SNothing too impressive about quirky romantic comedy! Free/once writers Murray Townsend and Jennijer Snmith, who have veiy diffirent tantes in film, review a marie currently playing. This time is was Murray's turn to 'Pick a Flick' and he chose thc roman- tic camedy Love Happens. Plot: When a selfhclp outhor (Aaron Eckhart) arives in Seattle ta teach a seminar, he unexpectedly meets the one pet-son Ulenni/er Aniston) who msghtfinaliy be able to help him help himtsel What Murray thinks For example, Jennifer Anistons As soon as this movie cames out cnaracter wnites oaa woras on watts on video yau'ii rush ta see it. behind pictures for no Just don't rush ta, apparent reason, and the thë movie tbeatre. twa main characters go It's nat the up in a cherry picker ta, worst movie, watch an autdoor con- although it tries cert by Rogue Wave. awfully bard. It Who? Not exactly U2; wants ta, add quirki- get your tickets at the nees ta the mix, but or cames off as heing taa contrived ta Tbey even bave a slow clap bc taken seriously scene, wbich nowadays is used in Women selers resilient says Brown fromn BOOK on page B3 wbo ftrst approached Dils wit the tdea of the book - Tbroughout ber work on the book, Brown said she as welI as Cbudleîgbs, Given Road West was struck by the resilience of the wamen settiers; it Communications, Home Hardware, the family of the only takes a walk tbrougb the Boston cburcb cemetery late James Snow and the Milton Historical Society ta sec same of theru bat mare than anc cbild. After the Iauncb, the book will be available at the "To be miles froru overseas and miles from ncigb- Waldie Blacksmitb Sbop, Milton Home Hardware, haurs... l'm nat sure bow tbey endured it," Brown said. Rccycled Reading, Harris Office Pro and Spice O'Life. Publisbing of the book was ruade passible by spon- Stephanie Hounseil con be reached at sthiessenCa»nil- sors Ancîrces s Scei At rcs, -l ets Ber t Anîdrews s hum oiadiai hitiuio.î OOi movies ta be funny The Seattle scenery ia fiee, although it was aiea hilmed in Vancouver, which je nice too. The sbory idea isn't bad, the supporting cast isans bad, the acting isn't bad. Overall, the movie isn't that bad. Problem je that it isn't that good, either. 1 give it 2.2 stars out of 5. What jennifer thinks Love Happens is a romandic cam- edy that manages ta be neither ramantic nor comedic. In fact, al the funniest lines go ta a cockatoo. Lt took me a while ta figure out exactly what was wrong with this movie, beaides the endless trave- logue. shots of Seattle and the painfully obviaus product place- ments. lit started off tolerably weII as a rather Iightweight 'love/hate at first sight' star34 and Aaron Eckhart at Ieast showed some promise of depth. Bot as the story grew more &à__ ý@àffljt àà.MsLý FULL HAIR & ESTHETIC SERVICES 17 Wàon Dr. (Moin & Vil»n) 905-693-0878 u î 1. è Gas Fireplace Repair aSWe Service: CPM, DRU, GSW, Hunter, Security, HearthStone, Montigo, Lennon, nsta-Fiame, Valor, Napoleon, Regency, Teno Kîngsmnan Polaris, Heritage, PÀ Maen c, Heat-N Gin, Heatitator, Drolet, Continental, Vermount Caating, f .' e9 S GIDvr aiîcEeg Osbourne & many other brande. gùtee s,2 905-845-0701 E~ EMAIL: scott@gaafie ca murray Jenniter Townsend Smith seriaus, 1 kept expecting the ema- tianal stakes ta get a little bigher. A tragic sethack. A drcadful secret. Sometbing. lnstead, every sharp camner bad been removed. The tragic sethack is easily averted, the not-so-dreadful secret is revealed and resolved in tbree minutes flat, and everyone lives happily ever after. The end. There, 1 juat saved you an bour and 49 minutes. 1 give it two stars. Go rent Away We Go înstead.