Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 2009, p. 34

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Dateline > Dateline is a frec listing available Sta local commounit-v gioups to assist in 2promoting tlies, coîning events. Onlyv o charitablc or- non-profit cornnunity Sgroups may use îlots set-vice. We guar- < antee one issue of publicity of the v event although more inser tions are z oin THE INVENTION OF LYING (PG) lANGUAGto MAY OffEDin'55 TOY STORY & TOY $1001 2 3D DOUBLE FEMMUE II SUOROtATES (PO) NT RE iýN KRNV FAME (PO) ýAhGG KiA c, TR MNooiîiS e 40 930.5 12 20 0ii 150 3 FUME (PO).ssîs (LNGAGlMYlîsN STA &STROLLliSSîiEiINGi iHR 100 TRAILER PARK BOiS: COUNTDOAN il LItOOR DAY lOUA) tCAîivSss NUAG SUBSTACEABSE CRU ICONTET)ii MON iiiibil L 950îaîîo SA SN1232 50S CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS Il FR MONiiu iHR 093 U l 5050 2di a 5 i 07710 3 CLOUEY WIYiI A CHANCE 0F MEATEAILS Il 17000& SiIilR SRlsiNG liilll1a TH4E INFORMANTI (14A) îîîîîî Laî,îosl FRIiiusi MO n soiu 4 4 a Ssi o 30' 564594 possible if space peîanits. Dateline notices sloould bc e- mailed ta editorial@miltîuanadiata- clîampion.com. hefinal dcadliîîe noon Monday for Wcdniesday's edi- tion and 5 p.nî. Tuesda-v foi- Fridays edition. Dateline itemns won't be accepted by teleptoonc. Saturday Oct. 3 The Milton Histarical Society officially taunches its latcst book, entitled 'Halions Scotch Block - The People and Their Stonies,' tram 10:30 a.m. ta 2 p.m. at Boston Presbyterian Cburch, 9185 Third LUne. The book is authared by jim Dîlis and Gloria Brown. Cali (905) 875-4156 or e-mail society@bell- neteca. Milton Transit hasts the Thanksgiving Stuff-a-Bus ram- paign fin 10 a is, to 3 p. m. ot Wal-Mart on Sîceles Avenue, with nan-perishable food donations being accepted ta help titi a bus for the Salvation Armny Visit www.mil- ton.ca or cati (905) 878-7252, ext. 2182. The Milton Curling Club, 65 Mitîside Dr., hasts an open house tram 5 ta 9 p.m. for anyone inter- esting in checking out the tacilities and giving curling a n'y, Cail (905) 878-3341 or (905) 691-5280. The Milton Seniors' Activîty Censtre, 500 Ciods Dr., hotds uts Mom ta Mom Sale tram 9 a.m. ta noan. Buy or seli your gentiy used chitdren's items. The cost is $20 per table. To reserve a table, caît (905) 875-1681. Admission is free. Saturday Oct. 3 - 4 A fundraising garage sale and car wash takes place at 52 Peru Rd. (Steetes Avenue and Tremaine Road) with kids' activities, food, clowns and mare. Residents are wctcome ta bring a bianket or table and selI their own items. The rain date is the fotlowîng weekend. Tbis event is in support af the Happy Club community peer support and recreatian club. Cati Tammy at (905) 693-9025 rc enmail suniraytansmv l72 Clsotinail.consi. Monday Oct. 5 Milton District Hospital holds a anc-on-anc breastfeeding clinie with a certified lactation consultant tram noon ta 4 p.m. To make an appaintment, cati Jiti Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hotds bit- liards from 9 arn. ta 9 p.m., dupti- cale bridge from 9.15 a.m. ta noon, Cyber Cafe from 110o 3 p.m., tap dancing from 2 ta 2:45 p.m. and table tennis from 7 te, 9 p.m. Tbe cost for each activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Bid cuchre is heid from 1:30 ta 4 p.m. at a cast of $2.50 for members and $4.50 for non-members. Cati (905) 875-1681. Tbe Learning Disabitities Association of Hatton hotds a free session tram 6:30 ta 9 p.ns. witb a guest speaker addressîng residen- tiai schoals for chiidren witb severe teaming dîsabitities. A donation is requested. To reserve a seat, cati (905) 333-1977. For information, visit www.tdahatton.ca. Tuesday Oct. 6 The Milton Toasimasters Club mnects ai tise Roy ai Caîsadiats Legion, 21 Chartes St., in the upper hall frram 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. Please arrive at 7:15 p.m. ta meet and mingle. Everyones wetcome. Cail Denise at (905) 878-3684. Milton District Hospitat holds a anc-on-anc breastfeeding clinie with a certihied lactation consultant tram 9:30 a.m. tal 2 p.m. Ta make an appaintment, cati Jill Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Calling New Parents, a free drap-rn program for parents and babies aged six months and yaunger, meets at the Ontario Early Years Centre, 410 Bronte St., from 1:30 ta 3.30 p.m. Caîl (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., holds bil- liards from 9 arn. ta 9 p.m., Downsizers Weight Loss Club from 10 ta il arn., Scrabble from noon ta 2 p.m., cnibbage from i ta 3 p.m., bingo tram 1:30 ta 4 p.m. and table tennis froînt 2:30 ta 4 p.m. The cost for eacb activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-mens bers. Evening Bid Euchre takes place tram 7:30 ta 10 p.m. ai a cost of $2.50. CatI (905) 875-1681. WeN'dniesday Oct. 7 Kerrys l'lace Autism Services presenits 'An Introduction t0 Autism Spectrum Disorder' front 6:30 tc0 8:30 p.m. ai the Halton Resource Connection, 410 Branle St. S. Tbe free worksbop provides basic infor mation on tbe disorder and services in Halton. Cati (905) 855-4984, ext. 200 or e-mail -se> more DATELINE on page 86 Ove th pas yers .. ..esabis . dee mot withi th -mnte ev n deeoe ston fie toteddctd elhrltdcaiista okwti h It's~~ ~ ou ga ohl vncWomnsHatinyu o uiy.% hewcnclb tone eihs nheih ae.FrmSetmbr26-Oco e - - effraloi IntheKilchen ~ ~ ~ .Hwom s . RaEtt . Hat Buy-Mom(u

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