Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 2009, p. 27

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9',a W-!ý . e Fvnrec~ cuir i~c aeersIZ IiariiiZ IiC IiIi li I uin carrières Dranch Manager and W dedy coe emrrd cor Financial Service Officer PUrosperlty W d ed y ctb r7 L ecrd co r ON o ba erigliaHlascma &R inea~ 5:OO Pm 17 h ProapartyOEhsbe evigteHlo omnity iie1957. Wîlh nearly 11,000 mambans and locations te Actas, Burlîsgton, Milton and Georgetown Prosperîtp ONE has more thoni 0300 million in finooncial E ta c~~m productu undar administration. Wa ara dedîcsted ru prooîdîng oui En r n e ...Xa.u Examen_________________________ members wîlb o full range of fînianciol and "oalsa-addad' producto delîoered tinroogn qualilo porsonal service. vil are curreitly iaaking tar twa dynamic individuets ta lain aur Prasperity ONE team. vveanesday, October 7 Le mercredi 7 octobre a Branch Manager wba ls siraiegic, setf-contident, and resets I:0 iacussed. hou mîlI actiooly lead and manage onie of oOt largeat 1:0Pm 13 h branchas in Milton; psa mîlI initiale action la împrsae groolin and deoelop- ment tsf lina branch loas and invastmest portfolio; you mîli hase lina raspsnsibilîtp of proidîng leadership and direction ta aIl staff and Ihora- The Centre for SkiIIs TheCentre for Skiis fore should possesa exeplîonal inlerpersonal, people mranagement and communication akîlîs miîle also inleaatisg mîtin members and meeting Developrrient & Training Developn-tient & Training their~~~~~~~~~~~ piaca ed.Qaiidapiat eur ears of brancn maaeetexeine a sid~ un ersadn f relail cradîl and 860 Harrington Court 860, Harrington Court înveslmerl producla înclsdisg avalid Matual Fsnd licence.B rigo ,O ulnt ( N a Financiai Service Otticer who ls proactive, goat-rienied and B rigoO ulntn( N reseits-driven. In Ibis position, pou wlI provîde breaktbrougn service to our mambers Ibrougn actîeely marketing sur prodocîs and services, omplopîng consultative sellîng praclîces for ouî full range of lendîng and invssîmant producla and acting as a liaison belmeen 551 membeta and Registration/lnscription 1 -877-RCMP-GRC (1 -877-726-7472) oa@ Oà oume VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE & ADMIN Our client, a gromîng, succasaful, prîoatalp owaned famîly business r in e H A I slralegîc, anergelîc 'bands on' accsunling profasaronal milin a passion for ail aspects of business speralions. hou mîlI ha reapossible for ail RECEP1.IONIST/ activities relaled 10 finance, accourlîrng, administration, and information SALES ASSOCIATE sysfems. MusI be operationa fscused, able la msrk strategicelly andi laclîcall, hase a atrsng aptitude for systemai. Fiequired: a unîsersty needed for Large Reteil Opticâi dagree pls accounling designatisn; 7+ years of progressive business, Shamroom, Idea candidates mili have finance, & accsunlîng experrence sn leadership roles mifh speraîlanal good communication skiffs and a flair ineolsemerl; sltong prujecl management and business analysia akilla; for fashion. Training mili be provided, ability t0 leeg erg baud collaboralîse relalîosabpa; saccesa in managing ratai expariancea emust. performance improvemenl and change initiatives; auceplional service Pleese drap off resume in persan et: orientation. Service I netail indusfry espetience is strsng asset. MusI be 79 Guelph Lino prepaned 10 wonk on rolalîng Salurdaya. Tbis is an eecîling spporunilp if (et Fairvtew) pou erîop a dynamic entrepreneurial ervîronment & the cinallenges of a Attention: Mike gowing organizalior. We lbank ail applîconîs in adanend0k formard 10 hnearing fnom pou. Ptease appty ta: irene@atignepeapte.cem J77lbe~ ar tas: 905-315-9057 f Shalom Manor R ' P ' & Gardons Ireqd A Christian Long Term Care and in Hatamiton AreaI Refirement Centre, bau spenînga for Ifer Ftu & HlN1 RN's, RPN's and PSW's ICiaice Please uubmit paon resume t0 Cati The Dinector of Cane TIC Ateef Nursiag 12 BartleIf Ave., Grimsbp, ON L3M 4N5 1 -888-761-»3456 eue ceinm Fax: 905-945-1211 swahab@ Emal: info@shalommanor.ca 1-ttcaursiang.ca 'R<aetae.ed eaU tedey~ ,eczftre I 2 aeke e.. i Weaae~aOtejtreew1 n The Milton Canadian Champion, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. has an immediate opening foi an: ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Thna qualifîed candidate mîli be a motîoated, indepeedent, self-starter dusv- an by achievement. Sales experience an assaI, You will posseso eacel- lent wriften and verbat communication skills and be familiar wrth Microsoft computer applications, n thîs roIe. you will be customer focused and wîll boîld stroog relation- shîps with new ond eaîstîog clients bp ensring that their adoentîsing needo are met. You wi11 be goal-orîeoted and capable of meeting tegulor monthlp budgets and opeciol section targots. If you woold lîka to work for a leader in theo media îndustry this opportu- nîty may balsae rîght one for you. A reliable oehicle as reqsired. Il interested please forward yaer restime by October 2nd. 2009 to: kendra.miller@metroland.com Fax: (905)632-0308 We apprecîafe the interest uf ail applicaoto however ooly thooa oolectad for au interview wll ha contactied. No phone catis or aganceu pIease. other relatad daparîmanta. Yoa wiii pnoactively identify and follow Ibraugn wîtb aIl mambarahîp grotn opportunities and partîcipate in ail brancn promotions and marketing compaîgna. Qualifîed applicants requira 2 years of parssa bankan expenience and a aolid uedenatanding of retail cradît and rovsameot producîs înclsdîng a Matual Fund licence. vie thank ait candidates; tsswever, aaly tbase ta be interviewed wiil be caatacied. No Phone Catis. Please apply in confidence, to: searcb@ prsperifpeneca Making every Woxr/t~ count Evero day, Fujifîlm connecra vwith cuatomera ta help îhem brîrrg Cheir special moments Ca life.. SEASONAL HELP - GIFT LAB Fuli-time Positions Available Warkîeg en aar Gîft Leb. me wîll rely an yaa ta, assist mîth a eariety of taska, inclading the menafactaring of photos, phatabooks, calendars, cards and phate glîts. Other respaesbiîtîea may saclade daily packaging and shîp- pîeg af praducts and maîntaining e clean and nef e work enoîrasmeet. If ou are an energetro, detail-ariented individual and passeas gaad arganizatian, cammunication and aime management skîtîs, and are leakîsa ta eern extra cash Ibis bof day seasan, we ment ta, hear tram pool Start date is fleaible depending an asailebiiity. Please farward peur resame and cover letter, ieclcidig the hears ou are avaîleble ta mark, tacecrers@fujlfilm.sa. FUJIfWILM _me, fee tirtt sa ~ tO ~ 9~t vww.fujifitm.ca Ask Us About... workopoIg, h cal 905-8 78-2341 ý-111

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