above, John Perreira per- ar ~ forms. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MEDINA PECO DPG is proud to sponsor Bruce Trail Day. Briog your family out 10 the TroPl for foc activities and a guided hike through some of Ontario's most beautiful acecery. Sucday, October 4 Chec cu th Upomin EvntssecionMommogroms con soue Lices by findinq breant changes in the at brucetrail.org or caîl 1-800-665-HIKE one ta two years- te find out more. Colt an October ta book Uaur mommogram ut o participatinq Location in Bront, Haldimand acd NorfoLk, HaLton, HamiLton r **~or Niagora and receice a free gft. opg biodiveraîty.ca OPG is for the birds and ali the fiera and fauna ot Ontario CutI the Ontorio Breost Screeninq Progrom cf 1-800-668-9304 fora Location near Wou. Be acre ta mention the Be o Breoul Friend Project whea Wou colt ta renerce jour free giftl