n may se smoking ban at parks By Tim Foran incidence and mortalitv rates for CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF the part played by tobacco use. Those 2000-04 statistics rcv A Halton regional councilior bas floated the regîon baving lower incident thecidea of a ban on smoking on public prop- tality rates than tbe provincial a crties incltîcing mtunicipal ancd conservation cancer continues to be the third autborîîy parks. mon cancer in boîb Halton Burlingtons Vsard 5 Councillor Rick femnales and tbe nunîber one c. Goidring made a msotion ai 1-ltons bealtb Boîb rates bave declined sign committee Tuesday that wouid bave dîrected maies but bave been on tbe public bealtb staff te, investigaîr tbe ban. femnaies in HaIton and Ontario si However, the commiîtee voted to first send Haiton regional councilI the motion out îo tbe iower tier munîcipali- endorsed one smsoking ban ti ties and conservation autborities for feed- April, counicil voted to, ban smc back, as tbey bave responsibiiity for parks. nine metres of tbe approximately Regionai counicil tan endorse tbe recom- ipaily-ow ed properties in Haiti mendation at its meeting tbis Wednesdlay. civie centres, libraries, public a During discussion of Goidrings motion, and sports centres. Haiton Regional Chair Gary Carr said its Before ibat ban will take e important for munîcîpalities to, understand requires consent from councils a the Region îsn't trying to interfere witb local four lower-tier municipalities. municipal niaiters but ibai i bias a rcsponsi- Burlintigon bavec alrcacl} passcc bibisv or licalib pi otiotion a", paît i ils pubi cndoi sîng i lic Ioba is c lic bealtb mandate. Milton antI Halton Hîlîs "The single best tbîng we can do t0 reduce addressed the matter. cancer is to elîminate smoking," be saîd. Multons administration andi Oakviile Mayor Rob Burton questîoned mittee will review tbe proposed wby iben the Region doesn't ban the sale of 19, wbile Haiton His' corporati ail tobacco produicts in Halton. mittce will discuss it October 21 Carr tesponded be believes the Regions at eitber of the two municipal legai counsel would say ibats not possible. tbe ban, it will come into effeci "How do we know tbat?" asked Burton, mnontbs later. Tbe Regions p tbougb be dîdn't push the matter any furtber. inspectors or police can enforce Goldring's motion followed the commit- Tim Forait can be reached a tees discussion of tbe most recent cancer toncanadianchampion. com. M Halton Regio Comp lete colisioti repair anreis-i, nservices g g'g lm ek Hialton, andl cal, despite ce and motr verage, lung Most com- maies and ancer killer. ificantly for increase for .nce 1986. has already ls year. In îking witbin 150 munic- in including renas, pools ffect, it first t three of the Oakvilie and IresoIutiofls ciLiniti. i bavcn't yci finance com- ban October e affairs com- 0. If councils ities endorse tabout tbree ublic health the ban. t tforanCaýnil- - qt HVUflI Mà ADVANTAGE THE 2010s ARE HERE. 0ETRN % PURCHASE FINANCINO FOR PT 60 MGNTHls THE 2010 ACCENT L 30R QCH NNING THE 2010 SONATA GL FEATURING UEST-IN-CL*SS FURL ECOIIOM SIoPIJACIIE FINANCING U FOR 48 MONTHI $297- 9.14'ý THE 2010 VERACRUZ CL FEATURING 7-PASUEImEU 51511MB $33999 IoPORICKAS FINA N FO 24 MOINIS' $425--7.5%. l;llf!t iiit~ i~i~i 11911 ttll liii 111111 I;~iIi ilt~Ii 1111h ~iilIi tii~1 i:1~It 1il~ii IiI.i ~t~1i 111f' ~lij îi~l~1