-- M Opo--iU oEXPERIENCED DENTAL Ki** Là. I - I ATTRIDGE TRANSIPORTATION INC. s currently looking for a SCHOOL BUS DISPATCHER for aur Hamilton IBurlington depot Applicant must have excellent skills in: " Compter - data entry * Customer Service " Multi-tasking " Phone etiquette " Excellent knowledge of Hamilton and Burlington area Knowledge of school or charter bus experience an asset. We offer competifive wages, on the job training & benefit package. Send resume ta: ayoung@attridge.com or fax ta: 905-333-3866 A HOLIDAY OPPORTUNITY O«M&eQsppetmnwl ultA pouAltIta $80 o me eatnsteaer iOuafiaionrr oînIUde great persnait, teern pte, People SUISn, lx ea WedThusandPvnamf y an oiearnextal M N Y A 5 M m o n e v a n d w n p rz o u w h it o i n g O ie c o n e t Pease cal 905878-2341 Or Kwinte Rd, Lazin Lane, O en Valley Rd. or005-632-44 Cal us no fnd onti yoar street s analah e Shnt eua Ian 905-076-2364 Circulation 905-845-9742 b mt be A 5tar KIDS! KIDS! ýréclact,,c.cae Moclo nclA t Ages2+-- nt TVîncl H Trt Wanled forTV & Ai a@c5 MoveJobs! neccc No Fees MeT/ Lme mmcc itely Wxmen16-65 ynx I -jè LmndSn ng0mains InOur Courses Needd f nam n 0 Oginning Nex Month Top Aenrcy. naId o sm!n ne i nsl sevcel fnacos, orplaces Cal ow! No extras andn ter natuoea oas and propane appliacces. G 0W Parents cali: Launch anew caree wth the helpof 416-221-38,29J (416)221-3829 Niagara and HalIon Ski ed Trados Academios 1-877-685-9393 iVaUa S ~Locatinns niOaknil St. Catharinos LOT PRSONCONCRETE RESTORATION LOT PRSONTECHNICIANS Rospunsîblo for car inoenlnry check in vnd o Wanîori Largo concrolo roninration compaxv displa, washing and deling veinîcles. Must is seeking Concrele Reoion Techniciann ho onlremely nrganized, have a valid driveros 0wr iorooloain xSnhî licenso, ahie Io molli-ask, and woîk in a qorck t oka aiu oain nSuhr paced environmenl. Ontario, Conpohhnnv wagool henofilol Email renomne to poension plan, Exerionce an assel. mbruno@wallacepnotiac.com Please cati 905-662-4020 for the next 3 onls (Pns- siblylner)enin a erindn tli prnoîrne, Piense eaul 905h6R1-0240. MILTON BASED business loonrrfror 010/ Tl hoe start. Apprno 16 hours cor nee milS flehe murs vienne sera rseso 10 jeremy@onnibrite.nom MILTON, LOOKING for na martlaie ndovduni for a nermacenl parlî,me d09 walkrrg positionr cnir 76.20 SOTWR I 1'OP Participiale in the narinas otages of software donolnpmonl lx ensone tîmely delînenO of state of ERP software modales and module enhanco- menis no Seradon cusolomers Provîde consoîlt ing services 10 Seradon coolomers on syslom functlonalit. *Assîst in the designofx nom ERP mndules In henetit nom and exsing Castomors. *Pnnnîde denelopmenl suppnrt lx the Seradox Castomen service team. *Wnrk indoponidentlv on cnslomîzed reports and code modales to salisfy a detailed design dncu- ment. *Pronrde knowlodge and insight on the latest technologies and methodologios hoîng aned for windows and weh hased deoelnpmect. *Oîplnma or dognee in computer prngnammîcg. -Excellent rtten and oral commooication skills *Oetaîl Orienlod *Prolicionl cn Microsoft hîsual Basc Net, SOIL Sennor and Microsoft Office producîs. *Weillnrganized and able o 10malli-task *Pamiliarily wîlh envotl report mrilicg mould ho ant assel. *Enpoune to manofaclurîng orgacîzalîcns wuldh an assot INTERESTED in the trades? Attend a FREE information session on APPRENTICESHIPS IN ONTARIO Thursday Ocleber 8, 20019 ai 6pm cail the YMCA in Burlington@905-681-1140 Fun7dedby the Ooveament OfOntarlo ook you b'Ide Sales I\u0e ten business groth, mie nre seekong ýjnamic cndioidal for the Inîlltime positiggent Retal sales Representative for the O enter Tohrlto ares. OAS BAR OPERATOR We are seeking a Commissioned Agent ta operate a high volume self-serve station in Milton. The successful candidate witl be a self-motivated entrepreneur, seeking a challenging and rewarding career in this retail secltor. Preference wilI be given to those with proven abilities in personnel management and training. 3 to 5 years experience in similar operation a defi nite asset. An initial investment is required and we offer a competitive compensation package. We request that you fax your resume to: Gas Bar Division Attn: Gary Taylor 905-861-2609 Mn MÀ md"55n %rtd indostil this opportunc may be tho riglif 000 for yo.We offer a compeoinov compensation and henefit package. Poil lime compensation inciades: - Ilealthcare and Dental Bmneits - Deferred Profit Sharing Plan - Life Insutance 3 WeeksRVacation to Start *Sales Incentives and Contest$ Career Developneran rd Advancement Oppertnlmes -Competitive Salary & Commission Structure fmIlt l bit?. 5W u 01À feoDé AtlntrAlwa POSITION AVAILABLE FOR PERMANENT FULL TIME If interested please forward your resume to: STYLE. FASHION. CREATE YOUR FUTURE WITH US! Become part of the BouClair HOME experîeice comno foi BURLINGTON NORTH (4517 Dundas Street East) Wo are currool lookiox for: SALES ASSOCIATES& SENIOR SALES ASSOCIATES If you have a passion for homo decoralion. send 0001 rsome o 10hr@bouclair.com 0100y fan to (514) 426-4938 Ask I.bout. adn workol$2 ,.I 9(1O-8O82341 C,1ý I Iilil.1fl (..olege i/abotjtour Train now for a career in; -riU r~J Massage Therapy, Dental Hygiere Detlysitfg CLIFJICS Primary Care Paramedic, Sports lnjury Therapy rBURLINGTON -KINGSTON .OSHAýWA O-TrTAWA. -PEýTERBOROUGH- .rrRICtHMONDeHILL-S-TCATHARINES---Tý .vTRONTO0r vnm Ys.t Customer Service ~-h00 Team Leader (Fulitime) Nnyior Ornup vui is currentiy recraîtîcg for a Costomer Service Tean Leader The nacceso- fui candidate miii posseno n minimam of 3 yenrs prenixas enponîence manngîng n con- tomer somîice/nrder desk bean. Encollent cxm- puter s01; and prnhiem noloing ability is regaîred. 11ncheiors dogîte is prettrable. Te APPLY, submit vaur resumne via emnail: careers@ngi.ca or fax toe: oos05. iO CMWfL - 1D w«f City Parent Nomsmagazino, a Division of Metroland Media Ornap Ltd. is Canadal leading regional - paroctitg publicatin. Pnblished motly t pîneidles targetod, cost etfectine adoertistng andi marketing oppsrtnnities to lod andi matinnaC busireesses incerested cn reachicg famtilles. AvMed wiccis# content relevnt tn local crniffnties provtdes the mont comprohensine infnrmation tnt thre what&tpmily. Ont ntice portal lcityparent.conl, acd mclfte specialty publicatins and enents preelde ativertisers mith one-stnp marketing solutins cx reac4.ceoadian familles. The qaalitied candidate ro.fH ho a motieated, P a r indepeodeot, selt-starter with proninas retail, natside Mbor inside sales experines ,~Yoa wilI posseso encollent vvrienc aixtveobal c*emu picainn skilîs acd milI ho a diiso o rbtiatedfto Wieioe resats. tWUL Inemo ii lnhisrfoie, yna wilI he customerfocused andvoii bild onct6 bn~orJst. 0 enaorîing tiaI their advertîaîng needs are mol Onu wîll plsSAn.~tî~ a~&nm~aM0 h goal orîented and capable ni meeting mnthly M . adIg b&a tiwsn m ltn targeta. A reliable nehicle is reqoireti. 1111